
My SI Stash #18 - Joker’s Wild by NotAHero (One Piece)

-SI as Doffy. Chaotic MC, you're in for a ride~


Sypnosis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 23K

Posted on: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/jokers-wild-one-piece-si.800560/#post-62455924 (NotAHero)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (*´ー`*)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 0+1

'Pft-' I barely held in the urge to snort, knowing full well, the moment I let it out, the cackles would follow before eventually, for whatever reason, ending in full-blown laughter.

The sound of bullets flying, and more often than not, landing in flesh filled the air as swords clashed and bodies dropped. I'd segrated myself towards the back, slowly but surely moving closer to the main attraction, a grin forming on my face. Of course, given my, status, no one was really in the mood to tell me otherwise, the pirates even less so.

I've been in this world for... I'd say maybe an hour? The war itself's raged on for far less... Yet, every scenario I played through my head, generally ended one way...

On the other side against a certified protagonist. And that was only guaranteed to end one way.

Hell, I'd already tried to throw a haki-infused attack at the bastard yet somehow that ended with me having to dodge for my life.

Freaking Hawk-eyed bastard playing both sides... Still, I'll admit, I was a little surprised at how... easy it was to use this man's powers.

Regardless, given the main characters unanimous win record, that meant my best shot at avoiding impel down was...

I minutely eyed the scaffolding behind me, a full-blown grin on my face, my sunglasses reflecting the light hitting them. I gripped my hand hard enough to draw blood out as the urge to laugh suddenly became too high and with a flourish I spread my arms wide, my cackles immediately coming out and promptly awakened my devil fruit, every kind of haki infusing itself almost instinctively as I threw everything into the one attack.

And promptly shattered the scaffolding, one single string latching onto the shocked Whitebeard prisoner, sending him rocketing across to the other side of the field while my strings busied themselves ravaging every marine and other pirate in sight, my laughter growing over the sheer destruction caused. If my strings didn't hit them, my Conqueror's haki certainly did.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Akainu's voice suddenly growled out from the other side, a livid look on his face at what he'd witnessed.

I simply kept my cackle up and ignored him.

"There will be consequences to pay for this Mingo!" Another marine called out, one who'd had the willpower to atleast stay standing. The magma admiral himself already in a rage as he launched himself across to where Ace's body had been flung. Mass disarray and chaos filling the barely held together ice-rink.

What I'd give to see Whitebeards face right now!

"Dressrosa-" Another marine started, likely about to go on a tangent, before I'd promptly had enough and released another Conquerors attack, oddly enough the wave coming out even stronger then before as I watched Vice-admirals take a knee.

Government won't like that at all!

With that said and done, I promptly started walking away towards the other side of the war, the grin still present on my face.

"Fuck Dressrosa," I stated calmly, reaching a hand out towards the sky, even as the Fleet Admiral's form grew behind me.

Latching a single string to one of the clouds, I promptly grappled onto it and flew. My instincts driving me towards what I assumed was the aforementioned island. Not like they'll be able to launch an attack anytime soon... And by the time they do... Well.

It ain't going to be no regular Dressrosa waiting for them, that's for damn sure.

Still, given Ace's early release and the fact Whitebeard seemed to be contemplating outright retreating given his commander was, well not safe, but no longer in enemy hands...

What will happen now?

Who knows. He could decide to stay and lose? Or even win?

Hell Ace might still end up dying for all I know... I wasn't planning to stick around to find out. As far as I am concerned, Luffy, Whitebeard and his crew and of course Ace himself, owe me. That's all that matters.

Regardless of whatever happens, the only thing I am certain of right now is that-

It's going to be absolutely hilarious.


Chapter 1

It didn't actually take all that long for me to reach Dressrosa, though given the speed I'd been moving at it shouldn't be too much of a surprise, unless I'd simply lost track of time...

Not to say I haven't moved faster than this but for this world's standards?

Doflamingo was overpowered.

Still, just because I could move at the speed didn't mean I could actually handle the exertion.


I dropped down, the string cutting with a pop of all things, my hands flailing the slightest as I eyed the approaching ground, my feet quickly cracking it, spawning a spider pattern as my body held up without a wince. Snapping my gaze around, I released a sigh at the sight of civilisation. For a moment there I'd worried I'd missed.

I made to move forward, at a more humane pace, mostly due to my burning lungs- I promptly blinked, though the sunglasses hid my expression, at the sight of the large screen in the middle of what looked like the town square? I don't remember this being in Dressrosa.

