


"Hyung, noona was really good. Her shots wasn't as painful as i'd imagine them to be" Bambam proclaimed while showing his shot. I heard from the others that Eunjee is taking this physical exam seriously. When she see something wrong with the charts, she either gives a shot for booster or extract blood so she'd know more of our current status.

Jackson came out looking like his soul came out of him. We all know how Jackson is scared of needles and right now from what he looks like its seems that he had multiple shots from Eunjee.

"You alright?" I ask him

He looks at me and points at me accusingly "She's evil. Shes so aggressive" he says then rubs his arms. Jb came to his side and leads him towards the room assigned to us. Bambam was already laughing to what Jackson said, Eunjee is checking Jinyoung now which leaves me and Youngjae next.

I went to see the others inside the room and saw them making fun of Jackson. They didn't notice me because all their backs are facing me and I didn't bother telling them.

"You are such a kid hyung. Noona was very gentle when she took some blood from me. I didn't even feel a thing" Yugyeom stated.

"Yah! You should have seen her laugh when she saw how scared I was." Jackson answered back.

"But we have to agree on something. Eunjee was really professional. She can make any guy turn their eyes towards her when shes working" he added which made me smile a bit. Except when he said about other guys looking at her, that one ticked me off a bit.

"I wonder what Mark-hyung is thinking right now? Cause honestly speaking shes rocking her attire right now." Yugyeom said earning him a smack from JB. Thanks Jb.

"Shes still your noona." Jb said

"A very cute and hot Noona though. Mark should be really proud of her. " Jackson stated.

"Why should i be proud of her? Did she win something?" I asked causing the boys to look at me.

"How long have you been standing there?" Jb asked

"Since Yugyeom said something about Eunjee's attire" I lied

"Hyung! I was just kidding"

"You were?" Both Jackson and Jb countered while Yugyeom nods fast

"Well i wasn't. Eunjee was hot and sexy. Like S-E-X-Y, sexy!" Jackson said earning him both me and JB to smack his head.

Just as I assumed earlier today, her outfit will definitely get her noticed. I didn't bother hearing what the others think anymore instead I walked out of the room and saw that its almost my time for the physical exam.

I sat next to Bambam, right where I left him awhile ago. "Hyung, they'll extend todays check up. Noona will check up two more groups." Bambam informed me.

Todays schedule only involve us doing the physical exam. I guess seeing how Eunjee was able to handle all of us in just a few hours made the management decide to make the other group have their check up today as well.

Youngjae came out of the room laughing which made me curious why but before i could ask him, the nurse who was calling next came out and smiles at me. I walked towards her direction and bowed.

"Come in first" she instructed and so I followed. I again bowed infront of her and the other nurse inside the room.

"Hello, my name in Mark Tuan. Please take care of me" I introduced. Eunjee wasn't inside the room though.

"I'll weigh you in first before the doc takes you. She just went out for a little bit to use the bathroom." The second nurse informed me before instructing me to sit on the chair infront of me. She does all the weighing and taking notes of my temperature and blood pressure. After all the weighing, measuring and answering her question I saw Eunjee entering the room again through the other door holding a bunch of clipped papers. She places it in her designated place and goes to her stethoscope and putting it around her neck. "Doc T. His ready for you" the nurse who was assisting me told Eunjee and when she saw who I was, I deliberately saw her took a big gulp before smiling and taking the files given to her by the nurse.

"Thank you" I told the nurse whilst walking towards Eunjees area.

"Lets see. You've gained a few kilos through the year. All muscle weight I assume" she tells me. "Sit here for awhile please" she instructs me to sit on the table in front of her while she rummage something in her desk.

"Nurse Yu, can you please take this files. Arrange them by their own group. We'll be entertaining them in awhile" she gives the files to the first nurse who called me inside. She faces me again then smiles. I noticed that she wasnt wearing her coat. I looker at her while she writes something in what i assumed my own files.

"Lets see. I'm going to check how your lungs and heart is doing." She tells me and I nod "On a count of three when i say inhale or exhale. Please do so" she adds. She places her right hand on my shoulder and the other guiding the diaphram against my chest.

"Now. Inhale" she says and so i did. She was doing this for awhile alternating inhale and exhale and moving her direction left to right of my chest and back. I was two focus on what she looks like to even bother hearing her next intruction not until she snaps her finger in front of me. I blinked a couple times earning a weird look from Eunjee "Are you alright?" She asks.

"Yeah im fine. I was just thinking of something." I can't tell her that i was distracted because of her, what i said was the safest way to dudge anymore questions from her.

"Doc T. Can we go out for a bit. We'll just buy some food then come back." The other nurse asks

"Sure. Just ask someone outside for directions. I can handle this for awhile" Eunjee smiles towards the two nurses.

