
Chapter 7

"You were sick? "

Sarada sat opposite a questioning Bulma and Doc Brief. They questioned her the second she stepped out of her room and into the kitchen. She refused to answer any questions until she filled her stomach. She slept for two months straight with no food,she was starving. But apparently they couldn't wait for her to finish eating so there she was, her mouth stuffed and two questioning scientist. One with a notepad,the other stroking his beard thoughtfully.

Sarada swallowed her food with the help of some water and sighed. She still had half a table of food before her and she planned on eating everything on it.

"Yes I was sick. A heart virus I brought back from Yardrat" Sarada explained. In all honesty she had completely forgotten about that crucial factor. It was a good thing her interface shut her down. She didn't know it could do that. She would have to question it on its abilities. She also noticed that it was more self aware. It started reffering to itself as "I". And while it's voice was a bit distorted and robotic the first time it was introduced it was now getting the voice of a elegant and sophisticated woman. Interesting.

"You say that so casually "

"I'm not sick anymore, why not be casual? "

The two continued to question her while she filled herself on Panchy's cooking. There wasn't much to tell. She was sick so her body took maters into its own hands and put everything into healing her. All that meant was that she stayed away from her family far longer than she had intended. She wondered how they were doing and where they were.  If they landed near Gohan there was no need to worry. He was a nice old man and would happily take them in.  If they landed near a town however, that would be a cause for concern.

When she found them what would she do? Would she bring them back to capsule corp? She wanted to. Would her mother want to come? Maybe. Hopefully. There are so many changes already made to this world it made her wonder.

Since Kakarot won't be raised by Gohan then his son will not be named Gohan,of at least the chances are very low. In this reality he will be aware of his heritage,his past,where he came from and who he is. He will have his mother and his sister. Will he still marry Chichi? And what will he name his son? A saiyan name? Imagining Gohan and Goten with some saiyan name was a bit odd,but hey,whatever happens,happens.

What she did know was that she would make sure to introduce Kakarot to martial arts as soon as possible. She will teach him to fight to help his power grow so he would be strong enough for future events. She would have to convince her mother to train. Gine was a gentle soul and did not like fighting. Being on earth meant she could be herself without being rediculed or called weak. Sarada knew it was appealing to her. But she would need to become strong as well. What happens in the future effects them all and they all needed to be up to the challenge.

The very next day Sarada was planning on leaving.

Again she was in her room hunched over her desk. This time around she was working on what appeared to be a watch. There was something she wanted to build and was trying to figure out how to make it a reality. If she could it would prove useful in the future. On her desk lie her other works,old and new. Amongst them were the glasses the doc made her. She had replicated and formed two more of them. Although she didn't think she or her mother would need them,her younger brother would most definitely. He was still an infant and unaware of the dangers he presents to himself and others. The one she designed for him was blue rimmed. That of her mother was red rimmed like hers. While she did believe she did not need the glasses that does not mean she could not find a use for them. Besides who knows, maybe she'll accidently stare at the moon one day.

Accidents happen and she has yet to gain some form of control over her ape transformation. A pity really. It's not like she could freely practice such a feat without destroying a planet.

"What are you working on this time" Bulma leaned over her shoulder to get a glimpse at the watch. It was black and looked more like a bracelet. Its clock was rectangle in shape giving it a sleek appearance. "Why would you want a watch? "

"A watch is very useful" was Sarada's calm reply. Indeed it is. A watch,a device that tells time. Magnificent if one sat and thought about it. How did man discover time? How did they come up with the idea of a watch? Why name it a watch? Such a simple name. A time teller seemed more suitable, but it was a mouthful wasn't it?

"Time is very important to me"

Yes it was. Time. Sarada worked with time. With a knowledge of the future time is everything. Time changes everything. Everything needed to be done with time. Everything has its time. Everyone has their time.

"Fascinating isn't it? "

"What is? "

"The concept we call time"

Bulma furrowed her brows. Sarada really was a mystery. She's a scientific genius as far as Bulma can tell. She seems to love engineering and the science behind the biology of the creatures the universe had to offer. It seemed as if every little thing fascinated her. As if she wanted to unravel the secret of everything,nature,humans,technology,time,space,the universe. Could she do such a thing, Bulma suddenly wondered. Could Sarada possible decipher the secret of the universe. Possibly.

"I guess it is. Do you think time travel is possible? " Bulma questioned, now sitting on the youngers desk.

"Why yes. Anything is possible. Even the impossible "

"That's a silly saying"

"Is it? "Sarada tilted her head to look at Bulma. Was her saying silly? She didn't think so. Before this life she did think so, but now....she was reborn. That should have been impossible, shouldn't it? The dragon ball dimension existed,that should've been impossible. Everything in the realm of dragon ball should have been impossible.

But it is possible, isn't it?

"Before you met me did you think humans could fly without the help of technology? "Sarada questioned,her attention back on her work in progress.


