
Chapter 120. Mt.Glenn

General POV

Ozpin, James Ironwood, and Glynda Goodwitch, we're currently meeting in Ozpin's office over the intruder at the CCT last night at the dance.

Ironwood: They were here... Ozpin, they were here!

Ironwood acted in his usual alarmist fashion, wanting nothing more than bringing the entire Atlesian Military to Vale. Glynda snapped at the general for stating the obvious while Ozpin kept quiet, contemplating while rubbing his temples as they bicker.

Glynda: We are very much aware of that. Thank you, James.

Ironwood: Fantastic, you're aware. Now, are we going to do something about it, or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?

The elevator rang, alerting them that the guests that Ozpin asked for had shown up, and he beckoned them.

Ozpin: Come in.

The guests turned out to be Ruby, who faced the intruder and Silva for some reason.

Ruby: You wanted to see us, Professors and General?

Silva examined the room quietly, wondering why Ozpin summoned him, and the wizard asked the red reaper.

Ozpin: Thank you for coming, Ruby; how are you feeling?

Ruby: Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad-guy catching record wasn't 0 for 3.

Ruby chuckled at the joke she made to lighten the tension in the office. While all eyes except Silva's focused on her, making Ruby meekly reply.

Ruby: Okay, so that's the tone we're going for, got it...

Ironwood: Ruby, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that I think what you did last night is exactly what being a Huntress is all about. You recognized a threat, you took action, and you did the very best you could.

Ruby: Thank you, sir.

Ozpin interjected.

Ozpin: Now, the general here has already informed us of the events that transpired last night. But now that you've rested, we were wondering if you had anything to add.

Glynda: Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?

Ruby sighed in disappointment at being unable to answer their questions and replied.

Ruby: I don't know. She was wearing a mask. And she never said anything to me, but I know she fought with glass. I don't think that was her semblance, though. Her clothing lit up whenever she attacked.

Glynda: Save for the glass, that sounds like the woman I bought the night we met Ruby, Silva.

Ironwood: Embedding Dust into clothing is an age-old technique. It could have been anyone.

Ruby realized this after hearing Glynda's assumption.

Ruby: Wait, you think this girl is connected to Torchwich and the White Fang?

Ozpin: It's possible.

Silva spoke for the first time in the meeting.

Silva: If that's the case, I have some information that might help.

Ironwood: Explain.

Silva took out his scroll and handed it to Ozpin so the information on it could be projected. Silva started his explanation.

Silva: You see, during the White Fang faction meeting I attended earlier, as you know, professor Torchwich was there showcasing an Atlesian Paladin that he somehow procured. He mentioned operating somewhere in the southeast, and by cross-referencing the information I acquired, I concluded the most likely place for this operation to be happening is Mt.Glenn. The main reason is that an underground railway connects to Vale, but this is just an educated guess, so I could be wrong. My recommendation is to scout it out first before making any major moves to confirm or deny my information.

Ozpin: Thank you, Mr.Cloud, but we lack evidence to link the two, but this information is still invaluable.

Ruby kept quiet as the meeting continued.

Ozpin: Ruby, why don't you go and spend time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you. And Miss Rose, please try and be discreet about this matter.

Ruby: Yes, sir.

Ruby left the office, leaving Silva there as he waved her goodbye. All attention is now focused on Silva.

Silva POV

I asked Ozpin the question that I have wanted to ask.

Silva: So Ozpin, why did you call for me?

Ozpin took a sip of his cocoa and replied.

Ozpin: I just think we have been long overdue for a meeting, Mister Cloud.

I looked at him and waited to see what he wanted. Tindick then interjected.

Ironwood: Ozpin, don't we need to make our next move as soon as possible. We need to send as many troops as possible to Mt.Glenn. Find exactly what's going on and eradicate any forces that stand in our way.

Glynda sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation at Ironwood's suggestion and looked towards Ozpin to stop him from his military bravado.

Ozpin: James, I agree with Mister Cloud's suggestion to scout out Mt.Glenn first before making a sudden movement that might cause or enemy to go to the ground and slip through our fingers. After all, you send scouts out first before the flag-bearer in war, and we are at war.

Ironwood looked shocked at Ozpin's mentioning of the shadow war with Salem in my presence, and the wizard assured the general.