"Do you want us to buy you something?"

"An iced coffee will do. Also some sandwiches if thats okay" she asks the two which agreed to her request. They both left leaving only me and Eunjee

"I do believe i told you about wearing a coat" I stated which made her blush

"And I do believe thats its time for your shots. You havent taken them for months. I need to give it to you now" she tells me

"You do realize that the guys are very much entertained right now with what your wearing" I add while she looks for something inside their metal cabinet.

"And you?" She throws at me while walking towards the other cabinet and taking out two vials which I don't know what for.

"I am not...and whats that for?" I ask her as she prepares the things she need.

"This...this is your shots Mark. Two needle injected to you wont kill you. So you don't have to worry about anything" she smiles before showing me the syringe with a small amount of liquid inside.

I wasn't scared of needles but I am scared of the evil smile Eunjee has on her face. If what the guys said was true. I shouldn't feel a thing but why is my heart thumping so hard.

"Mark, you need to calm down. Your arms are very tense, if you keep that up it would be hard for me to inject you. You arms should be relax" she tells me. She holds my arm with her other hand, applying some antiseptics and before I could react I felt her pinch my arm a little then she was already wiping it again. "Done"

"Wait thats it?" I faced her

She nods then looks at me "why you want more?" She taunts me. I shake my head and goes off the table. "A-ah! I wasnt done with you yet. I still need to gets some blood from you" she tells me, pushing me to sit again on the table which I found a bit hot but we all know I cant feel like that so I put the thought at the back of my mind. She took some blood from my arms without putting any second to waste.

The guys were right though, she is good at what shes doing. I can see that she loves her job and is determined to do the right things.

"I'm done. You can go now Mark" she tells me

"Here" I took out her car keys and gave it to her. She takes it and smiles at me again.

"Thanks. I suggest you take a nap. The things I shot you requires you to rest for it to freely circulate inside you" she tells me.

I smiled towards her and went out of the room seeing the other guys already talking about food.



After about enternity of checking up of different idols, we are finally done for the day. We had about, give or take, thirty patients today. All of them coming from four different groups including the boys. The management decided that we could add a little bit more from the original plan since I actually do my job fast.

I sighed after the last data I had to update, since all their lab results are out I decided to extend a few more minutes to take note and make some updates on their records.

Its almost ten on my watch I already asked my two nurses to go home few hours ago because just like me they are also exhausted. I could have asked them to accompany me but they've done enough for the day and they still have their morning shifts tomorrow. I just learned from them that their contract doesn't require them to fully stay in the company, they can still work full time on their current affiliations and just come to the company when I need them or when there is an emergency and i am not around.

I reviewed the files i've made and decided that they are good enough so i put them away and cleaned myself up. I totally gave up on the idea of looking myselt in the mirror before gathering my things and turning off all the lights inside the clinic. I walked out of the room, massaging my neck before hearing a low whistle.

"Now babe. If thats how you attract some guys attention. Then your doing it right" a random guy walks toward me while holding a can of beer and was already biting his lip. "You look new here. Want me to show you around a bit. Theres this cozy place I can show you and maybe we can get to know each other more" he tries to take a hold of my waist but because his a bit drunk, well judging by how he walked towards me and his sluggish movement i had to say his drunk, I was fast enough to avoid his action.

"You need to be careful with what you say sir. If your an idol and someone sees or worst hears you, it can cause you a lot of damage" I honestly told him before leaving him, well tried because before I could get far from him he had his hands around my arms holding me tightly.

"Come on babe. Dont be so hard. I know you want this" he points at his body "Everybody does. You look so hot and sexy right now, it would be such a waste not to have a taste" he grins like an idiot but that didnt last long because just like reflect, my hand was already making the guy regret for disrespecting me. I remove the guys hold on me but since he was holding me tightly, I was just powerless.

I saw him shaking from anger after what I did with his cheek, which is by the way turning red, his hold on me was really tight that it made me scared for a little bit. He throws away the beer his holding causing multiple loud clatter noices and making his other free hand hold me more tightly. He was pushing me hard and I felt my back hit the wall really hard, I tried squirming to free myself from his hold but he was just really strong.

"Someone please help" I screamed and screamed hoping that someone could atleast hear me and help me with this situation.

"Ow sweetheart. Do you really think someone will help you? Everyone is most probably busy with their own little world. No one is going to help you. " he laughs "stop moving. It will just be painful in your part you know. If you just give up like a good girl. I promise you ill give you the best time of your life" thats the last thing I heard from him before he was ripped out of my sight and a hand covering my eyes with another arm securing me while i was shaking.



I dont know how long I was out until I heard a very irritating sound of cans falling. I thought it was the boys but they were also busy observing the noice.

