
Chapter 1 - One Bad Dream

Running through the field he could feel the wind darting across his face. The fantastical world around him dressed in exotic colors excited every sense of his body. The blue grass swaying below him, the red leaves trees in the distance and large sun overhead beaming down onto him felt refreshing on his face. Beside him was a giggling woman, her beauty knew no bounds and stole his breath every time he glanced at her. Her blonde hair draped back over pointed ears tied and knotted while her soothing blue eyes and pale white skin glanced back at him then to the field in front of them as they ran. He was in heaven as far as he was concerned, scooping her up he leapt into the clouds above. As if answering his call gusts of wind produced from his feet from golden circles filled with runes following each step allowing him to walk into the sky. The ground below churned and the woman in his arms blushed, there was nothing he couldn't accomplish in this world or that was the feeling . No stone he couldn't turn and no location he couldn't reach. In the far distance a kingdom grand and opulent dressed in golden towers had a majestic beauty to it.

"King! Let's land at my back patio! Dads gonna be pissed seeing you holding me like this!" The woman said with a wink and he happily obliged.

Landing gracefully on the patio of some grand tower in the center of the city he put her down. Turning back to look over the rails of the raised patio he could see over the entire city. Races of all sorts traveled back and forth in harmony, church bells rang in the distance with children giggling running around. Wagons carried by exotic creature danced up and down the streets unloading cargo to boisterous street vendors jolly as their belly was fair. It was truly a happy kingdom, one you could say was ripped straight from a fairy tale. Glancing down at the tattoo sun on his right hand he could see the number '48' and smiled. Plenty of time left he though as he spun back around to see the woman closing her doors to her room. Giving him a provocative wink and daring smile as to come get her, he was likely to oblige stepping her way into a room full of more then one treasure.

The room was as opulent as the tower, golden drapes, bed sheets made of gold and a large bed worthy of only a queen or maybe a princess making it stand out even to a blind man. She walked over placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a deep kiss, which he returned in kind. Scooping her up while she giggled he carried her to the bed laying her down gently as he could. Only to stop when he heard the distant cries of terror, screams that sent his hair standing up along the back of his neck and goosebumps all over his body. Turning back to the patio and running out half dressed he could see dark clouds rolling over the lands. He could hear chants of evil and people with deep hate in their heart now marched the streets. A man stood at the helm of the marching peoples draped in black with a red crow on their lapels. He was with a staff in his right hand and a shield with odd golden circles along it in his left. A large crow like helmet was donned on his head, the black robe of his flapped in the wind as he stopped the marching band of evil. The surrounding citizens either cut down where they stood or pushed back into the shivering crowds now shook with terror.

"King! Your reign as a Supreme Walker is over! The walkers must leave!" The man said in a raspy voice like nails scratching steel and raising his staff.

From the dark skies above the face of a skull appears and it opened its mouth. The mouth held the souls of the damned teaming and just racing to escape but trapped by a silver barrier running across the mouth of the foul monstrosity. Their screams shook the man to his very bones. From the mouth was located and where the damned churned a mighty burst of lightening came down streaming towards him. King quickly leapt up into the air on the gusts of wind and swirled his hands around into a large golden circle filled with complex ever shifting runes. Locking into place a blue shield sprang from the golden circle and weaved out like web around him and the palace behind. The arc of electricity burned through his etherial capability and the shield slowly faulted fluttering. Barely just holding out king was able to thwart the attack on the palace but his mind wavered as the smell of burning bodies wafted into his nostril. Below him hundred of thousands were dead, charred remains of him acting to slowly and thinking to highly of himself left untold amounts of dead in the blackened remains of the once boisterous jolly kingdom. A hatred filled king he never knew he had in him and for the first time time in a long time he grew angry.

"Ahhhhh!" King screamed with runes appearing around him like a maze of complex geometry.

Wind, water, fire and stone all teamed down on the mass of evil below him crushing them into fine paste. However fast he was though the skull in the sky now was poised for a second strike and in his hate filled rage he forgot about the palace behind him. The electric ark struck down flattening the palace behind him, when the bright spawn of light receded all was left was a smoldering crater. King fell to his knees and screamed, it was a scream said to be heard around the world.

"Yennifer!!!" He screamed like a dying animal.