Ozpin: Mister Cloud, here is already aware of Salem, the Relics, and the Maidens because his adoptive mother is Raven Branwen.

Tindick looked surprised at my relations and eyed me wearily, but Ozpin assured him once more.

Ozpin: He is here because I believe he can be trusted, unlike his mother.

Silva: That and I don't want the world to get destroyed by the Grimm Queen.

Ironwood: Very well, then Ozpin, I will trust your judgment.

Ozpin: Thank you, James. Now, Glynda, I think we best get ready to start the first year's mission assignments, and Mister Cloud, since you brought this information to my attention, I would like you to lead the scouting mission.

Silva: Understood.

Ozpin: Here are the details for your flight to Mt.Glenn, and I will be assigning Team RWBY to you. You may go.

I head off to the airships to wait for the girls to show up.

( A bit later)

Not long after, Team RWBY showed up at the airship I was waiting at for them.

Silva: So, Team RWBY, are you ready?

Ruby: Silva! You're leading the mission!?

Weiss: Why?

Blake: I am not sure if this can be considered unexpected or not.

Yang: Looks like there is a SILVA lining in this mission.

Everyone collectively groaned at Yang's pun, where I shook my head in wry amusement. I clapped my hands to get their attention and said.

Silva: Okay, everyone, get on board. We are leaving for Mt.Glenn and pack lightly.

Soon the airship took off, and in a matter of hours, we landed within Vale's greatest failure, Mt.Glenn. After everyone got off, I saw Ruby's bag and asked her even though I knew the reason.

Silva: Ruby, I thought I told you to pack lightly.

Ruby: Well, I, uh...

Zwei, the corgi, popped his head out of the bag, and Ruby whispered to her dog.

Ruby: Zwei, get back in the bag.

Silva: Ruby, you brought a dog on a mission against not only Grimm but criminals and terrorists as well? I can tell that the dog at least has its Aura awakened, and we can't turn back now, so he is your responsibility. Okay, let's see if we can find anything in this abandoned place.

I soon saw a lone Beowolf wondering by itself, and Zwei pointed at it, drawing everyone else's attention to it. They got their weapons ready, and I decided to let them do most of the fighting for now. They handled the Grimm with little to no trouble as I used my sonar to map out the underground cave system to find an entrance to go after the White Fang and Torchwich.

Time flew by quickly as Team RWBY fought against the Grimm in the abandoned city, and night soon followed, so I decided to call it a day and let them rest before confronting the enemies. I told them after seeing them starting to get tired.

Silva: Okay, everyone, we will call it a day and break for camp. Weiss, Blake, and Yang, you pick out a spot for us to camp while Ruby and I will scout out the perimeter.

I left with Ruby to check the wall surrounding Mt.Glenn, and we spotted a group of ancient Goliaths walking through the forest. Ruby cried out excitedly.

Ruby: Those are awesome. What are they?

Silva: Those are an Elder variant of Goliath Grimm that has been around for several decades. They are very strong and experienced, and to take them down; we would need some serious firepower.

Ruby: Oh! Cool.

Silva: Let's head back to the others and rest before tackling the White Fang and Torchwich.

We soon found the building Weiss, Blake, and Yang picked out to camp at, and they got a fire started already, which Ruby liked.

Ruby: Oh, fire, so warm.

Silva: Okay, then who wants first watch for the night.

Ruby volunteered for the first watch, then Yang, followed by Weiss, and lastly, Blake. They will each have two-hour watches, so I will not need to take a watch. As the night flowed onward, I rested lightly, ready for anything that might pop up, and the girls started talking as they were having trouble sleeping.

Yang: Blake, you awake?

Blake: Yes...

Yang: Why did you want to be a Huntress?

Yang started making conversation to help pass the time until she could sleep.

Blake: There is a lot of fear and inequality in the world, and I just want to try and make it better if I can, but ultimately, I became disillusioned with the changes of the White Fang, so I left when Silva offered a way out along with Ilia.

Yang: You know I was originally searching for my mother, but Silva came along, and well, aside from some thrill-seeking and wild adventures, I am a bit lost at what to do next.

Blake: I am sure you will find something, Yang. Just give it some time.

Yang kept silent for a moment then decided to bug Weiss.

Yang: Weiss, you awake?

Weiss: Of course I am awake. The two of you are talking!