"What was that?" I finally asked them. They all looked at me but no one answered. I was about to go back sleeping when we heard a scream from someone familiar. I was the first one to jump out of my position and ran out of the room. Another scream came out and that was my confirmation that it was from Eunjee. The boys were already running behind me when we saw the situation at hand. Eunjee was pressed on the wall with some guy which I assumed that works here and is very new because he wasn't familiar. He was holding Eunjee captive, I can see from the way Eunjee squirms that she is already scared and very much powerless.

"Stop moving. It will just be painful in your part you know. If you just give up like a good girl. I promise you ill give you the best time of your life" we all heard what the guy said but before I could react Jackson was already ripping the guy away from Eunjee and with the help of JB they were holding him tightly while the guy tries to move away. I went to Eunjee's side and covered her eyes with my hand and the other holding her against my arm. She was still shaking and she was also losing balance so I held her tightly still blocking her eyes from the person causing her this weakness.

"What do you want us to do with this guy?" JB asks

"We should bit him up and feed his body to the zoo. That would be enough to make him pay" Jackson said

"Or we can just make his life miserable while he works here" Bambam suggested while eyeing the culprit disgustingly

"His a sad excuse for a guy" I heard Jinyoung said but even after hearing all their suggestion I only want Eunjee to feel better because up until now shes shaking and I can feel her tears in my hands.

"You guys take care of him. Ill take Eunjee home first" I told them before leading Eunjee out of the scene. She walks slowly beside me still leaning in my arms but without me covering her eyes.

I asked for her keys and she silently took it out. I opened her doors and went to the drivers side. I looked at her one last time and she was still crying by the window. I heard my phone buzzed so I opened it first.

From Jb

We took the guy to JYP and told him what happened. The guy is somehow related to JYP and his very sorry for what this guy did. Said something about making sure this guy doesnt bother Eunjee again. Jackson gave the guy a piece of his mind, Bambam took a video thought you might want to see.

Update us if Eunjee needs anything, we'll stay here for awhile then go straight home. Call us if you two need anything. Take care of her.

I didnt bother replying because all my concern is to the girl seated beside me crying her eyes out. After a few minutes we finally reached the house. Eunjee went out of the car on her own so I followed her until she reaches the door and unlocks it. She didnt bother looking at me she just left the door open and went straight towards the kitchen.

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask but she only shakes her head in response. "You need to eat something and you know that" i told her.

"Since when did you become my dad?" She finally spoke which made me smile a little bit.

"Since I needed to take care of you" I honestly answered back. I walked toward her cupboard and rummage through all her available food. "Will some kimchii and ramyun be enough?" I asked her and she nods.

She was watching me cook, I can feel her staring at my back while I boil her ramyun. "Is there something you want to tell me?" I told her before looking back and seeing her blush a little bit. I didnt bother waiting for her response because her food is already done and a saggy ramyun is not really good. Better to eat it right away before it gets saggy.

I placed her food infront of her and she started eating. I watch her as she continues to feed herself.

"Do you have something to tell me?" She asks

"Well there is one. Are you going to be okay?" She looks at me, contemplating whether to answer me or not, but she did.

"Ill be fine. I can still stand after this. Thanks" she smiles at me. I touch her arms which made her squinch a bit. It was seen in her face that my touch caused her pain, so the next thing I did was to move her sleeves upward so id see her bare arms. I was right, there in her arms is a new and fresh bruise.

"The son of a bitch. Just look what he did to you" I stated while eyeing her bruise. I moved to her other arm and saw the same. To say I was pissed is not enough to explain what I feel right now. That guy just caused pain to my girl. "Ill make him pay for this" I cursed

"Mark. You dont have to. He was just drunk. He didnt know what he was doing" Eunjee pulled her sleeves down and looks at me. "Please promise me you wont do something stupid" she insisted so l nod.

"I should probably go. You need to rest" i told her but before I could go anywhere far she suddenly stops me.

"Can you...can you stay for awhile? Just until I fell asleep." She pleads "its okay if you cant" she releases her hold on me and stands up.

I took her hand and led her towards the bedroom " come on" I said.

She changed her outfit first before going to bed. I sat next to her laying one arm as I watch her try to fall asleep but failing to do so, the next thing I did wasn't planned, even I was shocked that I did what I did cause I just made her move her head from the pillow to my arms and hummed a random song to her.

I was waiting for her to complain but she didn't instead she put her arms around my waist and her head around my chest. I even felt her smelling me. I let my other arm rest on her shoulder and later on I found Eunjee sleeping soundly. I was about to remove my arms when Eunjee held on to me.

"Please dont leave me. Just stay please" she slowly whispers.

"I wont leave you. Its going to be alright" I whispered back and kissed her forehead. This was the second time I did that but this time I didn't regret it. I want to protect Eunjee. I only want to see her smile. After all shes my wife.

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