
14-Beauty of Company

"Would you prefer banana bread or oat bread with the goat cheese we bought earlier?" Zoticus leaned towards a baker trying to sell loaves of bread for low prices. As he inspected the merchandise, yellow hair covered his forehead and eyes.

Could the bread be poisoned to be worth a mere copper coin per loaf? The baker waved to me with powdered hands.

I reluctantly follow my man with Lorica tucked at my chest. I discovered that as long as I don't use my authoritative voice, the tiny child would not cry. I take my place beside Zoticus, not understanding why the baker's goods were priceless.

Zoticus studied each loaf, one by one. With each analysis, his eyebrows rose further behind his curls. He placed a hand under his chin and looked up to face the seller. "I don't understand, your bread seems to be of good quality. Why do you sell them for such low prices?"

"I am a rich man. Although this is laughable, I find wealth in happiness. Buyers avoid my stall because of low prices and that is great!" The baker raised a leathery hand towards a group of beggars sharing loaves of bread. The sun-kissed man smiles with half his teeth. "I can give them the meal they need."

"People like you exist?" Zoticus attempted to touch a pile of flatbread, but he hesitated in case we would not buy the item. He opted for judging using sight and smell. "You are truly a good man if you do not expect anything in return. Whatever the case, you are helping them. The gods you worship will favour you."

"I hope so," the merchant picked up the top piece of bread and offered it to the blonde man. His crooked smile spread across his face. "You two look good together, is that your child?"

Lorica giggled against my chest. I can feel her tiny body vibrate against my ribs.

"She's my daughter and we're not in a loving relationship. He is an ass if you know him for more than a few days." Zoticus feigned ignorance when I stared at him with hurt eyes. He shrugged, "It's the truth. Sir, how much for your corn flatbread?"

"Two copper coins each, but I will cut the price in half only for you. Think of it as a good wish for you two." The man winked, although it looked more like he was removing dust from his eyes. He took the bread from Zoticus and wrote the amount in a book. "Five corn flatbreads, usually ten copper coins but I reduced it to only five. Enjoy it together!"

"How are you still living on selling bread with no value?" Zoticus placed the new items into the basket, covering other food products. Zoticus thanked the merchant as I happily paid the man ten copper coins. "My master is wealthy, he rewards people with good hearts."

"I do?" I laughed with the stall keeper, knowing an odd conversation will ensue. I have seen the man behind the bread staring with questioning eyes.

"So you two are in a master-slave relationship? You are a kind master if you took in his child too!" The man laughed happily, waving us away. "It is almost time for afternoon meals. Hurry home and make something with my bread! Your baby must be hungry also, but it is too tired to tell you."

She was hungry? I glanced down at the baby hanging from my arms, afraid of her fragility. I sighed, thinking about how quickly my storage of mysterious breast milk was depleting. I leaned over to Zoticus to ask the more experienced man. I didn't know what Lorica wanted.

I offered the baby girl to my companion, relieved when he transferred her from my arms to his. One arm carried the delicate girl and the basket of goodies hung on the other. I asked Zoticus if he needed help carrying the basket.

"She is tired, but she could be waiting for food. I looked through the whole market and of course, no one sells special milk. She is still too young to eat solid foods." Zoticus started to walk away from the bread stall, shoulders hunched from frustration.

Like a desperate father, he zipped through the crowd and searched for the treasure for the third time. Lorica's weight tipped him slightly towards the left. I worried about the full basket hanging on his right arm.

The next time I looked in his general direction, he was gone with the girl and food basket. He left me alone amongst shouting people and defecating chickens!

My body made my hunger known to me, and I turned to call for Zoticus who was in possession of our purchases. I groaned, slowly stepping back towards the merchant giving food to the poor. I tossed a bag of gold coins onto the cloth where a pile of copper coins sat. With two fingers I grabbed hold of a cross bun.

The merchant paused his work to raise a suspicious eyebrow at the small sack. As a humble man, he chose to return the generous amount of money. "I only sell for copper coins."

"Do you want to die? Fine, I'll give you a single copper coin and whatever happens to the bag is your decision." I dug my hand into a pocket near my thigh, feeling around for the dirtiest coin I can find. I grinned as I triumphantly fished out a small, deformed coin.

