
Strange Bedfellows

Quelaag was struggling, she had been reading the dairy from someone called Morgan le Fay and was interested in the applications of the "Animagus Transformation", however while it explained how to do it, it didn't teach you the fundamentals. For example, you apparently needed proficiency in a type of magic called "Occlumency", something she was a complete novice at. She'd found a couple books in the library detailing it but wasn't able to progress beyond simple meditation.

She knew Reima had probably already mastered it but didn't want to ask for his help, she intended this to be a "Pleasant" surprise, she also knew that the old man who'd assisted them from another world called Albus Dumbledore would have probably been knowledgable in it, unfortunately, he was already gone... Leave her with one last annual that could possibly know it... Ciri.

She didn't despise the girl, no, she actually appreciated her bold and brash behavior as someone who had similar traits. Her only problem with the girl was her relationship, whatever it was, with Reima.

However, if she wanted to gain this skill she'd have to grit her teeth and bare asking for her assistance in the matter... She looked around and eventually found Reima's father, Geralt. He usually knew where Ciri was so this was as good as finding her outright. The Witcher pointed Quelaag to the topmost balcony of Kaer Morhen, a room claimed by Geralt and Yennefer.

Quelaag scuttled up the keep, minding not to set anything on fire with her lower bodies everpresent flames and eventually found the ashen haired girl meditating on the balcony, a gentle wind brushing against her hair.

She approaches and waits a moment to see if she'd wake up anytime soon, but after a couple minutes Quelaag gets bored and announces her presence, "Ahem"

Ciri's eyelids flicker as she slowly turns around, spotting Quelaag and barely managing not to frown. "Do you need something?" she asks, trying to keep the irritation of being interrupted out of her voice.

Quelaag nods and presents a copy of the Occlumency book, "I've been trying to learn the art of Occlumency but require someone more knowledgable to show me the path forwards... Would you be willing in assisting me?" she asks diplomatically.

Ciri's gaze moves between the book and Quelaag sincere expression, not really knowing what to do... Should she accept? She didn't really have a valid reason not to. Should she refuse? She knew her dislike of the woman was only because of Reima... "Maybe? Depends on what you can offer me in return." she says, deciding to compromise.

Quelaag thinks for a moment and senses the girls Pyromancy Flame, "It seems Reima has been teaching you... Are you progressing in your lessons with him?" she asks, the question meaning more than it initially appears.

Ciri sighs, "...No, Reima has been... Busy as of late, I've had to practice on my own."

Quelaag crosses her arms and nods, "Then we will teach each other, is that a good enough trade?"

Ciri thinks for a moment before finally nodding, "That sounds... Fine..."

Quelaag walks in and rests her body next to Ciri, "Then let's get started?"

Ciri nods, and starts explaining the basics of Occlumency, incase the Chaos Witch hadn't completely understood it, then going into further detail about Mental Constructions and organisation. It wasn't long before the duo were sat silently next to each other in deep meditation, a peaceful sight despite their slight animosity towards one another.

Elsewhere :

Alphys was as in the library with a stack of books next to her, she'd been allowed into the restricted section along with Undyne, Asgore, and Sans, though the short skeleton didn't seem interested in it at all. She was intrigued by the technology on display, some of the information intersected with what the monsters already knew, but most had no ever actually been explored in such an in-depth fashion. The only thing she could confidently claim superiority on is the monsters knowledge on Magictech, the combination of magic and technology.


Undyne walks over and drops a pile of books onto the stone desk Alphys was sitting next to, "Alphys! Look at all these books! They talk about something called "Sorcery", the thing Reima said we would probably be good at!"

Alphys adjusts her glasses, "Are you going to learn this "Sorcery" then?" she asks.

Undyne frowns, "I would but... It seems too complicated for me..." she says sadly.

Alphys scratches her head and shuffles over, taking closer look at the book in Undyne's hand and marveling at the intricate Formulae displayed on the page. "This... This is incredible..."

Undyne glances at her, "You understand it?"

Alphys nods, "Barely... This part here collects magic while that one restricts the amount to prevent overload. And LOOK here! A a part that alters the size, compression and-.... Nevermind... Anyway, I'm interested to see how it'd function when used." she wonders aloud.

"HMMMM?!?" a voice comes from the corner of the room where a man with a giant hat sitting next to a huge pile of books is sitting. He gets up and walks over, his staff clanking against the stone ground as he approaches.

Logan "It seems you both have an interest in Sorcery hmm?" he asks.

Alphys is about to respond but Undyne is faster than her, "Huh? How'd you know? Were you spying on us?" she asks indignantly.

Logan nods, "Indeed I was." he states absolutely. "I was pleasantly surprised to hear that someone other than my old apprentices have an interest in the finest of magical arts."

Alphys "W-who are you again if you don't mind me asking?"

Logan grins, "People call me Big Hat Logan, or just Logan. I am a master of Sorcery and one of Reima's old teachers. I would like to offer you both a chance to tutor under me, if Reima is correct then my legacy will live on through your race." he says happily.

Undyne shakes her head, "It looks too hard to learn, I think I would be better off practicing my natural abilities." she says.

Logan grins, knowing full well what kind of person this was, "Oh? I guess being able to shoot a barrage of Crystal Soul Spears doesn't sound all that interesting to you, I suppose someone of your caliber would never be capable enough to be my appr-"

Undyne "YOU'RE ON!" she shouts while pointing at Logan face, causing Alphys to sigh and accept as well. She'd continue her work as a scientist, and maybe use the lessons with Undyne as an opportunity to get closer to her.

*Griggs cries in a corner* "Why do you abandon me master!?!"

As always, if I missed anything please let me know!

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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