
Chapter 125. End of Eclipse

Silva POV

Before everyone entered Dr.Merlot's lab, I got their attention.

Silva: Hold up, a moment, I need to you guys something!

Ruby: What's the matter, Silva?

I then told them the plan I had in mind for a while now.

Silva: You know that cliche where the mad scientist blows up his lab to get everyone?

Everyone else collectively nodded, and I continued.

Silva: I think it won't just be a cliche in this instance, so I would like to split up from you and directly go after Merlot and prevent something like that from happening.

Ruby: Good idea! I don't want to get blown up on an island. But won't the mad scientist notice you are missing if you do that?

I smiled at Ruby and used magic to create a rather convincing body double. Everyone I told that I had magic had a look of realization and smiled as they examined my body double. Blake then whispered into my ear with a slight blush on her face.

Blake: Do you think you can use that trick when we are... you know?

I reached down and groped Blake's butt while the others were distracted and whispered back.

Silva: Of course, My Naughty Kitten. Any other fantasies you wanna try and make as real as possible?

Blake's face turned redder as she nodded, and I had the biggest smile on my face; I love my catgirl ninja rebel, kinky teenager! I kissed her on the cheek, which did not go unnoticed.

Pyrrha: Silva...

Silva: Come here, My Fire.

Pyrrha also got a kiss, and Yang asked with a roguish grin.

Yang: Geese, Silva, what would my pet name be if I decided to date?

I shrugged and told her honestly.

Silva: Hard to say. It depends if we do start dating first.

Ruby had a blush adorning her face along with Weiss as she reminded everyone.

Weiss: We are on a mission, people!

I noticed that Nora has been sneaking glances at Ren after seeing me being affectionate with Blake and Pyrrha. I decided to tease Weiss a little before going after Merlot.

Silva: Don't worry, Weiss. I will give you a kiss later, but I got a mad scientist to catch first.

I shot up into the air and started examining Merlot's lab to find him as the other's head in to distract him with my body double in tow. Now, where is he? It did not take me long to find Merlot in the central control, and I immediately knocked him out then looked through his mind. I found what I wanted and put the mad doctor over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I went through some doors and got all of his research data on a separate copy. Salem should be interested in Merlot's research since it involves mutating Grimm.

I went back to the main control room and found the others on the monitor. I decided to let them clean up the rest of the Grimm with Merlot's robots providing a hand. After that, I lowered the jamming array down so Ozpin could find us. After a while later, Ozpin showed up himself and took Dr.Merlot into custody. Everyone soon made it back to Beacon for a well-deserved rest.

( The following day)

I got on the elevator and headed to Ozpin's office. After several floors, I finally reached the office and saw that the General, Ozpin, and Glynda were waiting for me. Ozpin congratulated me.

Ozpin: Once again, Silva, thank you for capturing Merlot and bringing him to justice.

I shrugged at his thanks and asked him.

Silva: I guess you want me to give you a report on the mission in person?

Ozpin: Correct, please start from the beginning.

I go over an edited version of events that kept out my magical abilities. After going over everything and answering a few questions, they let me go, and I went back to my dorm room. To my surprise, I found Yang waiting in front of my dorm room, and as she saw me, she grabbed me and said.

Yang: Come with me!

Yang dragged me all the way into a bar at Vale. As we got some drinks, I asked her.

Silva: So what's up?

Yang nurses her Strawberry Sunrise for a few moments then tells me.

Yang: I have been thinking about what you told everyone during the mission, the blood on your hands, and the lives you have taken. I've decided...

I waited for her answer with rapt attention, and she said.

Yang: I don't know!

I looked at her deadpanned as she smirked at her answer. I sighed and downed my drink in one go, then looked at the blonde, feeling annoyed at her build-up and disappointment. I sighed and asked Yang.

Silva: In all seriousness, Yang, why are we here?

Yang: Well... I wondered if you tell me everything you went through again but in private so I could ask you some questions that I didn't before.

Silva: Okay, let's head to the castle then and talk there.

Yang: Okay then!

I opened a portal to the castle and, more specifically, my room and started our long talk.

( Hours later)

Yang: So hold on! You met Ruby and me when we were younger?!

Silva: I'm still a little hurt by the fact you forgot me.

Yang looked sheepish as she apologized.

Yang: Sorry, but it has been ten years, plus I didn't forget you. I just did not recognize you after so long.

I shrugged, not minding anymore, and asked her.

Silva: So what now?

Yang sighed and told me.

Yang: I still don't know, but I think I will never be okay with the fact you killed so many people, and don't get me started on Ruby's reaction. Even if you had your reasons.

An awkward silence filled my room for a few moments, and Yang told me.

Yang: However, about my dating you, I think I will give it a try first.

I smiled at her then asked.

Silva: So when do you want your first date?

After talking about our plans for an hour, I sent Yang back to her dorm room. Not long after, I got a text message from Weiss about wanting to meet with me. I opened a portal to her, and she came in and took a seat across from me in a chair. Weiss fiddled with her hair as she tried to decide what to say to me. I just waited quietly for her to start, and after a few moments, she said.

Weiss: I am thankful to you for a lot of things, Silva, revealing my fat-I mean Jacques crimes under my family's name, healing my mother, and convincing the White Fang not to target my sister or me. I put myself in your shoes in all those situations you told everyone about and wondered what I would do in your place.

Weiss stopped for a moment, then continued looking resolute.

Weiss: I would not have wiped out that cannibalistic village or that cult. I might not have gone to the Menagerie for any reason or helped Emerald or even face your acquaintances at Atlas, even if it were their last request.

Weiss took a deep breath and then told me.

Weiss: I don't care about your past! You have done nothing but show me love, affection, and care for my well-being. So Silva Cloud, I love you!

As Weiss cutely blushed at her confession, I smiled at her and walked to kiss her passionately, then replied.

Silva: I love you too, Weiss Schnee.

I kissed her once again as I drew her closer to me. After I parted from her, I whispered into her ear as I groped her perky little butt.

Silva: I want you so bad right now, Weiss.

Weiss: Pervert...

Silva: I'm not hearing a no.

I gave Weiss a deep kiss, and as our tongues danced, I fondled Weiss' butt then parted from her. Weiss was blushing and panted as she looked into my eyes and called me.

Weiss: Degenerate...

I chuckled at her reaction and whispered into her ear.

Silva: I am only one to my loved ones.

I took off Weiss' coat, revealing her bare shoulders, then stripped off her dress. Weiss was wearing some risque white lingerie which had some semi-transparent parts that showed all but her most private parts. I then reached for her secret garden and played with her clitoris. Weiss grabbed my hand, playing with her intimately but did not pull it away or push it further. I gave her another kiss, and not long after, she climaxed.

I then pressed her down onto my bed then, stripped her last bit of modesty, and saw her naked glory. I then undressed and revealed my hardened member. I mounted atop Weiss and asked her before plunging into her.

Silva: Ready, Weiss?

She gave me a meek nod, and I slowly entered her. Weiss yelped in pain at the loss of her virginity, and as she fully engulfed me, I waited for her to get used to my intrusion. As Weiss started to relax, I slowly started to pump her. Weiss interlocked her hands with mine, and she started to release sweet moans of pleasure. I steadily increased my pace, and I soon dyed Weiss' inside white, and she came as I poured my essence into her.

I pulled out of Weiss then flipped her over to take her behind. I got a bit rougher with Weiss as I gripped her hips to prevent her from making any escape. After another set of climaxes, Weiss passed out from pleasure, and I covered her with my sheets. I watched Weiss snooze away. I felt it was time for me to sleep as well. After all, the Vytal Tournament is just around the corner.

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