Gathering the energy that would of held his body together a golden circle above the kingdom so large it stretched across borders came together. The runes so vast and so meticulous the world shuttered at the ether being collected. Reality seemed to bend and a large white erased the entirety of what was left in the smoldering kingdom. His body shuttered and the world around him seemed to vanish in a thin veneer of smoke. Like he was grasping at sand the memory slipped right through his hands never to be seen in true clarity only in bits and pieces of a remnant a past long forgotten.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

A groggy and stub bearded man woke up with a slight jolt with his heart racing. His green eyes darting across the room while he rubbed his coarse brown hair waiting for his heart came to a slow lull. He sighed looking over to the phones alarm slapping the buzzing nuisance and rolled out of bed with a groan. The first step hit a hole in the floor causing him to stumble across the dingy apartment. Beer cans and empty packs of cigarettes crunched under his fall, dust spun up across the room making a small cloud. Letting out a couple coughs he slowly got back up glancing back at the whole in the ground letting out a sigh.

"Fucking trailer, swear ima kill that landlord." The man mumbled with flashes of the dream coming back to him only to fall away to the mundane reality around him.

Searching for a clear path across the clutter on the ground he made his way to the bathroom. The plastic tub base squished under his feet barely holding in place as the rusty knobs turned on spitting water onto his face and body. Baptizing himself in the warm water he let the grog and grime of last nights charades wash away. He got out wrapping himself in a towel he fetched from his hamper, brushing his teeth and shaving as quick as possible completed his morning ritual. He sniffed around his hamper locating some clean caches and a white T-shirt with the minimal amounts of stains on it quickly throwing it on. He grabbed his phone off the bedside charger and threw it in his pocket after checking it's status. No missed calls and no texts, typical.

Heading it into the kitchen he dodged more holes in the floor coming to a stop at his refrigerator slinging it open. Irrational hopes in his head asked for a full course breakfast waiting for him. Truth was much harsher, beer and some milk was all he was allotted. Snatching up the milk and smelling it he grabbed some cereal off the top shelf along with a bowl and walked over to his dinning table. He scratched out his wooden seat and plopped down pouring out the last bit of the cereal and sighed. Making a mental note to get more he quickly poured his milk and munched down. His phone buzzed in his pocket he half excitedly pulled it out just to see a reminder for him to pay his bills and sighed. Of course he should of knew better, he let out a sigh and re-pocketed his phone. Standing up he went over to the trash throwing away his cereal box and dumping his bowl in the stacked pile inside the sink.

Hitting the door and grabbing he keys of the rack and throwing on his shoes he slid outside into the foggy Florida morning. Dew settled on his beater car and the air was so soggy you could swear you just walked into a sauna. Like being doused with wet rag and then baked in the oven, he made his way as quickly as he could to his car fumbling down the wooden steps. The other trailers around were filled with the various noises of god knows happening inside. The silver Honda door squeaked open and he threw himself on the torn cloth seats. Sticking his keys in the ignition and turning it over he prayed, the car whined and whined. Old faithful true to her name rumbled to life and he glanced at his gas meter, on the last tick and waning just like his patience with this life. He grabbed his pack of cigarettes pulling out the thin stick of death and lifting it up inhaling to calm the last bit of nerves he had left.

Letting out the smoke he threw it in drive and bumbled out the dirt parking spot and onto the paved road of the wealthy traveling to the nearest intestate on ramp. Hoping on I-10 he plugged in his phone listening to some music on his twenty minute journey to the office marked with cigarette after cigarette. Trying to forget or at least come to terms with the horrible long day he would inevitably be saddled with. He got off the off ramp at the marked sign for '103rd' making his ways down to his office building past all the war torn ghettos. Pulling in the parking lot he sighed finding his spot taken as usual, he roamed the parking lot another ten minutes before slotting into a random space. Ripping his keys out and throwing his brief care permanently housed in the car over his shoulder he made his way across the lot to the door. The giant sign above in a half lit neon sign shining 'Doug's Bail Bonds' marked the quality of the business he worked for.

