

When Master Karr slowly woke up, he found himself bound with shackles. "I'm… I'm alive." He mumbled as he looked up to clearly find the Sith in front of him. "I see through you, Sith. You only saved me so that Jaesa would believe your heart is pure. I will not be the bait that draws Jaesa to you!"

"There is no pure-hearted creature in the galaxy, Master Karr. There's no reason for you to become so distraught. You and I don't have a choice." Leena spoke calmly as she crossed her arms. With the Imperial soldiers out and in position to defend, Quinn was making sure that Nomen Karr would be alive.

"I was supposed to expose Baras and open the Jedi Council's eyes. It was my destiny! Jaesa is mine! The glory of defeating Baras is mine!" He spoke with such arrogance as if he had gone mad. "This is not fair! I dedicated my life to destroying Bars! Sacrificed everything!"

"You and Baras are the same." The Sith spoke her piece as Quinn quietly placed his hand on his ear, receiving word from the soldiers by the entrance. She was rather disgusted with this excuse of a Jedi Master, who was only using his Padawan for his own selfish gain.

"My Lord, the Padawan approaches," Quinn informed the Sith.

When the girl walked through the door, Vette spoke with a small smile on her lips. "Hey, lookie-lookie, Jaesa showed up."

"Make room for our guest of honor, her power is considerable." Leena turned to see the young Padawan approach them.

"Sith, I have come. It seems I was expected – you men outside let me pass." Even though the Padawan didn't show a single string of fear or nervousness in her presence, the Sith continued to observe. She was young, probably around a decade younger than her. When she found the lightsaber strapped onto her belt, she was immediately intrigued – a double-bladed lightsaber. "Release Master Karr, your efforts to draw me out have been a success."

"Jaesa, no!" Master Karr managed to shout. "I told you to stay put! How dare you defy me?!"

"The child's destiny lies with me, old man."

But he continued to show his true colors. "My sacrifice for nothing! Stupid child, for all your power, you have understood nothing!"

The Padawan was shocked. Unable to process what she has seen. "What have you… done to him, Sith?! Has this been inside of him all along? No, it can't be. No one can hide such darkness. Somehow you've turned him mad!"

"I only exposed what was lurking inside."

"Is that what you call what you have been doing?" She was young. Inexperienced. Though her power is considered to be rare – Leena proceeded with caution and chose her words carefully with this one. "You spared Master Yonlach on Tatooine and my parents on Alderaan. Now… I felt Master Karr slipping towards death, but you… you saved him. Your actions belie your station. Is it real or has it all been a trick to get me to lower my guard?"

"I'm not what you've been led to believe, Jaesa," Leena spoke softly before she gave the offer. "Look into your Master's heart and see the truth."

The Padawan thought of it for a moment. "Master Karr taught me not to use my power as a crutch, only when it was clearly necessary. I have never brought it to bear on him but…" And so she did. "I… I sense… pride and… envy and hate…and vengeance?! No! What Sith trick is this?! I… I would have known if such darkness resided within him!"

"That is what the Jedi do. The mask and pretend and hide. Just admit when you're wrong and move on." As harsh as it sounded, Vette carefully turned her gaze onto the Padawan as she was slowly crumbling into the denial and the confusion both the Sith and Jedi have been feeding her.

The dark is generous. "I… I thought I'd found something I could count on… Move on to what?! I… Jedi are… pure. You're supposed to know where you stand with them. Right?"

"Jaesa! It's all a trick!" Master Karr continued in hopes that his Padawan would see the light. "Turn your power onto the Sith, you'll see!"

"Look at me as long as you like – I have nothing to hide." Leena welcomed the idea, she wanted to experience this power of the Padawan first hand.

"Very well then." The Padawan nodded reluctantly as she proceeded to have a glimpse of what was inside the Sith's heart and soul. "There is a great contradiction within you. I see darkness – anger, guilt, vengeance – but, there is also light as well – mercy… compassion, justice… fairness… your intentions are… not knowable."

The Padawan looked at the Sith, rather convinced. "Sparing Master Yonlach and my parents are true reflections of you, but it is said that Sith embodies darkness. How is this possible?"

"To walk among Sith and not be discovered is an incredible challenge." She spoke the truth, especially when she knows that her Master would immediately try and break her if he ever found out.

But Master Karr continued. "Don't listen, Jaesa! It's all a trick! The Sith disguised himself and me to cause you to doubt your power!"

"I…" Jaesa didn't know. She grew even more confused. "I don't know what to believe! You told me there was order to the galaxy – that you would show me the truth! But nothing is true! Both of you are trying to drive me insane!"