Yang winced a little at Weiss snapping at her, but Weiss added her two Lein to the conversation and continued the topic.

Weiss: I originally wanted to be a Huntress to bring honor to my family name like my Grandfather before, but since Mom took over after... Jacques was put in prison for what he did with the family company things have gotten better, so I now just want to find out what to do from there as Weiss, not as Weiss Schnee. But in the end, being a Huntress means protecting people, so I desire to come second to our duties.

Yang: True, but why do you think Silva wants to be a Huntsman?

They kept silent as I decided to enter the conversation, pretending not to hear them.

Blake: My impression of him is that he is in it to travel freely because he makes more than enough money not to need any rewards, and he has already done a lot of good at the Menagerie.

Weiss: He also set a settlement outside of Atlas' control called Oath for the Faunus of Solitas that operates without Dust.

Yang: Dang, he really sets a high standard for helping people.

Blake huffed amusement and agreed. Ruby walked in on them and told her blonde sister.

Ruby: Yang, your turn.

Yang: K, sis.

Ruby went to sleep as Yang got up and started her watch. Let's see if Zwei will drag Ruby into trouble like in the canon.

( Over an hour later)

I woke up to the sound of Zwei being up and about and Ruby telling him to go back to sleep. Zwei soon ran off to do his business, and Ruby followed him with a groan escaping her lips. I got up as well because I didn't want either of them falling into holes. As Ruby chased Zwei, he suddenly stopped and marked his territory in the usual dog-like fashion. Ruby complained to her strange dog.

Ruby: Zwei, you could have literally done that anywhere.

Ruby and I soon heard some White Fang grunts talking, and she decided to follow them as I shadowed her. As Ruby overheard what their up to and found an entrance to the White Fang's current hideout, she got excited and went to inform the others. Unfortunately, the ground cracked and started to fall apart, which was my cue to save her. As Ruby managed to grab Zwei and throw him to safety, I used magic to lift Ruby up and out of her predicament, and she then asked me.

Ruby: Silva!? Why are you here?

Silva: Just keeping an eye on you as you have a knack for finding trouble.

Ruby sheepishly laughed at that fact and got excited as she told me.

Ruby: Oh! Silva, you won't believe what I found out!

Silva: I know that White Fang is under us, Ruby, but that can wait until everyone is rested and ready for the fight ahead.

Ruby gave me a goofy salute and replied.

Ruby: Yes sir, mister sir.

I rolled my eyes at her antics, and we went back to the camp to finish resting for the night. Everyone else was awake and wondering where we were.

Yang: Ruby, where did you sneak off, and why are you with Silva.

I thought making a funny but believable lie to embarrass Ruby but decided against it as she told her teammates what she found out. Naturely they were all gun-ho about charging right in and hit the White Fang and Torchwich hard before they found out about us. But I reminded them that there was no immediate hurry.

Silva: Okay, slow down, everyone; before we jump into a fight, we need to be smart about this. I suggest we finish resting up and have a light breakfast; then we scout their operations and make a plan. Any disagreement?

Blake: But Silva, we know where they are and-.

Silva: And they have no clue that we're here looking for them, which means we have the element of surprise. Plus, I already know multiply entrances to the underground cave system here, thanks to my Semblance. A few of which are not guarded at all, so we can pick our approach and are means of attack. Remember, we don't know what they're up to or their numbers or hear, so airing on the side of caution is a must.

As they considered my words, I then told.

Silva: For now, make sure all of you are well rested because we are in for a long day tomorrow and possibly multiply days to a week because we lack too much information. So rest for now.

Blake: I-, okay, Silva.

Yang: K, Weiss, your watch is next.

Weiss: Very well then.

As Weiss took up her watch, everyone got ready to get what sleep they could.

( Hours later)

After a quick breakfast, we headed into the caves and saw the train that the White Fang was working on as Roman directed them.

Roman: No, you dumb mutt, it's not a leash for the last time!

Roman looked tired, and we saw them loading Atlesian Paladins onto the train along with the bombs. I made a quick plan to delay their departure.

Silva: Okay, Ruby, I need you to watch my back as I sabotage the train so that they can't go anywhere.

Ruby took out Cresent Rose in its sniper rifle form and confirmed.

Ruby: Got it!

Silva: The rest of you get ready to start a fight if I get found out.

They all got their weapons ready as I made my approach.

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