

The following morning, 117 men and women of the Brazen Guard collective collected in the temple courtyard. Their effective number during combat would be far less... as the close combatants would not be able to easily engage with the lethal sweeping attacks of the giant-sized Guardians. 

According to Tanamar, two Adamantine-Rank creatures would be summoned out of the mosaics... in the image of Snake Cult champions, no doubt. Further, additional defenders would be summoned from the thirteen sacrificial stones, mostly Iron-Rank creatures. The latter would be intercepted by the close combat squads, led by defensive classes such as Legionnaire Karodin and Duelist Ptolema led those tent-groups. 

Such persons, Tycon had personally identified as competent as Decani... and though their groups consisted primarily of Bronze-Ranks, they had the advantage of numbers and teamwork, and were more than able to defeat their opponents. 

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