
The Seventh Floor (II)

Snow and Javeon went out through the metal gates that cranked open, where a group of stone creatures stood in guard. It wasn't just one place that had one or two stone guards, but many scattered across the walls. One could tell that this wall was the last stand from the warp gate that led down into the lower floors. Mix at the front gates were Players situated by the sides, identifying the Players. Above them on the walls were the Hunters and more Players, watching for any invaders.

"Are these the only guards here?" Snow motioned her head towards the guards. She noticed how pitiably low it was compared to the ones in the lower levels. Better yet, she had a feeling that this place would fall if they didn't step up the guards.

"For now, yes. We don't have enough people here to protect and scout out for the boss." Javeon replied, "Not enough supplies, but everything changes when you are here." He was super happy at her presence.

"I'm sorry? Why?" Snow didn't quite understand why her presence would change as much of a difference. She wasn't bringing in any food or any essentials for any transaction but money and monster parts. "We deal with hunting and mission accomplishments. Anything outside that would be difficult to provide."

"Exactly that reason." Javeon pointed out, "your reputation precedes you, Snow."

"How so?" Snow tilted her head, not understanding the importance of her. "Is it because of the possibility of bringing in reinforcements to this area?"

"Yes, and you're the Snow."

"I don't get why my name has any weight."

Javeon was baffled by her response, but instead nodded his head as mumbled, "makes sense. These NPC don't fully understand their worth."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing." Javeon quickly cleared his throat. "You can bring in reinforcement, new jobs, and even move mountains with the other companies. Even seeing the famous people that you bring now is extraordinarily helpful."

Snow thought over what he said, thinking about the plans for the Dragon Express future inside the dungeon. Already, she saw the many problems and hurdles that they had to overcome to keep this small base alive. She didn't know how deep the dungeon went, but this stop was essential. Already, the walls gave her protection enough to keep things safe, and they were near the warp gate, allowing them easy access to the lower floor for a quick escape.

Even still, there were a few negative things about this place: the lack of food, security, and people. If she wanted this place to strive, she had to move quite a bit of mountain to keep this area safe.

"You make some sense." Snow replied as they finally arrived at the spot where Javeon pointed out.

On the walls, there was nothing. Even if Snow squinted, only the blank stone walls were present.

"Give it a moment," Javeon replied, he was excitedly rocking back and forth as he looked off into the distance.

Snow waited until the first orange light cast upon the wall. Almost as if it was flooded with magic markers, the wall glistened and changed. Ancient writings that she could read appeared one after another.

"The guardians of the last stand." She unconsciously read out loud as the word appeared before her. "An end to all when the wall falls."

Like a sledgehammer, Snow was smacked in the face realizing what this meant. "An end to all when the wall falls," she whispered the phrase, her head aching.

Javeon started to panic, biting his lips and nervously picking his nails. He blurted out, "Is it true. If the walls fall, we are doomed?"

Snow didn't answer, because she didn't know. The only thing she could do is assume that something catastrophic would happen if the wall falls. "I don't know yet." She carefully stated so she wouldn't start a panic. That wasn't what she wanted.

"But you just said that if the wall falls, we are doomed."

"No. I said, An end to all when the wall falls, we can take it a couple of ways: literally or figuratively." Snow turned around, leaving the place as her feet scurried back to the entrance. There were too many things she needed to do, especially if it meant for the future of the area. Already she had a nagging feeling that this wall was a significant source that stopped whatever that could happen.

Quickly, she started to think of a plan. Bringing out a piece of paper, she quickly jot down what she needed from Heather and the Dragon Express. Realizing that Heather had given her a communication device connected straight to one of the higher-ups from the outside, she used it.

The small crystal ball rang, and on the other line was Lily. Snow sat down on her chair.

"What is it?" Lily's voice could be heard from the other side with a hint of annoyance for picking up the phone.

"I have an emergency from the field operation. I need a large group of Players and Hunters willing to contract out for a duration of time until this dungeon falls."

"Why? Don't you have enough?"

"Absolutely not. I'm on the seventh floor right now, and I found a second spot for us. Good walls to protect us from invasion, but not enough people to keep it safe."

"The Player's not helping?"

"Look, I'm asking for troop help and large delivery of food and weapons. The Dragon Express has enough money to cough up this kind of spending without a blink of an eye. Also, the deeper we go, the higher the liability. But that isn't the problem, I think that if the wall falls, we will have a dungeon invasion."

"Exactly, higher the liability and expensive," Lily said with a drawl that she didn't care for Snow's safety or the people around her.

"Don't you understand?" Snow was getting annoyed at Lily's indifference. "A large scale invasion if we don't set up and protect this wall!" She was starting to simmer.

"I think your assumption is bull shit," Lily replied with her nose up in the air. "You can get your guards from the Players, food will be sent. While weapons and extra people, yea. No."

"For fuck sake Lily. Get your whore face out of a selfish gutter and send a message to the upper echelon. Why am I talking to you anyway?!" Snow threw up her arm, ready to chuck the stone crystal at the ground.

"Because I was available." With a cling, Lily hung up.

"Fuck!" Snow swore so severely, the Players and Hunters all looked towards her in surprise, for they have never seen her swore so harshly before. Already she could feel the burden of weight over her shoulder as she had hope that whatever remaining Hunters and Players were available knew the value of this place.

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