"It's Darth Baras! He is manipulating us all! Kill the Sith! Kill Baras's liar and you'll see!"

"You must do what you believe is right."

The dark is generous indeed. "Don't tell me what I must do! I no longer believe in anything! Defend yourself Sith!"

The dark's first gift to the apprentice is concealment. With her true faces lie within the dark beneath her skins. Her true hearts remain in the shadow deeper still, but the greatest concealment lies not in protecting their secret truths. But in hiding from the truths of others. The dark protects them from what she does not know.

Leena understood that all those years ago with Arrun. Unlike her battle with Master Karr, she only ignited one lightsaber as she faced the young Padawan. The dark is generous, still – for its second gift to her is a comforting illusion.

The ease of gentle dreams within the embracement of the night. The beauty of what imagination could bring upon the day's harsh light. But the greatest comfort is the illusion that the dark is only temporary. That every light brings a new day. Because it is the day that is temporary, that the day is the illusion.

Its third gift to her is that the light itself. Where the days are defined with the nights to define them. As the stars are defined by the infinite black to which they are real. The dark embrace the light and brings forth to the center of her being. And with each victory of the light, it is the dark that wins.

The dark is generous, but even she knew that the dark has only one weakness – a lone candle within the darkness. Even when stars burn out, the dark will always be there and so will the light.

The apprentice had the chance to kill the Padawan, but she withdraws and refused. The Padawan continued to be confused. "I am… no match. You… had the opening you needed to kill me… and yet you held back. Why?"

"Your young, inexperienced… you have a lot of things to experience in life, your death would only bring tragedy." Even Leena could tell that a girl like this Padawan could walk a long way. Perhaps even outlive her.

Quinn hailed the soldiers from outside to bring Master Karr and see what the Sith apprentice wanted to do with him. Though for Quinn and the Twi'lek they already had an idea what Leena would do with this fallen Jedi.

"Your actions… reflect only light. You appear to be an agent of the dark side but… it's a mask. But Master Karr also wears a mask. And his deception is a much… uglier one."

"It's not his fault – his connection to the Force is flawed."

"All my life I've put up with deceit and denial. I thought the Jedi would be different. You've shown me otherwise. You've exposed Master Karr for what he is. It's your power that reveals a person's true nature. Your conviction and purity… bring a reckoning that cannot be denied. I want that."

"Darth Baras expects you to die." The apprentice openly admitted.

"You cannot do that!" The Padawan denied. "The dark side will claim you if you kill me, please! Let me join you." She offered her services and even her life to the Sith apprentice. "Imagine having someone who can see through the deceptions of your rivals and enemies."

It was an offer Leena thought she needed to offer herself. "Alright, I will take you on."

"Thank you and I can only improve with you as my mentor. What do you wish of me? And what shall we do with Master Karr?" Leena began to observe the girl, she could sense that she was relieved from her decision to take the Padawan on as her own.

"He has turned away from the light. He needs guidance to heal and find his way back." It was an answer – none of her companions expected. All Leena could think about is how Cyrus pressed that she should spare Master Karr and his Padawan.

"Jaesa, I'll see to it the Jedi disavow you!" Master Karr began to scream in hate. "You will be labeled an enemy of the order!"

"Then I'll finally know where I stand with you." The Padawan answered. "You took me as far as you were able. I hope this does not leave you bitter."

"With the Council's help, perhaps he will come to understand." Leena didn't wish to kill him, nor did she even want to give Baras the satisfaction of his torture or even his death.

"I wish him the best." Nodded Jaesa. "I'm ready to learn your ways, my Lord. And I look forward to aiding you any way I am able."

"No… no, this cannot be... my fate." Master Karr began to mumble as Leena proceeded to grant the order to the Imperials. He will be surrendered to the nearest Republic transport they could find on their radars. "Who are you to preside over me?! You… you are… nothing! I am… I am Nomen Karr!"

'He and Baras are only the same. Pathetic.' Was all Leena could think of.

'I tried to reach you for hours, Sith.' Cyrus's voice began to invade hers once more.

'I know I couldn't do what I needed if you keep on pestering my thoughts, Jedi. If you're so worried about Master Karr, I have ordered Imperials to transfer him to the nearest Republic terminal they could find. The Jedi Council will have to deal with him.'

'That… that is… I did not expect that, Leena. Why do you wish for him to return to the Order?'