He gave the guard a nod at the front door and was fixing to head past when the guard stopped him wordlessly tapping his chest. Confused for a second he looked down and realized what he wanted after fishing out his badge from his brief case and slapping it on his shirt the guard nodded letting him past. Why he was so tight on security he would never know, it's not like they were guarding Fort Knox just some petty cash deposits and bail bonds. But hey to each their own, he figured the guard must just take his job over seriously and left it at that. The back room was filled with cubicle like desks buzzing with calls, some had people already screaming over why they were getting denied the bonds and others sobbing at the tables throwing pity parties. He couldn't care for either knowing the type of people here weren't the innocent ones and made his way back to the accountant section in the very back of the building. Turning the corner he came to his stop plopping down in his cubicle throwing his brief case at his feet and pushing the clutter aside to power up his computer.

Now began the mind numbing work of crunching numbers on spread sheets, he let out a long sigh click on excel loading up the program that brought death to millions of peoples dreams. Putting some music on and throwing on his headphones he drones out the surrounding noise trying to pass the day by as fast as possible. To his credit it was something he was good at, every time he glanced at the clock on his computer screen another hour passed by till he was released from his prison. Unfortunately his bosses seemed adamant on making his time here as painful as possible and the normal screeches could be heard already. He pretended to be so busy he couldn't hear her screams but the prompt ripping of his headset off his head made that impossible, grating the last bit of nerves he could muster left.

"Lucas! These reports are all wrong! I thought I told you to use Haber's style of organization." Tonya said and he grit his teeth letting the wave of anger pass before speaking.

"Yes mam but those won't work with the A2 forms, they simply aren't compatible. I brought this up at the last meeting." He said as calmly as he could.

"Don't catch an attitude with me Lucas. I'll have you gone before you can blink and if it's not possible then how can Haber do it? Hmm?" Tonya said and he rubbed his forehead letting the second anger wave pass.

"Mam he used A1 forms, they don't use the same formulas. To make his organization method work we'd have to reconfigure the entire system." Lucas said calmly as he could possibly muster but she kept pushing.

"Then do that, it makes it easier on me. Thank youuuu." She said leaving and not even giving him a moment to reply or object.

Lucas slammed his fist down on the desk making the coworkers around him jump and quickly apologized. He hated this god awful job but with his record it was the only place that would take him, it was his fate he supposed. It seemed he would be working late nights the next couple weeks to get all the system overhauled to fit Mrs Tonyas ridiculous damn demands. Not that he had a choice either way, he just got to work pulling out old spread sheets swapping them over to A2 formats one by one. Hours passed by and everyone was long gone, the guard and him were the only to left. Lucas sighed pushing away from the computer, he needed a smoke break. He fished his keys from his pocket heading outside, he gave the guard a curt nod and walked out the front door across the lot over to his car. Ripping open his door grabbing his pack and stuffing a cigarette in his mouth he inhaled like his sanity depended on it because it very much did.

Then night lights outside the parking lot flickered above his car giving an eerie vibe to the empty lot. Occasionally a car would pass by or a homeless man on a bike but he paid them no mind burning cigarette after cigarette till his nerves calmed back down. Pulling out his phone and clicking the wake button it lit up displaying the time. It was almost twelve and he was definitely going to be here another two hours if he kept pushing..might just head home though but Tonya would bitch if he didn't have those forms done soon enough. Just his luck he thought throwing down his cigarette and smashed it under his worn dress shoes making his way back across the lot. The lights occasionally flickering overhead, he stopped when he heard a call. Something that he shouldn't of heard, he shook it off and kept walking.

"King!" The voice called again stopping him in his tracks.

Lucas turned slowly toward the sound of the voice and a old homeless man stumbled over to him. He was drunk and smelled worse then a dumpster, his clothes were torn and he had plenty of missing teeth. Lucas just shook off the call and realized he was being delusional, the old man could barely walk let alone form coherent words. But like a pale specter of a ghost haunting him the words stumbled out the old man's mouth again as he turned to walk away.

"You will you return king." The voice echoed in his head, Lucas spun back around.

To his shock all that graced him was an empty lot, lights flickering over head. Lucas laughed at his delusion and rubbed his eyes, he had been working far too long it seemed. It might be time to call it a night, finished or not Tonya would just have to fire him. He walked inside and gave the guard a nod and rushed back to grab his brief case and turn off his computer. On the way out the guard locked up since he was the last out and was getting ready to swap out with the night shift guards. Lucas cautiously made his way across the parking lot waiting to be called again but he reached his door with no calls from spooky old hobos. He shook his head throwing open his door, might be time to see his shrink again. He was slowly loosing his mind or what was left of it he supposed.

