
Enslaving Julia

And so the days passed by for Jake, 10 days had passed since he had first fucked Julia in the morning and she fully accepted their sexual relationship.

He had held true to his training and studying regimen. Working out in the morning and studying in the afternoon and evening.

He had finished reading and understanding all the books from the first year of high school which would start in about a week. Even Jake himself was surprised at the speed he read through the books, while completely understanding them.

His body is transforming heavily as well at the moment. Muscles are starting to appear on his body and even a trace of a six-pack is showing on his belly.

He felt himself getting stronger every day, his physique improving rapidly. Jake was very satisfied right now, his mind and body had made leaps of improvement, after just two weeks since his brain fully awakened.

He hadn't hypnotized anyone else in this period, fully focusing on training his body and studying. Naturally, he had his hands full with Julia as well as Kayla.

His relationship with Julia had made leaps and bounds of improvement.

They enjoyed their evening session every day, fucking hard. They hadn't skipped a day and Julia kept on coming to his room asking for more, but she even changed during the day as well.

At first, they fucked only once in the morning before she got too embarrassed, but that quickly increased to two and three times, of doing it.

They even went further and now while Kayla wasn't home during the day, they would soon enjoy themselves in each other's body. Fucking wherever they wanted in the house.

They had even showered together a few times, doing it in there as well.

Over the course of these ten days, Julia had lost all embarrassment and went along with everything Jake wanted to do. Having sex with Jake was now completely normal for her and things like kissing or giving him a blowjob weren't even things she found weird anymore. Her body had truly become lewd, wanting sex almost any time of the day.

Naturally, this was what Jake was going for, completely turning Julia into a sex-craving woman. And now he was about to start his final act of the plan and turn her into his obedient sex slave.

Not a lot would change though, they would still continue to fuck a lot as they did now, but after she became his slave their relationship would change in Jake becoming totally dominant over her. Not alone during sex, but during ordinary life as well. Julia would have to do anything he wanted, not caring if she herself was against it.

Kayla was going to sleepover at a friend tonight, so Jake decided to do it today. His plan was quite simple. Julia's body was already dependent on Jake fucking her, she couldn't go without it anymore.

So all Jake had to do was make up some lame excuse and say their sexual relationship would be over. Julia would naturally do anything in her power for her to satisfy her needs, even if this meant she would become Jake's slave.

Jake knew it was a quite simple plan, but he hoped it would work and had confidence in it.

As what happened to Kayla these last few days, not much had changed since the beginning.

She still masturbated daily because of Jake. The number of times increased over the last ten days and Kayla was now masturbating a lot.

While masturbating even her vision of Jake had changed. At first, she just saw him in front of her while she played with her pussy, yet now she was full-on imagining Jake fucking her pussy hard.

Imagining Jake pushing his dick inside her with great vigor, Kayla masturbated like crazy. When she saw him during the day her attitude towards him had also changed.

She was now warm and nice to him, doing some things for him as well. Her attitude had made a huge turn, being the total opposite.

Jake enjoyed seeing this as he knew Kayla had accepted it in her mind that she was truly starting to like Jake and that her body was craving for him.

It was now after dinner and Kayla had already left the house, not returning until morning. It was about time for Jake to start conquering Julia fully.

As she was putting the dishes in the dishwasher, Jake was enjoying his view. Seeing her sexy juicy as wiggle a lot, while she was working, really aroused him a lot.

But he had to keep it in, for now.

Not long after Julia finished and saw Jake looking at her with greedy eyes. She knew what this meant, he wanted to devour her once more.

Knowing this her pussy in reaction to it started to get wet and her nipples even became stiff, just from knowing Jake would fuck her again in a bit.

Jake stood up and Julia walked to him, she wanted to kiss him, but surprisingly to her, he stopped and pulled back a bit.

This hadn't happened before. Usually when she would go in he would start to indulge himself in her body, yet now he pulled back, so she immediately knew something was wrong.

"Julia we need to talk."

Julia understanding this didn't mean anything good sat down and looked at him. She gulped nervously and said: "What is it Jake, is something wrong?"

Jake looked at her and said: "we need to stop the sexual relationship."

Julia looked shocked, hoping that that wasn't what it was about, but hearing Jake say it she got even more anxious. Her body now desired getting fucked by Jake. She didn't know how or why, but it just was so.

Thus now hearing it wouldn't happen again, made her not feel good.

"What, why?"

Seeing Julia getting so anxious Jake knew his plan wouldn't fail.

"It's just I start school in a week, and if I want to date a girl, I can't keep having sex with you, that just doesn't feel right. I want to date and have sex with other women, so I'm sorry but we need to stop this."

Julia couldn't say anything anymore. The thing she feared had become true.

"I'm sorry Julia," Jake said as he started to get up from the chair and walk away.

But when he not even made a meter, Julia quickly got up and grabbed his hand. She was getting a bit teary-eyed as she said: "Please Jake, we can keep it a secret, can't we? Just please keep having sex with me."

Jake truly felt a bit bad for her. Seeing the woman who took him in and raised him as her son like this, but Jake had made up his mind. Even though he would make her his slave, he would still treat her right and fuck her plenty.

"I'm sorry Julia but we can't."

Jake started to walk away again, but Julia once again stopped him.

"I can't!"

Jake looked at her and she continued, "I can't stop with this. Please there has to be a way for you to do it? I'll do anything."

Julia herself was a bit surprised she was getting so desperate. Just hearing Jake tell her, he wouldn't have sex with him anymore, broke down her world. So she had to go all the way and hope Jake would change his mind.

Jake looked at her and knew this was what he was waiting for. He continued to look at her while making her thing he was mulling over it.

Then suddenly a knowing look appeared on his face as if he had figured something out.

Julia seeing Jake, got a bit happy as she thought he figured something out that would make their relationship continue.

"There is something, but I don't think you'll want to do it."

Julia quickly said: "please tell me."

"If you become my slave, I'll continue having sex with you."

Julia got flabbergasted hearing this. He wanted her to become his slave? What did that even mean?

"A-a slave?"


"I-I can't do that."

Julia had realized what he meant by this and understood that wouldn't be the solution.

"I see, it was just a suggestion. Then I'm sorry but from this point on we won't have sex anymore." Jake said while walking out of the kitchen towards his room, but he didn't even make it to the stairs as Julia suddenly chased after him and shouted: "Wait, Jake, I'll do it!"

In a matter of seconds, her decision changed completely. Seeing Jake walking away and telling her they wouldn't have sex anymore, something in her mind changed and she accepted that if she wanted to have sex with Jake, she had to do as he said and become his slave.

It was either living normally from now on with no kind of sex or living as Jake's slave with sex constantly.

Normally someone wouldn't even get this kind of choice in their entire lifetime and Julia was surprised by getting it, but what she was even more surprised about, was how fast she was willing to become Jake's slave in order for him to fuck her.

It was like it wasn't even a hard choice for her one being totally unacceptable to her and that was the choice for living a normal life.

Jake looked at her and said: "You do realize what you're signing up for?"

Julia looked at him with a determinant face and said: "Yes."

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