
416. Trip.

After all the excitement this morning everyone was happy enjoying their time when nie li came around asking to meet me.

"Hey I got us spots to go on a treasure hunt to one of the old ancient cities are you interested in going?" he asked me eagerly.

"I'm always up for treasure hunting." I laugh.

"Good thing i already told them you where coming aha!" he laughed as I chopped him on the head.

Apparently ziyun and ning'er where also going some of the girls would be staying behind to fix up the house and look after the squads and troops in training.

Only hinamori, zhu zhuqing, and Xiao wu would be coming along. Rongrong doesn't like trips or camping much even when it involves an rv she's still spoiled and princessly.

We all made our way towards the city gates to meet up with the rest of the people going on the trip to the ancient city.

We attracted quite a bit of attention with all the beauties. Hinamori in a nice maid outfit. Xiao Wu looking curvy in some nice tight leggings and a tight t shirt showing off her toned body. Zhu zhuqing looking even more dangerous with her busty body in some tight black clothes showing off a lot of pale white skin. Xiao ning'er had even dressed up to try and compete with the other girls wearing a neat little skirt with a nice tshirt showing off her gorgeous legs.

Nie li was still trying to hit on ziyun and getting a little bit of progress but not much.

At the gate there where tons of young men and some women from noble families waiting with horses, travel carriages and gear.

Nie li had bought an expensive horse and was going to use it to get closer to ziyun but that plan was foiled as she had her own horse from her father.

"So are you guys just going on foot?" nie li asks us curiously.

"Nope." I wave my hand and a black and white bus shaped vehicle appears gathering a lot of attention with its sleek look and design.

"Have fun in the heat and enjoy that saddle sack man." I laugh clapping him on the shoulder and ignoring his slack jawed look.

Me and the girls all walk inside with even ziyun being dragged along by Xiao Ning'er. The doors snap shut before nie li can register what happened.

"Traitorous bastard!" he shouts at the expensive rv.

in the rv I laugh as I turn on the air and start making milkshakes at the bar for me and the girls who are looking around curiously.

"This must have cost tons of coins. How does it move?" ziyun asked curiously.

"It moves by itself using mostly a small reactor and basic artificial intelligence." I say. "As for the cost? To you it would probably be billions of demon spirit coins." I laugh as she stumbles when she hears the number.

"Billions?!?!" she shouts even Xiao ning'er looked horrified at the amount.

"Yep. Most of that was for the reactor though." I tell her passing around milkshakes and getting myself a nice strawberry one before turning on the TV and enjoying the angry look from nie li glaring with his faced pressed up against the window.

Behind me hinamori is giving me a nice relaxing shoulder rub while Xiao Wu and zhuqing fight over the remote.

"But I want to watch animal planets...." "but the last episode of my show is coming on..." they bicker.

Xiao Wu get a mischievous look before tossing the remote in the air and as zhuqing goes to grab it she hops into my lap.

"Fine you can watch your show but I get the best seat." She says wiggling her butt. I give her a little pinch as we have guests which causes her to pout.

Zhuqing plops down beside me with ning'er on the other side.

Ziyun sits next to ning'er and looks at the TV curiously as they had never seen one before nor had she ever had an Ice cream milkshake. It was all a new experience for the two girls.

Nie li outside wanted to start making rude gestures and acting childish but ziyun was right there in view and he could only scowl as I gave him a smug smirk. I have zero intentions of taking ziyun into the harem however I have 100% intentions of messing with nie li.

Soon the group starts to head out and the rv starts moving along behind them at a nice even pace while everyone talks about it curiously outside.

It's a work of art that makes it through the rugged paths with absolute ease.

It would take us at least 2 days to reach the ancient city. I could see nie li pouting on his horse as he was sweating in the sun outside every so often he would glance at the rv in envy. However he was also excited to head to the ancient city and get the treasure there. It would be an old lamp with a special soul inside of it from a shadow demon. I could already turn invisible and such and swap places with my shadows. The ability to meld with shadows is however a great thing to have so I'll probably snag it and make a replacement for nie li.

Soon enough it was late and time to set up camp for the night. Just to spite nie li even more I let ziyun stay in the guest room. While I cuddled with the other girls in the master bedroom. Ziyun was shocked when ning'er went in aswell.

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