
Worth of a Name

"A new god?" The angel growled. 

Elle felt the impact of a kick on her side. Seizing with pain, bile and blood rushing to her throat, she began to hack and cough. 

The angel placed the bottom of his filthy foot against her cheek, holding her down.

...Yet the killing blow did not come. 

  "No," He said... "There is still hope in your eyes. This... Tychon-- he is a man?"

'Tychon...' Elle begged in her heart, 'Save me...'

Gaheris was critically damaged. She was about to die... and Coraline was going to be next. 

But the person at the forefront of her mind... was her boyfriend. 

He would come. 

He had to come. 

He was a hero. He was *her* personal hero. 

What use are heroes if they don't save people? 

"You are wrong." 

She felt the angel mount her chest-- causing another jolt of pain to travel the length of her body. 

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