"You thought it was impossible, didn't you? "


"Before you met this 'Jaco' as you call him, did you believe there was such a thing aliens or a galactic patrol? "


"You thought it was impossible"

"Yeah" Bulma sighed.

"Well the impossible became possible, did it not? "


"So my saying is not silly"

"Fine you win"

"I gracefully accept your admittance of defeat" Sarada said a bit smug.

Bulma glared at the younger girl. Somehow she always found a way to prove her point in the most logical way possible. It was hard to argue with her because of it.

"You still haven't told me why you're actually making"

"All in its time" Sarada's put the watch away and grabbed her backpack. She slipped out of her chair and slung it casually over her shoulder. She dwadled long enough.

"Where are you going? "

"To find what's left of my family. You're free to tag along if you so wish"

Bulma beamed at that. Finally Sarada gave her permission to come with her. It may not be the epic space adventure she initially wanted, but it was still an adventure. Better that than nothing.

"I have to go pack. How long will we be gone? "Bulma was happily bouncing next to the calm Sarada.

"I do not know. What I do know is that I plan on leaving I'm ten minutes sooo... "

Bulma caught the drift immediately and darted towards her room. Sarada only watched with cool amusement. Bulma was such a child,a child that yearned for an adventure,to discover the world and all its wonders.

"Must be nice"

Sarada felt the sudden need to reach into her backpack and retrieve her scouter. She stared at it for some time, debating whether or not she should check in on Frieza again. There hasn't been anything all too interesting taking place on the other end. She was aware of her brother and the fool of a prince were now directly working under Frieza, who is happily manipulating them.

"Why not? "

The device was attached to the side of her face and switched on. It took less than a second for her to catch the conversation on the other end. Zarbon's annoying voice was the first to be heard. If there was someone to be more arrogant, prideful and foolish than the prince it is Zarbon. She can't wait for the day when she will punch his ugly face in and knee him in the balls.

"Lord Frieza are you sure you do not wish of me to take care of those pesky monkeys?"

"I'm sure Zarbon. They will prove to be useful. If I deem them any trouble I will take care of them myself"

"If you say so, although that cocky prince needs to be taught a lesson. He needs to know his place"

"Then put him in his place"

"It will be my absolute pleasure"

Sarada didn't listen in any further. She removed the device and put it back in her backpack. She could care less about the prince so the revelation meant nothing to her.

Somehow she found herself wondering was  why Frieza sounded like an old woman. She can't be the only one to have mistaken him for a woman. She was legitimately shocked and in utter disbelief when she found out he was indeed male. What a shocker. A moment later she was on her bed laughing at everything the man said after that. How could you be male and sound like that? It was hilarious to her.

In all honesty she saw Frieza as a spoiled rich kid. They always think they deserve everything and that everyone is bellow them and when they do not get what they wanted they would throw a temper tantrum.

Pathetic really.

And of course this spoiled brat had to be gifted with powers in the millions. So unfair.

But life like anything else is not fair. One needs to know how to play by their own rules,too not let life take advantage of you. Because life likes to watch you suffer. A sadist. That is what life is.

Cruel really.

Oh well. What is one to do but go where the wind takes them?

Sarada was toying with a capsule between her fingers when Bulma came stumbling out of the mansion. She looked disheveled and was a panting mess. She had changed her clothes and dressed in simple pants and a shirt. Efficient. She had a pouch around her waist that was likely filled to the brim with capsules.

"Thirty seconds" Sarada noted.

"Thirty seconds?"

"Thirty second and it would have been ten minutes. I was prepared to leave without you"

"You are mean"

"I'd like to think of myself as fairly kind"

"Keep telling yourself that" Bulma huffed and glanced at the smiling Sarada. She wondered what she'd look like with a pair of glasses adorning her face. "Where's your glasses? "

"Backpack "

"Put it on"

"I don't see the need to"

"Come on just put it on"

"I will not put it on for your amusement Bulma "

"You're no fun"

"Is that so? " Sarada had an amused smile on her face. "Well if you think so then I suppose you won't be needing me to teach you martial arts then"

"What? No! That's not what I'm saying. I still want to learn" Bulma chased after the laughing Sarada, who dispatched her capsule and stood aside.

"Well I must've heard wrong then"

"Yes you did! "

Sarada said nothing as she climbed into the drivers seat of the little car the doc gifted her. It hovered just above the ground and hummed with life.

"You know what? I take it back I did hear perfectly fine"

"No you didn't "

"Well I don't hear an apology"

"I'm not apologizing" Bulma pouted like the child she was as she strapped herself into the passenger seat.

"How are you going to accuse me of being no fun when I'm taking you out with me. That hardly seems fair"


"What was that? "

Bulma could hear the smugness in Sarada's voice and grumbled again

"I'm sorry "

"Apology accepted"

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