
The Wolf Approaches

The white wolf was wading through freezing water in an attempt to get to a boat that was hastily tied to a nearby tree, he'd just been to talk to Cerys an Craite, the new Queen of Skellige about gaining their support against the Wild Hunt. Unfortunately as they had already decided for the battle to take place in Kaer Morhen due to it's remote location and easily defensible position Cery's was in no position to help. Skellige was simply too far for an army to go, additionally the Nilfgardian's were prodding their defences for a chance to strike and take a foothold on the island.

Skellige was an incredible point to hold and if Nilfgard did take it then the rest of the Northern Kingdoms would follow, nothing Radovid could do would stop the Black Sun's advance should they take the Isle's of Skellige.

Nevertheless Geralt asked Crach aswell but he too couldn't provide any men, he did grant Geralt the fabled "Winter's blade". A weapon famous for it's use by King Erlend Stonefirst in his war with the old Northern Kingdoms, with it he cut a swath through the Kingdom's land before finally returning to Skellige with their loot in hand. It is said to be forged in Mahakam and Tempered in dragonfire, though Geralt only had Crach's word to go off of. Regardless it was clearly better than his current Steel Blade and he was thankful that Crach would think him worthy of wielding it.

He also went to have a chat with Cery's brother Hjalmar an Craite, he knew the man was one of Ciri's old flames, though the tryst didn't last as when she was around ten years old she was taken back to Cintra. Once Geralt made known who needed help Hjalmar wholeheartedly agreed to help and immediately set off for Kaer Morhen. From past experience he knew that he was a fine warrior that he would trust his back to.

Which leads him to where he is now... Slowing steering the Ship's helm while fighting against the wind itself. Not to mention fighting off the occasional Siren that wishes to feast on his bones. A few crossbow bolts had it dropping into his range however, bisecting it was easier than shooting it out of the air as it happens.

Once Geralt was in range of the "Misty Isles" he retrieved a corked bottle that Avallac'h had given them, he didn't trust the Elven Sage but knew that Ciri must have as she travelled with him. He still didn't know what to do with him but he'd decide once he'd had a chat with Ciri... If she's even here in the first place.

Uncorking the bottle releases a ball of light that zips up and begins heading towards some fog that almost seems impenetrable... Shaking his head at the fact that this may all be a trap he heads forth, steering the ship in the light's direction.

Soon enough he's completely surrounded by the fog, even with his enhanced senses he's unable to see a thing, simply following the distant light with the hope it wasn't leading him into some deadly rapids or something similar.


He ducks his head slightly as he hears the noise, he can't make out what it is but can tell it's heading right for him. Retrieving his Silver Blade for a second time this trip he uses Yrden to lay a trap which encompasses the boat before waiting...


The sound makes itself known once again, however much, much closer. Geralt can tell it's a varient of a Siren but isn't sure what type yet... Most likely it's an Ekhidna as remaining unseen would be in it's prerogative due to it's ghastly appearance relative to regular Sirens.

Geralt hearts the flapping of wings and ducks, however a claw catches him on his hand as he tries to defend against his unseen foe... A black fluid drips from his wound, "This fog is too thick! I can't see a fucking thing." he growls out as he quickly retrieves a Golden Oriole and sips it to prevent the venom from affecting him, atleast until he's on land.


It screams yet again but based on it's previous attack Geralt can tell it's just a feint, he waits until it's completely silent and is prepared to swing on the fainting wing beat...

"There!" he thinks as he stands on the unstable boat and brings the Silver Sword down, cutting "something" and causing the creature to drop into the boat with him. Looking down it seems his suspicion was right as the monstrous face of the Ekhidna looks up at him, it's fanged face furiously trying to bite him. A quick stab ends it's existence, he quickly dismantles it and throws it overboard for whatever else lives in this waters to eat.

He looks up to see whether or no the light is still visible and breathes a sight of relief when he finds it seemingly waiting there for him. Unfurling the sail he's on the move again, warily dodging the rocks that he can barely make out a few meters ahead of himself.

Eventually he reaches some kind of shipwreck? Moving closer and lifting a bit of the wreckage slightly he doesn't find any barnacles or muscles growing, which means it hasn't been all that long since it crashed here. Following the light a bit more he spots a second light in the distance, heading towards it he finds what looks like a makeshift dock made from the ruined ships, a lone lantern dangling from a fragile looking wooden pillar.

Boi, daddy is here. BOY!... Sorry, just wanted to say it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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