
Cold Attitude

Nerissa "No mercy."

Moka walks over, hands-on hip, and looking down appraisingly at her. "You're not like the others, are you?" she says glancing at Yukari, "Too weak to do what must be done... Regardless whether you're a vampire or not, I must thank you for taking care of my other self, Kami knows what would have happened without your protection." she says patting Nerissa's cheek. "Continue your service young one." she says, retrieving her Rosario from the ground and clipping it back onto her neck, causing her white hair to turn back to its regular pink.

Moka slumps to the ground but is caught by Nerissa, she slowly wakes up and frantically looks around, sighing in relief when she sees Yukari and Nerissa safe. "Did... Did we win?"

Nerissa nods, "Nn."

Moka gives a wide smile and cheers before hugging Nerissa, "Yipee!"

Yukari joins the group hug and the trio stay there for a coupe minutes, Moka and Yukari eventually letting go.

Yukari "Now we won't have to shut down our club!" she says happily, forcing herself to not look at Kuyo's corpse.

Nerissa begins walking away from the duo without warning, occasionally sniffing and beginning to dig through the rubble.

YukarI "What are you doing?" she asks.

Nerissa "Present."

And so Nerissa's school life continued, after Kuyo's death everyone kept a large distance between themselves and the newspaper club, fearing they'd meet their own demise... There were a few petitions to the Headmaster to form another Public Safety Commission due to some of the teachers and more powerful students blatantly breaking the rules... And while he had tried to recruit the Newspaper club for the role, Nerissa outright refused, leaving him no choice but to get his own hands dirty...

While handing out Newspapers in the morning Nerissa was approached by a pale girl with long light purple hair, blue and purple eyes with a lollipop sticking from her mouth. She introduces herself as Mizore, and as a huge fan of Nerissa's news articles, stating that they remind her of herself.

This doesn't surprise anyone as Nerissa's articles are all monotone and to-the-point, quite like this almost emotionless girl standing before them.

She hands over a booklet which contains every article Nerissa had ever written, causing goosebumps to appear on Yukari's arms.

Yukari "This... This is kinda creepy..."

Mizore points to the red text covering every free bit of paper, "I have added my own thoughts and comments if you want to read it..." she says in a subdued manner, not matching how... Obsessed her booklet presents itself.

Moka "If you are so interested in our papers, why don't you join? We need more members to split the workload..."

Yukari nods grimly, "Any more and I'll be sick."

Mizore slowly nods, a smile appearing on her expressionless face... The Newspaper club had found another member... However, the next day issues were starting to arise, Mizore had apparently been skipping all of her classes and was never seen in school. Rumours about her trying to seduce a teacher before attacking them were on everyone's lips when she returned.

The Newspaper club paid no mind to it though... There was an incident one day that forced them into action though, Mizore had apparently attacked the Gym teacher Okuto Kotsubo and two other students, freezing them.

When confronted about this Mizore ran away, the others splitting up and looking for her... It wasn't long before Nerissa found her after flying around for a bit, being confronted by some kind of Kraken, tentacle monster next to a cliff.

It had the face of Okuto Kotsubo and was trying to kill Mizore, only to be cut completely in half by Nerissa... Her having killed yet another teacher...

After this incident, everything had come to light, Mizore being taking advantage of by Okuto Kotsubo, who then used his position to punish her when she refused, framing her for attacking himself and other students in an attempt to get her expelled before she could call attention to his actions.

The Newspaper club continued like nothing had ever happened, Mizore staying the same monotone girl, but Moka and the others could feel as though she was beginning to get used to having friends. Nerissa herself made an effort to form a relationship with the Yuki-Onna, her own experiences seemingly helping Mizore break out of her shell... Though, while her emotionless face never changed, everyone knew she was content to stay with them.

Ofcourse where there are people, there are stupid people. A group called ANTI-THESIS had attempted to kidnap Moka, only to be torn to shred by Nerissa, the group was formed by creatures known as "Monstrels", these usually consisted of half-breed Yokai that didn't fit in anywhere else, and were subsequently outcast... Usually seen as lesser by all other Yokai.

The group wasn't limited to brash actions though, even attempting to assassinate Nerissa when she was restocking her blood supply in the Nurses Office. They were unceremoniously killed, but the existence of this group was starting to tick off the young vampire.

Nerissa, Moka, Mizore, and Yukari all confront the headmaster about why he's not dealing with this, Mikogami gives some vague answers but internally he's worried about the future. Most of the things the Newspaper club had had to deal with were of his own design, directly or indirectly in an attempt to have Nerissa get stronger, as well as removing Moka's Rosario.

While one part of the plan had succeeded, Nerissa still wasn't strong enough in his eyes... He needed them to face the Monstrel terrorists and beat them to get stronger...

Nerissa "Will tell." she states, causing him to sweat profusely.

Then again, if all else failed he could try and rely on the girls brother to solve it...

Mikogami "Very well... I will expel them." he states, waving his hand and causing the barrier around the school to pick out the perpetrators and throw them out.

Yukari glares at him, "You mean you could have done that the entire time!?! How many times has Moka been in danger because of your negligence?"

Hopefully it doesn't feel like I'm rushing through things... I just don't want to write the events of Yokai Acadamy in their entirety :P

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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