Slapping his keys in the car he pulled out the parking space and started the trek home. Lucas pulled out another cancer stick and lit up, the music and smoke filled his mind as he headed back. Doing anything he could not to think of the long hours he would be working all next week. Ironically the drive home always felt ten time longer then the drive to work as time drug by. Eventually he made it home, the upside to working so late if there was one was the empty roads. Jacksonville to his trailer park in Baldwin took no time at all in the dead of night with no traffic unlike the twenty minute jam or rush hours in the morning. He pulled in his dirt parking spot and got out leaving his brief case inside the car where it belonged and slung himself up the stairs. Fiddling with his keys for the lock he glanced at the door only to sigh, a paper on the front with the land lords name was never a good sign. He paid rent so he could only imagine what the asshole wanted now.

Stepping inside he peeled off his shoes at the door and threw his keys back on the racks. Slinging open the fridge the first order of business was to get a beer down his gullet. Popping open the top he took a quick chug while rummaging through the freezer for a microwaveable dinner. He pulled one out and slid open the plastic top popping it in the microwave. The slight glow jumped against his face as he waited taking sips of his beer in between checking the food not to rubberize it. He popped it out grabbing a fork setting down at the dining table, he groaned getting back up and grabbing the TV remote. Sitting back down he turned on the TV to some news while he munched down his five course meal of the finest American cuisine.

("The spread of Covid is slowing with all major states pulling back their mandates. That's it for this weeks infectious report, John back to you." The man said and the screen cut to a city in fire.

"The Russian invasion into Ukraine is still raging. Member nations of the UN are furious and calling to kick Russia from the UN entirely.")

Lucas sighed changing the channel, war and death seems like humans are still doing what they knows best. Nothing ever changes really, he was tired of it. Some family guy flickered on the next channel and he turned over a smile while downing the rest of his meal in peace. He got up throwing away his plastic plate in the already full trash, he looked at it sighing. He tied it up pulling it out the bin, he grabbed another beer on the way out popping the top. The cold damp Florida air and the distant screams of ever present fights in the trailer park greeted him. He walked around behind the trailer to his trash can and put the bag in, he took a long sip of his beer looking at the moon. Heading back inside he pulled his cigarettes out the car and lit one up on the way in. The door slapped behind him and he hit the couch after finding an ash tray. His beer sat across from him and his ash tray on his bulbous belly he slowly outed his cigarette falling into the deep beer coma calling him.

He woke up in the fields of blue grass like and greenish blue sky waving overhead with white fluffy clouds rolling overhead, watching from the eyes of the man called 'king' with no more control then a person watching a movie play out. The cast was set and the die rolled, he was just here to observe as the timeline jumped around showing him various times this king fellow took on adventures. The red trees leaves in the distance marked the place he believed King called the super continent of 'Ori' once before and Lucas figured this was when he was still younger in this dream world his mind seemed to love to conjure up so much. The figure was much more like a prepubescent kid then the late stage teenager he normally accompanied along the dream world. King looked to the left and in the distance a group of kids came prancing over with smiles on their faces.

"Shaw, Ria, Oscar!" King said hopping up and walking over to them.

The group of three held two younger boys and one girl. Both boys had dark black hair but one with blue eyes and one with dark brown eyes, the dark brown eyed boy was much bigger and stalkier. The smaller blue eyed boy was scrawny with a wiry frame. Both were fair skinned, the girl had black skin with curly hair and green eyes that could penetrate the thickets of a persons soul. They all three were dressed in odd clothing that was reminiscent of medieval times with flashy and flamboyant colors. The bigger boy with a hammer on his back, the scrawny one with a sword and the girl a bow. The girl stepped forward hugging king and Lucas by extension with a burly hug that made a few of kings bones pop.

"Ria your killing King!" The big brawny boy said.

"Shut it Shaw. Your fine aren't you king." Ria said releasing king and stepping away with a smile and slapping his shoulders as if to 'dust him off'.

"Yes Ria I'm fine thanks for the hug. What have y'all been up to?" King said in a child like voice Lucas couldn't help but feel was familiar.

"Oh nothing those two have been arguing about or next adventure. Like usual." What Lucas could only assume was Oscar the wiry kid said glancing between the Shaw and Ria with a huff.

