
Taming A Gale

"Come this is no place for such a show, we'll enter the fields. Don't forget if you fail you'll work for me," The horse merchant smirked looking at Ibios. Ibios could see him underestimating him, who knew how many people he had tricked into working for him.

Following the Merchant Ibios watched as the four men fought their hardest to bring the Mare along, her eyes were full of determination refusing to be held down. They soon entered an open field, releasing the rope's the four men joined the side of the merchant.

"Good luck boy," The merchant chuckled.

Ibios locked eyes with the Mare he could feel the will of the horse, her eyes shined challenging Ibios. Smiling he readied himself, charging forward he stopped as the mare raised her front hooves in an intimidating manner.

Circling the horse Ibios patience grew thin as he charged again this time catching the mare off guard by jumping on her back. Now he just had to stay put, as long as the mare realized she couldn't throw him off she would eventually tire.

Ibios quickly latched onto the mane of the Mare as she neighed in defiance, raising her hooves the Mare did her best to throw Ibios off but he held on tightly. Seeing her attempt to throw him off fail the Mare took off in a random direction reaching speeds no one thought possible.

Ibios Laughed as he remembered the speed of the golden ball that carried him from Tartarus. Raising his chin he let the wind hit his face the mare's speed was nowhere near the speed of the golden ball but it felt just as exhilarating.

The mare eventually tired herself out stopping Ibios realized he had won, climbing off the mare he approached it slowly. The look in her eyes still full of defiance, "Never lose that, that look of defiance; You're an arrogant horse luckily for you I'm just as arrogant. You stand before Ibios, Prince of Troy, know that you will suffer no loss by being my steed. You're swift as an arrow, blessed by the gods themselves, I think I'll name you Gale."

Gale neighed in response as she lowered her head nudging Ibios " You like it," Ibios laughed as he rubbed the head of Gale. Taking a closer look at Gale Ibios realized there was a bump in the center of her head, quickly chalking it up to an extra layer of skin he ignored it.

Hearing the voices of a crowd approaching Ibios turned around a smile on his face. The horse merchant from earlier's face was pale as he looked at the Mare standing next to Ibios in a docile manner.

"Impossible you must have cheated," The merchant frowned as he looked at Ibios.

"He's done no such thing each of us saw him ride away on that Mare, the fact that he's tamed it can only be credited to the Gods. Maybe Poseidon himself grew tired of you taking advantage of one of the very creatures he placed on this earth."

The Merchant's face went through a variety of changes before he sighed "A deal is a deal the Mare is yours." The merchant turned to leave when Ibios spoke, "And what of the coin you're promised, how much was it again?"

The merchant paused as Ibios could practically feel the rage coming off of him, "20 drachmas for you," The merchant pulled out a sack of coins tossing it to Ibios.

Taking the coin Ibios couldn't help but smile as a prince he never had to worry about coin but now he wasn't sure he would even make it to Thebes without starving to death.

As Ibios walked away with the Mare the merchant and the four men who were once keeping the Mare at bay joined together. "Boss what are we gonna do." One of the four men spoke.

"Worry not boys, I'll have that kids head by sundown, he ruined our money-making business and although we can no longer use the Mare the very least we can do is sell her off. Not to mention that prick took 20 drachmas from me.

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