
Chapter 28

The day had arrived and Shino was pumped. She had been very excited the entire morning and even gave an encouragjng speech, pulling her classmates into the excitement as well. She would let nothing ruin her good mood that morning. Not even running into TetsuTetsu the loud but loveable idiot. Shino's excitement was dwarved by Sora's however. He was practically buzzing. This was his chance to show off and boy would he show off. He would catch everyone's eye. Even shy little Ren seemed overly excited about the event. Although she was clearly nervous.

Currently everyone was in their locker room casually chatting with each other before everything got started. Shino was leaning against a wall sipping on a juice box while absentmindly staring at Momo. She seriously did not care if anyone caught her.


She hummed and finally tore her eyes off the ravenette. Shoto was standing in front if her, hands in his pocket and looking as serious as ever.

"What's up Todoroki? "

"You have proven to be better than me in virtually every field. I came to this school to become the best and to do so I need to beat the best. And you are the best in my eyes therefore I declare you my rival. I will beat you"

The room was silent as everyone took in the scene in front of them. Shino didn't really react to the declaration and just continued to sip on her juice.

"Is that so? " She said casually. "Do you expect me to take your seriously? "

"Yes I do"

"Well I cannot" Shino squeezed the last drop of liquid out of her box. "You declare me your rival. You say you'll beat me, but we both know you don't plan on using your full power. So I cannot take you seriously. If you do not give it your all this declaration means nothing to me"

Another pregnant silence. Shoto gripped his fists in his pockets tightly.

"I will beat you with my own power"

He turned and walked off. Shino watched him go and sighed as she dumped her empty juice box in the nearest trash can.

"Whatever you say"

"What the hell was that about? "

Shino shrugged and zipped up her jacket. "He hasn't answered my question yet"

Shino started to head out of the room knowing the time had arrived.

The declaration was directed at her instead of Izuku. She didn't know if she should be surprised or not. Maybe not, she was the one constantly nagging him. She was the one that ranked first on the recommended test. She was the one that beat him in a fight. She should have expected his challenge. Despite the honor and pride she feels about the development she can't take the challenge seriously. Not when Shoto is as he is right now. She would give it her all against him, but he wouldn't. He would use only half his power. If he went full force he could smite her. He could smite everyone in the competition. She just wanted him to break out of that shell he put himself in.

"It's time freshman stage! And the students are making their entry now! "

The sound of Present Mic pulled her out of her thoughts. She could hear the wild and excited cheers of the crowds.

Incredible hype for a school event.

They stepped out into the open. The cheers increases upon seeing the talk of the school.

Class 1A.

Shino adjusted her headphones when the cheers got incredibly loud. How many poeple were present? She looked through the crowd a huge number popping into her vision. She was really impressed with the crowd a school managed to gather. Well it wasn't any ordinary school though.

"The UA sports festival where the hero world's little hatchlings aim for each other's throats and the top!" Present Mic's voice carried over the entire stadium. "Our yearly melee! "

"Why? "She whined as she adjusted her headphones again. She would have to increase the frequency blockage because of one person.

"And let me guess! All of you miscreants came to see them right?! The freshly formed miracle stars that shrugged off a mass villain assault with wills of steel! The department of heroics freshman class! You're here for class 1A right!? "

The roars that erupted after that made Shino thank the gods for her headphones. She saw Izuku physically flinch at the volume, Jiro had a reaction as well.

Shino gazed up at the amount of people gathered to see them. Then her eyes landed on the other classes. She could clearly hear what they were saying about them and it wasn't all that positive.

"This sucks"

"What's wrong Shino? " Momo was beside her as per usual.

"All the attention is on us. The other classes are jealous and that's never good. They're gonna start thinking that we're as arrogant as Katsuki"

"Hey! "

"She's stating facts" Sora laughed openly and ignored the glowing Katsuki.

"You're not one to care about what others think of you" Momo said.

"Yeah I know, but I do care what others think of my fellow classmates. "Shino said honorably. "Except for Katsuki. He really deserves the hate sometimes"

Kaminari, Kirishima and Daichi could barely contain their laughter.

"Now. Now fair play"

Midnight's was suddenly heard through the stadium and all attention was soon directed at her. Who would have thought that the 18+ hero would be the ref for a high school event. Every class started to go into conversation about the discovery.