From the looks of it, the war was still going on, and Marineford was still losing... Though... The angle of the view makes-

Whiteboard brought his own recording equipment...

I wasn't sure what to think of that. Still, I'd missed a good deal having flown here, I quickly turned towards the nearest civilian, a blue-haired bartender currently sweeping the outside of his workplace.

"Peasant!" My voice rang out, the words slipping in naturally, earning an internal sigh. "What's happened with the war so far?"

The man's eyes darkened as he looked up towards me, his free hand suddenly gripping the broom two-handedly. His gaze minutely turning to the side, as he grit his teeth before answering. "You flipped off the World Government... Then you flipped us off. Your majesty," The man spat the last word.

I didn't skip a beat.

"I know, I want to know what happened after,"

The shopkeeper's eyes quickly filled with a look I'd recognised on spot, as a chuckle escaped me.

"Whatever it is you're thinking... Just understand..." I remarked quietly, though I know he'd heard me. My body had slowly started walking towards the man, the determination in his eyes slowly dying out at the looming aura.

"I am both, a king and a pirate," My words quickly causing the masses to stiffen. "And do you want to know what those two symbols have in common?" I regarded him and the audience I'd gathered coolly. My gaze going over each person surrounding me.

"They both tend to overreact..." My words were promptly followed by a chuckle.

I promptly turned back towards the frozen bartender. "You haven't answered my question," I remarked, with disinterest. My gaze slowly raising itself towards the castle in the distance behind him.


Turns out the bartender hadn't actually been keeping track of the war following my proclamations. Regardless, deeming my current plans as a bigger priority, I'd promptly made my way to the castle.

And no I didn't not slingshot myself and crash in for my first appearance...

Which brings me here. Currently seated on Doflamingo's throne surrounded by three out of four of his commanders.

None of them had dared to say anything yet, all of them waiting for me to start speaking, which was frankly perfect for me! And no it had absolutely nothing with the fact I was using my strings to keep them frozen. Though given their devil fruits, you'd think it wouldn't have any effect on them... Unless they were humouring me-

"Young Master..." Trebol sniffed, his body suddenly twisting as it ignored my strings. And though he'd started, it seemed the words had simply left him. "Why...?" His dumbfounded tone almost sending me into a cackle.

I simply smiled.

"Trebol," I started, my voice holding a certain edge of steel to it. "I am going to need you to do something for me..." I remarked as I leaned on one arm.

Trebol's face seemed to light up at the words, while a sigh of relief seemed to escape Diamante.

"What is it Young Master? Does it have somethin-" I raised a hand cutting the man off.

"I just need you... To send an invitation..." My grin grew in size, "To each and every single Slave trader that directly deals with the Celestial Dragons."

Trebol's face quickly drained of colour at the words, his eyes panicking the slightest.

"That... That wouldn't be easy to arrang-"

"Tell them I am opening this country to sell, " My words immediately dropped the room temperature as my commanders froze.

"Bring them all. The sooner the better. Don't send invitations to the Celestial Dragon's themselves, don't need them getting offended... If they find out by themselves and decide to show though..." I snorted.

Trebol's gaze seemed to snap between the others though none of them looked as if they had any intention of speaking up.

"Doffy..." Trebol suddenly called me by name raising a red flag quickly.

I raised an eyebrow at the man, finding a conflicted expression on his face.

"Do you truly intend to sell-"Though whatever he'd been about to say died out as I promptly snorted.

"Tell me, what do you think would happen, if the very men that provided the slaves to those creatures were Sugar'd?"

The strange term no doubt caught him off-guard though the moment he understood what I meant, his eyes seemed to widen exponentially as he sucked in a breath.

My eyes glinted in the sunlight from outside, my grin ever present as I turned upwards.

"And if they're stupid enough to show themselves... I'll have to start a collection..." I added on, my cackle coming out in spades. I promptly straightened myself as my gaze locked with each pirate in the room.

Taking in a deep breath, I quickly got up off the comfortable throne, one hand pushing back the sunglasses onto my nose.

"Let's clip The Dragon's wings..."

Celestials losing their shit over non-existent receipts = the World Government won't have time to go after me!

But they don't need to know that...


Hope you enjoyed, don't forget feedback!

Follow me on twitter/euwleague~ @N177013

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aweirdweebcreators' thoughts
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