I held the coin beside my ear using my thumb and index finger. I tossed the coin onto the man's cloth before he had the opportunity to react. I tore a piece from the cross bun in my hand and popped it into my dry mouth.

"Split it among the beggars you serve or give it back to the state. I don't care because it truly wasn't mine, to begin with." I winked, not bothered by the stall owner's shocked expression. I did get the money from the villages I conquered.

Emperor Utar generously rewards his top-ranked subordinates. I happened to be the one leading his best army.

"Zoticus, can you sit with me for a moment? The sun is high and you have been scurrying around without resting." I grabbed the hem of his skirt and tugged it lightly. I was hoping he would pause to react. Instead, I was being dragged through the market.

The last quarter of bread in my hands fell into the dusty ground. I turned my head around to see the delicious cross bun was subject to repeated crushing. After the bread was flattened by feet, animals closed in on the dead loaf.

Chickens viciously fought for crumbs. I shuddered, suddenly thinking of vultures.

"Zoticus, stop before we all drop! Lorica is currently sleeping and we have time to find her suitable food." I held up my hands, startled by our sudden closeness.

His nose flared and sweat dripped from his hair. Zoticus pushed Lorica into my arms, then placed the basket onto a wooden bench close to us.

"In the worst-case scenario, we will have to ration what is still available. If only she was older!" I barely registered the tiny body depending on my grip. My mind was spinning faster than wheels on battle chariots. I pinched my eyes. "Listen to me!"

"No," he shouted over a hundred sounds. "I am responsible for Lorica even if you want her dead! She's not like us, she needs to be nourished faster than us."

My shoulders sagged as I studied his bloodshot eyes. I could feel fear and rage, the two emotions I love to feel the most. "You know I don't mean to say that she should perish."

Zoticus' golden eyes flashed in the sunlight, then his presence could not be felt anymore. He had disappeared before giving me a type of reply. What is he planning to do? Where will he be? Why did he leave?

"At least catch your breath before leaving, you bastard!" Frustrated by the situation, I plopped onto the stone bench and set Lorica on my lap. I took a moment to pull my hair with both hands. "All this fuss for a baby that isn't even his!"

Lorica's face started to contort, which was not a good sign. Soon enough she burst into ear tearing cries loud enough to bring some attention to us. She shut her small mouth once her audience reached about a dozen people.

"What a horrible father, making his young baby stay in the sun. Where is the mother?" A middle-aged woman dressed in rags conversed with fellow beggars. She was sitting with three men who hung onto every word she said. "What woman would allow such a brute to be alone with her child?"

My eyebrows furrowed on their own, but my fists curled because of my anger. I have been avoiding these people for years. When I finally grace them with my presence, they have done the one thing I have been avoiding. I was reluctant to walk with these rats because of their big mouths.

"Your roadside commentary is not necessary because this child is not mine. I am only holding her for her true father who should be back soon." I kicked a pebble into the beggar's chest. I wasn't sorry for kicking too hard.

"You evil man! Why did you lodge a stone into her chest?" One of the three men leapt to his feet to point at me. His arm looked burned and skeletal, yet he held it out for a considerable amount of time. "She was stating her opinion. Did she hurt your fragile heart?"

My left eye twitched and I disregarded the injured beggar woman. I also ignored the two men on her arms, asking her excessive questions. "She won't die unless the wound is infected. I suggest you four focus on bettering your lives instead of judging others."

I jumped when a hand suddenly squeezed my left shoulder. I had my right hand wrapped around the hilt of my sword, preparing to use it on the newcomer and the pesky beggars. I should be back home, in my soft bed, munching on bread for my noon meal. Why am I here?

I released the cold handle to look up, finding a familiar face looming over me. The anger inside of me slowly ebbed away. I grinned sheepishly, "Zoticus! You came back so soon!"

The beggars gawked at us as hawks stalking prey. The surprise on their faces was the reaction I live for on the battlefield. Shock is always great to see on others. Shifting eyes are even more satisfying!