'I refuse to give Baras his satisfaction… even when Nomen Karr reminds me of him – if he was pure to the dark side, Master Karr would have done the same treatment Baras had done to me time and time again. He is in your care.'

'I thank you, in the name of the Council.'

With another addition to the crew, Quinn immediately patched Baras through the holo for the updates their Lord was about to give him. She didn't even bother to give the droid her helmet, especially when her Master is already at their presence. "Apprentice, my soldiers informed me that you subdued Master Karr, but I've heard no further update. What has transpired? Where is Nomen Karr?"

"Once the directive was achieved, I saw no reason to keep him alive." She lied. Though both Quinn and Vette expected an answer like that, Jaesa was rather astounded that she was able to lie with no other worries.

"Interesting, I would have thought I'd sense his death." The tension began to reveal itself within the room. "No matter, I suppose. The demise of Nomen Karr is… a long time in the making. And will be long remembered. I see you have a new passenger, Jaesa Willsaam, I presume."

"This is my Master, Darth Baras." She turned to the girl.

"Greetings, my Lord." The former Padawan bowed.

"Your parents are alive and thriving here on Dromand Kaas. They'll be so pleased to know you are safe."

"Please tell them I have never been happier."

"I sense her devotion to you, apprentice." He was one pleased metal man. "How did you ever manage that?"

"I learned from the best, Master." A lingering memory of Arrun flashed into her mind.

Baras laughed, he was very much pleased with the achievements of his apprentice. All those years in his care became worth it. "Excellent! The perfect disciple. There is no denying that you are a master of the dark arts now. Only the most accomplished among us are named as lords among Sith. You have more than earned the distinction. I hereby confer the title of Sith Lord upon you."

"You honor me." After so many years, she was finally Lord.

"Through your exemplary service, you honor yourself. I award a considerable stipend to those who attain such rank in my service. Enjoy it. Now celebrate as you see fit, then return to me here on Dromund Kass. I have plans for us, Lord Sern." When Baras cut off his communication, Vette turned to Leena with a smile upon her lips. "Wow, after all these years… a Lord. I'm impressed."

"Congratulations, my Lord." Greeted Quinn.

Leena removed her helmet, revealing her face to Jaesa. She was rather shocked to find such a face behind a mask – a human, like her, snow-white hair but what caught her full attention were those… rather sad corrupted eyes.

The newly named Sith Lord smiled genuinely towards her companions. "You've both been a great help."

"Service is its own reward." Quinn was being professional, as always.

"Yeah." Vette nodded. "What he said. I already prepared Jaesa's quarters. I'll go ahead and show her to them."

"Nice of you to assume some initiative."

"I'm always here to help." With all those years with Leena, it only became natural to her. "Come on, Jaesa, let's get you set up."

"Whenever you need me, my Lord. Whatever your order, I'll be ready." Jaesa turned a smile towards the Sith.

"No need to be so formal with me here, Jaesa. Especially when we're all off duty – you're free to call me Leena, if you wish." The Sith Lord offered rather genuinely. Vette couldn't help but smile as she saw the former Padawan being all shy towards her Lord.

"Don't worry, Jaesa!" Vette patted her back as they proceeded to head towards Jaesa's new quarters. "You can call her mom from now on!"

For the Twi'lek, it was an addition to their rather strange family on the ship. It was now her and Quinn. "So, my Lord, now you have the girl. A victory, I dare say, even Baras failed to anticipate. I'm a bit perplexed. Your methods have been rather… unorthodox to this point."

"I know what I'm doing, Quinn." Said the Sith.

"Of course, my Lord. Apologies. You have become a Sith Lord, and your powerbase is growing. What are your sights set now?" The Captain was rather curious about how his Lord was going to approach things. She was getting powerful, no doubt but she also proceeds caution into grabbing opportunities and made sure that she would win the day.

"First, we all need rest. Having the search this extreme has strained us for months. A week of R&R should do the trick, what are your thoughts on that?"

"It is sound, my Lord. Do you wish to set a course for Dromand Kaas?" The Captain proceeded and Leena gave out a small nod. "Very good my Lord. I shall leave you to enjoy this achievement."

"Quinn, you can also call me Leena… especially when off-duty like the rest." She offered. She would still feel somewhat tense around Quinn when they're off duty, she had the slight hope that he would relax a bit and wouldn't overwork himself to the bone.

But the Captain just smiled. "You are my General. It is improper for me to address you as such."

"Let us be friends, Quinn."

He nodded with a smile still. "I will keep that in mind." When he proceeded to the bridge.

This was home for them.

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