
Another training montage

And so the week of blistering training began for the Chaos Covenant, not that anyone was complaining of course, the feelings of betrayal were still fresh in the Pyromancers memories as they drove their bodies and minds to learn new styles of combat. Solaire happily helped out with their training, focusing on giving them lessons on basic forms of swordplay. With his assistance the Pyromancers quickly became capable of swinging a weapon properly, unlike before where they only used Pyromancy in combat situations. With most of the Chaos Servants being centuries old at the lowest estimate they quickly adapted to a style of combat Solaire coined as a PyreBlade's, the name was quickly picked up by the over enthusiastic Servants.

There are some however that didn't take to single handed swords at all, this didn't sway Solaire in training them though. He says he got the idea from when Reima forced him to use Havel's shield in the Tomb of the giants and watching the Pyromancers train the Iron Flesh spell. The spell turns your skin and flesh into iron, making the caster incredibly resistant to all damage, there is a downside however as they also become very heavy and immobile. After combining the two ideas a front line tank as Reima had called it was born, the name that'd be coined for these people was the Flame Guard, they only numbered ten people and were outfitted with heavy steel armour that completely enveloped their bodies along with large tower shields that were taller than they are. Solaire wanted to make sure there wasn't any week points and fitted them all out with thick visors that significantly limited their vision, even with all that they were still capable of casting their Pyromancies, only wielding a shield and having a free hand dedicated to spells made them a very difficult opponent to put down.

After counting there were 20 PyreBlade's and 10 Flame Guard, the remaining 20 Chaos Servants didn't pick up any weapons in the small amount of time they were given and instead were told to dedicate their time mastering Area of effect spells like Great Chaos Fireball, FireStorm, Flame Whip and area denial spells like Poison and Toxic mist. Reima had even managed to get Quelaag to distribute her personal Chaos Blade spell to the PyreBlade's to increase their combat effectiveness, of course he had to part with a comfortable chair from his stockpile but it was a good trade all in all.

Priscilla also tried distributing her limited martial knowledge with mixed results, if Reima had to describe it in a few words he'd call her a terrible teacher... She'd teach the correct things but was unable to explain why you'd do it, in what situation you'd do it in and where it didn't apply. For instance having a high guard to block attacks from above, from say a pike or something similar. She'd be unable to explain why that particular guard was more effective than a low guard. Even with Solaire's encouragement she didn't last more than a day teaching, Reima had encouraged her to spar with the Chaos Servants instead, to improve their technique as well as her own in preparation for the battle drawing ever closer.

Reima wasn't idle during the week either, he'd decided that they'd need to scout Anor Londo to find a suitable spot to hide their assault team, they were unaware whether or not the city was being patrolled by Dark Moon knights and couldn't allow themselves to walk into a trap. For this Reima had consulted with Dusk as he knew she had various spells that included invisibility, she'd gladly taught him Hidden body and Hidden weapon. The one thing that had confused Reima was that these two spells were seperated, meaning that if you used Hidden body your weapon would still be visible... Same scenario for Hidden weapon, you'd still be standing there looking as if you were holding an invisible object.

Dusk had explained that magical detection wasn't uncommon in Oolacile, instead assassins would dress like regular civilians and cast Hidden weapon. Afterwards they'd walk up to their target, stab them a couple times and walk away, it was rather effective due to the inaccuracy of magical detection at the time. If you wore a magical amulet it'd cause your entire body to register as magical, this caused anyone using Hidden weapon to look like any other civilian.

Reima had then asked the reason for Hidden body was separate, Dusk shrugged and said the only time she'd seen it used was in theatrical plays depicting ghosts, while a rather amusing use of the spell Reima thought it was extremely wasteful. He had suggested to Dusk that they simply combine the spell as it would be easier to use for scouting Anor Londo, she agreed and they spent the next 2-3 days trying to combine the spell Formulae together. As Reima was unfamiliar with the spells from Oolacile Dusk had done most of the work, it'd actually surprised Reima at how talented she was at spell crafting. The Princess had just shrugged and said "It was a requirement for Royalty" when asked about it.

Other than learning the newly combined spell that they'd called "Invisibility" Reima had been looking through some of the spell tomes that he'd "Acquired" from Seath's vault. He'd only read and practise one spell throughout the week however due to it's complexity compared to say a Soul Arrow, It was called Impaling Crystal and caused a large crystal shard to erupt from beneath an enemy and "Impale" then, hence the name. Reima had compared it to how FireStorm functioned, excluding the randomness of the pillars of fire.

Kind of an Info Dump chap :P

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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