"Master, are you creating chaos after I left you alone?" Zoticus glanced over at the seated beggars and their standing friend. He nodded to acknowledge their presence. "What did they do to boil your blood?"

In his arms were several ceramic jugs labelled as breast milk. He found food for Lorica! "Master? Why are you fighting with poor beggars?"

"Better to be beggars than a slave, isn't it though?" One man muttered from the edge of the road. He spoke softly so that the average man's ear could not pick up his words from where Zoticus and I stood.

Zoticus froze, having heard the degradation in the beggar's words. His eyes burned, washed with regret. His warm hand moved to touch mine, "We should go. Let's not spend any more time here."

I shook my head, yanking my hand away from his. I placed my fingers under his chin to force his eyes off the ground. We both took a deep breath and I hoped he saw through my cold expression. I touched his cheek gently.

"They can insult me because I deserve it, but I will not tolerate them looking down on you. Zoticus, I understand if your heart feels pity for those cretins." I raised my sword towards the man who compared my companion to his lowly self. I was seeing red even before I used my extended arm.

I paused to turn Zoticus around. "I suggest you look away. Lorica is waiting for you, go feed her while I dispose of these vulgar lumps infecting society."

"No, do not harm them! They can have opinions of us and we will be eviler if we silence them." The bright man reeled me away from the beggars. His fingers wrapped around my neck, creeping up to my jawline. "Ignore them and pity them for their lives will remain miserable."

"You are right, living lives filled with bitterness and poverty is a great punishment for nasty personalities." I slipped my weapon back into its silver scabbard. The dark blade shook on my thighs. "I will spare them today."

"Are you his sex slave? Ha, that's even more lowly!" Although the female beggar was injured and clutching her bloodied chest, she spoke until her words dripped venom. "I know why the master reacted so strongly! Behind every action are emotions."

Zoticus stomped up to the beggars, more furious than me. He curled his fingers into his palms, wound his arm and punched each beggar in the nose. Under his fist, four noses crunched with a satisfying noise.

"We are not lovers!" Zoticus spat on each person. "Go on, continue screeching about me breaking your nose. Slaves are insignificant, but beggars are even more close to nothing. Sex slaves cast aside their dignity to serve people in exchange for survival. You threw your dignity to bother people with your begging."

I almost forgot I was supposed to be watching a baby until Lorica called to me with her cries. I reached her before Zoticus could and for a moment, our eyes met. I smiled to show him my approval because he did seem like me when he confronted the beggars.

His words of poison were sweet to my brutish ears. He reached for Lorica, pushing the basket of good under my hands. He bats his eyelids, pausing to wipe the corner of his eyes.

He smiled brightly. "Why are you looking at me?"

I shrugged, feeling uncomfortable with my hot cheeks and sweaty palms. "For no good reason, I just admire you. Why did you change your mind about them so quickly? If I knew you would destroy each of their noses, I would have done a little more!"

"A little more for you would be four more subjects for the Underworld. I did not want to ruin the afternoon with your trials for killing four beggars." Zoticus slowly fed Lorica using the jugs of milk. "I am a slave, but I will never be your lover."

"Didn't I say never is a hefty word? Zoticus, are you absolutely sure that your heart will not waver?" I pressed a hand to his chest, shocked to discover that I can feel his heart beating. "Your heart is running."

Warm hands wrapped around my wrists until my fingers relaxed. Zoticus wrenched his arm away from mine, suddenly ignoring me while he fed Lorica. His cheerful laughter tempted me to steal a quick glance.

"You are not sneaky for someone in the military." Zoticus looked up from the baby girl and his smile faded. He plugged the jar of breast milk, finding the baby girl had enough for her noon meal.

I asked him where he found the rare milk. As far as I know, no merchant sells breast milk because mothers need their milk. No sane woman would sell her baby's food." I was curious about the origin of Lorica's good. "Could it have been poisoned?"

Zoticus shook his head. He claimed that his powers allowed him to detect harmful substances in all situations. He did not feel the milk was sabotaged.

The oddest part of his story is that the woman who presented him with the milk had offered the product without expecting money. He said she must have known that he was searching for the treasure she had. This was suspicious, but Lorica needs milk. When humans are left with no choice, poison does not shake them.