"Oh shut it Oscar. Ria just can't keep our goals straight, her dreams change every five seconds." • "Better then a lug head who takes years to get any dreams of his own!" • "I do not! King see what she does!" • "Oh come on now y'all don't fight. Beside Oscar is leaving us behind."

King pointed out as the wiry boy had long walked off from the twos seemingly constant fighting, they huffed and shouted following after him and king just laughed. Lucas internally smiled, it seemed like this king fellow had some good friends. He wondered though why none of the other dreams had them in it? He was truly curious, king caught up with them and they chatted moving along through the forest and to a road. Lucas was drawn in by the fascinating wild life they so casually passed. Wolves that could turn invisible, bunnies that had horns on their heads and deers with antlers producing electric arcs between them. More fascinating was the animals seemingly non caring attitude about the group traveling, or seemingly like they didn't want to mess with them. How strong was the kid king Lucas wondered, how strong was the king when he was dating the princess of that one country. The name always alludes him, but he knows it's their in the back of his mind waiting to be revealed should the time in the dream come.

Their travels brought them to the base of a mountain larger then Lucas had ever seen in the real world. The road barreled right into its center and a warning message was posted in an odd language that he could understand 'Warning of Trolls' it stated. Lucas thought the group of kids would turn around but they just barreled ahead without a care in the world. Torches lit the caverns inside as the road branched off constantly with the side trails going god knows where. Signs were posted at the branches directing them to constantly proceed forward to make it out the other side. Before even ten minutes passed a creature as ugly as it was large stepped out from one of the branching routes. The four skillfully took stance in seconds without word in what Lucas could only assume was rehearsed through hundreds of times of practice. King took the back with Ria while Shaw ran out swinging his hammer down at the green monstrosity. Oscar skillfully followed behind Shaw looking for an opportunity to strike.

King seemed to be a magician, his hands stuck out from them circles spun out into a golden hue filled with runes. The runes shifted and changed and from the center of the golden circle a large white arrow shot out arching around Shaw and Oscar slapping into the hulking troll. The green monster must have had skin as thick as leather, the strikes only singed the grimy hairs along its arms. It roared lifting its large club and swing it sideways, Shaw slammed down his hammer into the dirt and it took an odd red glow. The club struck the hammer and rebounded off it like Shaw was an immovable wall and the glow faded.

A few arrows flew over his head in an arch hitting as if they were moving of their own will leaving green trail of aura behind as they slapped into each eye of the beast with deadly precision it screamed clawing at the arrows ripping them out. Oscar moved around Shaw like a fluid ocean ripping out his long skinny sword and poked holes in the beasts belly till it's green goop of blood flowed out. King one last time held up his hands and out came large arrows much bigger then the last ones and burning with an odd flame. They struck its belly where Oscar had poked about punching through it and out the other side, the beast roared holding its guts as the blood flooded out then stumbling before falling to the dirt dead. Golden motes of light rumbled out the dead being and into the four of them with a message that popped up;

['Troll' killed! (Role : 35%) | + 348 T]

"Oh man, how come I only got 10 %!" Shaw whined rolling over the body and looking for something.

"Who knows king probably got the most for the kill." Oscar said rolling his eyes at Shaws complaints.

"Whatever let's get that ether core and go. I don't wanna be in troll land to long." • "Your welcome to actually help for once Oscar." • "Come on you two both help, I got watch let's hurry up and get out of here. You both know it freaks Ria out since her past team didn't do so well here."

King thumbed to the girl shifting around uncomfortably, she was paying no attention to what they were saying. The two grumbled but didn't give king any lip just a stern nod from each and back to work. They both turned over the corpse searching every inch of its body for the stone, ripping it out of its neck when they found it quite gruesomely. Lucas cringed at what can only be twelve year olds mercilessly gutting and slaughters beasts. It was just weird, to say the least. Oscar stuffed the core in a bag hanging from his side and they got back into their formation making way down the road. Oscar in the middle beside Ria with king at the back and Shaw taking the lead. Lucas couldn't help but drawl parallels from adventurer groups from books. They were perfectly balanced, now that he thought about it most the stuff in his dreams came from fantasy books. He was never an avid reader of them so he found that quite strange.

