
Chapter 63. Lilith

Silva POV

A month has gone past since I worked with the White Fang and the effects of their large-scale operation could be felt now throughout the kingdom. Most of the middle and lower classes at Atlas are now giving Faunus a wide berth and stores are now doubling down on their no serving Faunus policy or charging extra to them. While the bigots that live up in the clouds are calling for blood or at the very least complete separation of Faunus and humans.

I sigh thinking about maybe setting up a self-sufficient settlement for the Faunus here in Atlas, I have the money, and my summons more than make up for the manpower. Putting that aside for now I decide to head over to Pietro's clinic to finally finish building Lucifer's new body and give her a new life even if she doesn't have her memories. It didn't take me long to reach Pietro's and I knocked on the door feeling excited.

Penny answered the door and let me in. I saw someone I did not expect to see and not did I want to, General James Ironwood. While I do have my own opinions about the overgrown mechanical bull in a china shop I try to be civil.

Silva: Hello General I was not expecting to see you here.

He looked toward me and offered a handshake with a self-important smile, I honestly felt the urge to crush it when I took it as he replied.

James: You must be Silva, I have heard a lot about you.

Silva: Nothing but good things I hope.

With my reply, Pietro came into the room and explained.

Pietro: Ah, good your here Silva. The General expressed a desire to meet you when our project came up after he came asking what I have been up to lately.

Of course, he still trusts Ironwood since he hasn't screwed up yet and let his ego and paranoia decide his actions. I gave a mental sigh and decided to mind myself unless Ironwood decides to be overbearing or annoying. The General then complimented me.

James: If even half of the things I have heard about you are true I am glad that a young bright mind such as yourself has come to Atlas.

Well, that is my cue to leave Atlas soon or at least go off the grid because earning his attention is not a good thing in my book. Soon the door opened again and revealed Rory much to my and the General's surprise.

Silva: Rory!? What brings you here?

James: Specialist General Eis? Why are you here?

Rory just ignored Ironwood and came up to me with a light kiss on my cheek then answered me with a mischievous smile.

Rory: Oh please, do you honestly think I don't know what you are up to when you're in Atlas my dear sweet tiger.

Ironwood just looked slacked jawed at Rory's display of affection and speaks in a stupor.

James: D-dear sweet tiger!!!???

Seeing his reaction brings a smile to my face and Rory then told the General.

Rory: Ah, Ironwood, let me introduce my fiancee to you Silva Cloud.

I arched an eyebrow at her, while I am not against marriage I want to wait a bit longer like a few years at least, and I have not even thought about popping the question. Ironwood looked completely thrown for a loop at Rory's declaration but he quickly shook himself out of his stupor and said.

James: While I must say I am surprised at your choice in a groom Specialist General Eis, I congratulate you and wish you many years of happiness.

Rory: Thank you Ironwood but putting that aside I wish to see your little project, Beloved.

I shrugged and looked towards Pietro and he opened the door to the lab. When we walked in I saw Lucifer's new body. Her new body was 5'6'' with the portions that make her petite and cute. She had ebony skin with long silver hair that reaches her hips and was wearing a simple black summer dress to cover her body. I'm place of her ears are some triangular horn-like attachments points upward passes the crown of her head making her seem like a devil and a very cute one at that.

I took out a small black box with a glowing white circuitry pattern on it and put the black soul crystal that contains Lucifer's soul essence in it. Next, I pressed the black gem on the body that was just below the neck and it opened up revealing her mechanical insides. I placed the black box in her and her body closed over it. I went back to the lab table to activate the start-up sequence with Pietro.

As Pietro and I go over everything to make sure nothing goes awry Rory asks me.

Rory: So, how much of your preference has gone into designing her body?

I just started at Rory with a deadpan expression for a moment and go back to work ignoring her. After a few minutes, Pietro and I are ready to start, Pietro then asks me.

Pietro: Would you like to do the honors, Silva?

I smiled and nodded in reply and activated the start-up sequence on the computer. The table her body was lying on started to glow and energize her body with dust. Moments pass by and she opened her honey-orange irises and her mechanical pupils started to dilate. She then looked at me and it hit home that the person before me while having Lucifer's soul essence is still a different person. I sighed accepting this and walked over to her and said.

Silva: Welcome to the world, Lilith...

A new name for a new life is my feelings on the matter and she spoke for the first time.

Lilith: Lilith?

I smiled and told her.

Silva: That is your name after all.

She nodded in understanding and I offered her my hand to help her up and she took it. She was a bit unsteady at first on her feet but she got used to it quickly. I heard clapping and I turned to see Ironwood walking over while giving applause then said.

James: Astounding, truly, a new addition to Atlas's military forces along with the P.E.N.N.Y. project for the next step in-.

I snapped my fingers and used a bit of magic to put Ironwood in a highly suggestible state and told him with an ice-cold voice filled with rage at him trying to claim Lilith as property, while he looked blankly ahead with unfocused eyes.

Silva: My project failed and this girl in front of you has nothing to do with Atlas or you for that matter.

He repeated what I said in a monotone voice.

James: Your project failed and the girl is uninvolved with Atlas and me.

I then told him coldly.

Silva: Now leave you to have more important things to do and forget this incident.

He replied.

James: I have more important things to and this incident is not important enough to remember.

He turned and left, I then looked at Pietro and Rory. Pietro apologized.

Pietro: I'm sorry Silva I did not think that the General would try to claim your friend.

I sighed and assured him.

Silva: It's fine Pietro you could have not known and can you delete the data on Lilith for me so he does not realize I messed with his mind.

He nodded and started working on the lab interface and I looked towards Rory and she said.

Rory: I have no qualms about what you did with Ironwood after all he only got the position of General by being politically savvy and making the right connections and I personally don't like him. But what are you going to do with her?

She pointed at Lilith and I told her.

Silva: First I need to set up an identity for her.

Pietro quipped in.

Pietro: I'll take care of that for you.

Silva: Thanks.

Pietro: No trouble at all and again I am sorry for James.

Rory then gave her thoughts on the matter.

Rory: I can take her in, after all, she is dear to you from the looks of it and I could use the company now that Grandfather is gone.

She walked over to Lilith and examined her then said.

Rory: I must admit you do have good tastes because she is adorable to look at and I honestly feel tempted to take her shopping to try some outfits I will pick out for her.

Lilith hid behind me and Rory smirked then told me.

Rory: Oh right before I forget I managed to find you a place in Atlas that you can own despite being a Faunus.

I smiled at that and asked.

Silva: Really? Where?

Rory looked hesitant and told me while avoiding my eyes.

Rory: Well, it would be better to show you first but just to be clear this is the ONLY place you might be able to get your hands on in Atlas.

Now she has me curious and I asked her.

Silva: Can you show me?

Rory: Tomorrow, I will take you to it.

I nodded looking forward to what sort of property she found for me.

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