"Master, let go of all your worries and join me." Zoticus slapped his hand on the stone bench, tapping the cold seat beside him. His eyes narrowed, "Take your hand off the sword."

I reluctantly let my sword go, watching it move away from my waist to fly off. This way will ensure I do not have the chance to instantly use the blade. I shuffled to stand before his legs.

Tenderly, he touched his daughter. Despite being watched by dozens of curious eyes, he continued to stimulate the baby by speaking to her. Using his smallest finger, he stroked her tiny feet.

Lorica's toes curled. She kicked her feet away from his tickling finger.

"She is a gem, isn't she?" Zoticus whispered to the air. He may have been talking to me, but I barely paid attention to his words.

Instead of focusing on the sounds leaving his lips, I stared at his full lips. My hand reached out to lift his chin, tilting his head up to the sky. My other hand traced his drying lips.

"What do you think you are doing?" Zoticus grabbed my wrist but allowed my fingers to touch him. "Master, we are in a public setting and Lorica is with us."

I lift an eyebrow, "What is the problem? I can't touch my own slave in public? Lorica won't know anything."

"Why must you touch me?" He tossed my hand off his lips and ripped his chin off my other hand. He stared up at me with steel eyes. "Don't forget I need to kill you."

"How can I forget?" I chuckled softly, leaning into his face. I brushed his hair off his forehead. "You've tried thrice to slit my throat during my sleep. You've pushed my head below water for an hour and I let you. You tied ropes around my neck. You even sprayed sugar water on me to attract bees."

"I still have more methods to test. I know men like you are natural liars. How can I know if you cannot die by one method?" Zoticus grinned, almost looking angelic. "If all else fails, I will resort to using the most degrading way."

I pressed his hair to his temples. I stared into his mesmerizing eyes that were reflections of the sun in the sky. "Which way is the most degrading? Please elaborate for I do not understand."

"You do understand."

"Do I truly? I'm definitely not a mind reader. I can't connect to others, especially those who should be my enemies." My mouth dried as the man cupped my face in his warm palms.

Zoticus pulled my face lower until our breaths clashed against each other. His mischievous grin did not ease the tension. Carefully and slowly, he tilted his head. His lip inched closer to mine.

My hands slammed onto his knees, I needed to balance myself because I was swaying too much. In his presence, my mind went blank and all I wanted was to experience his lips. I caught myself just when a stinging sensation took hold of my lips.

Was someone cutting my lips off my face?

Zoticus was biting my bottom lip, only satisfied when blood dripped onto his golden-yellow tunic. His breathing was uneven, a strange thing to hear. "This is the last way."

"That was it?" What did I just ask him? Of course, there was nothing else, I did not like men! I was not expecting more and I am very confused about my actions.

Touching Zoticus felt different from touching Sebastian or my brothers. My mind buzzed, my heart raced and I felt the urge to get closer. I clutch my head to still my thoughts. I should declare myself a madman if I ever feel giddy because of the slave!

"I may have bit you too hard." Zoticus feigned concern, tipping his head to one side. "We should treat your wound."

"The wound you gave to me," I said slowly. I used dark blood magic to absorb the blood back into my body, grinning when Zoticus stared with gaping jaws. I often forget I possessed magic.

"Aren't you master and slave? How dare you do that in public!" A mother covered her young daughter's eyes as she berated us. She stomped over to us, the chiming of gold accessories sounding as she walked. She looked like an aristocrat. "Get out, take your filthy lifestyle with you."

"You are mistaken, we were not doing anyth-" Zoticus was cut off by the pesky rich woman.

"Shut your mouth, you Krasean!" She glared at Zoticus who frightfully looked down at the whimpering baby in his lap. "You let a baby rest on his lap? Kraseans are evil snakes of seduction. They're liars, hedonistic and they allow relationships such as yours. Master and slave!"

"I think you should meet more Kraseans. If I compare you with my slave, I'd rather lay with him than you. Who is your husband?" I needed to know who this wench married to be so arrogant.

She fished out a badge and thrust it into our faces. She tilted her nose up, still shielding her child's eyes with her hand. "Did you take a long look?"

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