"So King when we get to the Kingdom of Marcel you gonna get stuck around that pretty elf princesses finger again? Yennnifer I believe her name was." Shaw said smirking as he glanced back, Lucas could feel King blush but he scoffed to mask it.

"Shaw you're just mad she likes me instead of-" • "Watch out king!"

Oscar cut him off and shoved King out the way, behind them a troll had snuck up. Lucas watched in horror as the club smacked into Oscar sending him flying a against the wall coughing up blood. Shaw rushed after the beast but another from the side slapped him down just as quickly, Ria screamed throwing as many arrows as she could at them but was quickly smacked away just as easily. They had been ambushed by a group of trolls, Lucas could feel the anger welling in King and the golden circles with arrays formed all around him. A blinding white light wrapped the dark and ominous cavern followed by the screams of King.

"Ahhhhh!" The scream was feral like a wounded animal waiting to rip into those that dare harmed it. Then..blackness and silence followed.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Lucas jolted awake, the cigarette tray fell off his lap onto the floor clanging and rolling to a stop. His phone in his pocket was buzzing letting him know it was time to get up, he fished it out and poked the screen so hard he almost put his finger through the phone. His head thumping he stumbled off the couch cracking his back, he fell asleep in a horrible position. The dreams fresh in his mind where once again slipping away like grasping at air, but what was left behind was an empty feeling.

A desperation and depression, Lucas made his way back to the bathroom and opened the cabinet pulling out his pills. He skimmed them over and threw two down his gullet, dropping his clothes to the floor and hopping into the shower praying by the time he got out the horrible emptiness he felt would just go away. Or at the very least just be suppressed like every other day, the meaningless of his life compared to the wonder he knew in the dreams left him hollow. It grew worse every time he came back from them dreams, every time remembering more and more. Even if they weren't real he knew that he was more alive there then he could ever be here.

He turned off the rusty shower valve letting the water above him come to a trickling stop. Lucas groaned thumping his head against the wall praying for the empty feeling to go away faster. Stepping out the shower he awake half dazed slumbered over to his room trudging through the beer cans and various carts laying on the ground. Sitting down at the edge of his bed he stared at the floor waiting to dry off and for the pills to kick in. After ten minutes or so he got up simply throwing back on the clothes he was wearing the day before after work. He shuffled out the room to the fridge and slung it open only to find it empty. Grabbing the milk he pulled it out and reached up for the non existent cereal, he forgot to get cereal on the way home. Opening back up the fridge and placing the milk inside he slammed it shut and walked over to his couch slamming down. Pulling out his phone checking the time he sighed harder, it was almost dead. Of course he forgot to charge it last night, he would just have to charge it on the way to work.

Lucas got up and ripped his keys off the rack and slipped on his shoes. He turned the lock on the door, why he had no clue it's not like anyone was going to rob him. If they did they could have whatever they wanted, they obviously were poor souls far worse off then he was which he couldn't believe existed. He sighed throwing open the dingy silver door and got inside. Slapping his keys in the ignition the morning ritual started of him turning the key and praying that the gods of Honda would let it start. Once again he was blessed..or cursed? Allowing him to travel to work, he pulled out the dark parking lot and onto then interstate. He fumbled around for his charger and plugged in his phone. Pulling out a cigarette he lit it up and sighed rolling down the window and helplessly zoning out as he drove along the morning rush hour traffic.

Before he knew it he was in his parking spot and dreading moving from his car seat. Grabbing his brief case and phone off the charger he got out his car and threw on his badge this time not to get stopped by the guard and headed inside. He gave the guard a nod which he returned and headed to the back where his cubicle was located. Sliding over papers and throwing down his brief case he powered on his computer. Praying that he could somehow get all the A1 forms switched to A2 and organized how Tonya wanted so he wouldn't have anymore long nights. Fat chance though. He popped on his headset, opening his music player followed by excel and let the mind numbing work begin. Zoning in and out of reality a couple hours at a time he only stopped to rub his eyes or go pee. Thankfully he got all the files almost transferred over before it was even five o clock and organized just like Tonya wanted. He almost made it the whole day without hearing her voice, almost. He heard her behind him and knew she would be reaching for his headset so he took it off before she could spinning around to meet her.

"Ah good you're alert today. So it seems I was wrong and the higher ups don't want the A1's reorganized. Something about it not working with-" Lucas couldn't hear her anymore and his mind went numb.

"I stayed up all last night.. I cut into my hours today for this flippant change only for you to tell me it doesn't work." Lucas said under grit teeth.

"You don't have to give me attitude Lucas, I realized I was wrong. So let's get them all changed back over by tomorrow so we can get back to regular" • "You. Bitch." • "…Excuse me?" • "I said you FUCKING BITCH, DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME! DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA HOW STUPID IT WAS TO CHANGE THEM ON A WHIM JUST TO CHANGE THEM BACK YOU FAT CUNT!"

Lucas said panting as he was now standing up screaming in her face, the woman shrunk back staring at him like a raving lunatic. The entire office went silent and Lucas felt his stomach drop out. Oh no what did he do, he just lost his job. Preserving the last bit of dignity he had left before she fired him he threw the badge on the table. She was bumbling trying to say something, but he would say it for her. Strike while he had some wind left in his sails and courage under his belt.

"Don't fucking bother. I.QUIT." Lucas said with seething hatred grabbing his brief case and storming past her making sure to hit her shoulder and stumble her a few feet.

He passed the guard who was smiling ear to ear, he never asked the mans name and they never talked but he gave him hidden thumbs up as he passed by. Lucas didn't even have time to acknowledge him heading out to the parking lot getting inside his car and slamming the door. He fished around for his cigarettes and pulled out…the last damn one. Like it was his last meal he lit it up sitting in the parking lot and savoring the taste, it would be his last one. He was fucked, he had no where to go and that was the only job that would hire him. He just quit the only way he had to make money, he just forfeited his home. Lucas banged the steering wheel screaming and crying, only to stop when he seen his coworkers leaving the office. He turned on his car glancing at the clock, seven it was seven o clock. He had cried for a solid two hours like a bitch, he sighed putting his car in reverse and making his way out the parking lot and onto the intestate. On the interstate the empty feeling returned stronger then it had ever been, his life was meaningless and he felt that more now then he ever had. Sickening silence was what he listened to the whole way home.

He got off the interstate and onto the highway connecting to his house. Glancing down the road he could see the brick wall for the start of the abounded laundry mats. He glanced again and let out a sigh, fuck it he was so tired. Just so tired and he didn't want to go on anymore. Pulling off his seat belt and slamming the petal his Honda shit box reached the limit of one hundred. A sudden swerve was all it took and Lucas closed his eyes, the last thing he could remember was the faint horn of another car. Then nothing, the sweet release he had wanted all along. The empty feeling was gone and the pain along with it, just nothing. Simply nothing. Then a bright light andhe could hear snippets of conversations going on around him. Is this heaven? Then the voices became clearer and horror filled Lucas.

"He's back! We got a pulse!" • "It's a miracle his brain activity almost completed ceased!" • "How is he alive? He should be dead right?!" • "Get Dr. Morgan! Hurry!"

Lucas tried hard as he could to tell him to leave him. He wanted to die why did they have to save him! Why? He felt his body slip back under and he fell into blackness once again. But it didn't last for long as old faces came to torment him like he hadn't had enough. They popped up around him in the black nothing, his mom and dad who had long died in the past. They looked angry, of course they would he was the biggest disappointment a son could be. Then his grandma who looked sad, then..her. That elf girl who was crying belligerently with snot and tears running down her gorgeous face. Then Ria, Oscar, Shaw and the rest all staring at him with wide eyes like they were dead. Others he couldn't recognize all crying and weeping, an entire group of millions of faces all chanting 'return king' so loud he couldn't think.

Why were his dream characters here? None of this makes sense, he just wanted to go to sleep. To relax his tired mind, he had enough of this world but it kept pulling him back and roping him in more bullshit. They chanted louder and louder, now his parents and grandmother chipped in. A picture of a crescent moon flashed in his mind in the dark abyss with a giggling fairy floating in the ark of the waning crescent over the people all chanting. A searing pain formed in his mind growing with the giggle of the fairy. The giggle of the fairy and the chant grew so loud he just wanted to cover his ears to make it stop but it droned on till it came to an abrupt stop. Then… silence.

Chapter 1 & 2 are very closely tied, i suggest reading them both in the same go if possible.

Ruinzcreators' thoughts
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