"Silence! "Midnight exclaimed annoyed after the talking had gotten out of hand. "My presence here is perfectly on the level" she said. "Now player rep, Akio Kotoge of 1A"

It was time for Akio to take stage. Everyone was happy that the rep was Akio. He's respectful. Calm. Reasonable. He'll know exactly what to say to everyone.

There was silence as he climbed onto the podium. Everyone awaited his words.

"Good day all. I am Akio Kotoge of 1A as you've all heard. There's really only one thing I would like to say " his calm voice carried through the entire stadium. "It seems my class has been in the spot light, which is not fair for the rest of you and for that I sincerely apologize. I would like to ask you not to make unjustly judgments about us solely because of the attention being given to us. Just because we're receiving attention does not mean we think we're better than all of you. I would like everyone to have a good time at this event and do their best to show the world what the freshman at UA are all about. That is all, thank you for your time"

There was complete silence as Akio stepped off the stage. His classmates were beaming with pride at the honorable display he put up.

Suddenly the other class erupted in cheers and murmers.

"They took your message well. That's good" Shino patted Akio on the bag. "Nice going mate"

"I did what was right. The rest of the classes aren't being treated very fairly. "

"I get what you're saying"

"What an honorable speech from the rep of class 1A. Now with that we can dive straight into this event" Midnight directed everyone's attention to the massive screen placed in front of it all. "On to the preliminaries as they're called. Lots of fine folks and up choke on their tears on this one. It's sure to be a worthy challenge to our hatchlings. This year's first round of destiny is this! "

On the screen "obstacle race" was written true and proud.

"Another one of these"

"What do you mean by another one Yagi? "

"Us recommended had to take a different test than the rest. The practical consisted of an obstical race" Shino explained. "This one might be super different though"

"This will be a race involving all 11 classes. The course makes a nearly 4 kilometer ring around the stadium. You know our privilege on freedom on campus, well take that freedom to your advantage. You are free to do anything as long as you stay in bound during this race. So let's get this day started "

Everyone gathered at the start of the course. Shino was casually doing some stretches on the side and taking in as much as she could see of the course before the race began. She was aiming for first place in this race as well as the other two rounds. She was going to dominate this event.

"On your mark... "

Shino tapped the tip of her boot against the sand.

"Get set"

An excited smile spread across her face as she placed one foot in front of the other.

"Go! "

"Off I go! " Shino shot a web to high ground and pulled herself out of the quickly cramping space. She let out a hoot as she was sent through the sky and landed right next to Shoto.

"And so it begins " she laughs as he flew past her.

Katsuki blasted through the sky with his explosive propellers. Izuku had fire bursting from his feet and hands sending him airborne. Sora only jumped out of the fray and create a platform in the sky and just ran on from there. Daichi obviously teleported out. Shino caught glance of Ren ridding some kind of wolf lion. Smart. Akio was nimble enough to escape the first barrier.

Ice was spreading across the ground and Shino jumped into the air to avoid being frozen in place. She landed smoothly and slid through the ice effortlessly. And so her speed had increased.

She grinned. She would use everything to her advantage because she can find an advantage in everything.

She quickly and easily caught up to the main man.

"Nice going Todoroki, but it seems our classmates made it through, which is natural I guess"

Shoto glared and pushed ahead of her. Shino chuckled and continued down the ice way. There was the familiar tingle in the back of her head and she knew what was coming. She leaped into the sky just as a villain bot came into view. She smoothly landed on it's arm and quickly crawled up it's body.

"the first barrier has arrived! It's our Robo Inferno! "

Todoroki acted quickly and created an ice glacier blocking everyone else from their onward journey.

"Todoroki has forged ahead and blocked the others in one fell swoop. What a harsh kid! "Present Mic commented.

"Someone managed to slip past at the very biggining of it all. The second the bot arrived Kiddo made her move" Aizawa commented although very lifeless.

Shino was at the top of the frozen bot and pushed herself onto the other and then the next before descending upon Todoroki.

"Well look at that folks! Kiddo is easily keeping up with Todoroki! "

"They're not alone, it seems they have company "

An angered scream told Shino exactly who was heading their way.

Katsuki, Izuku, Sora and Akio had broken through and were now on their tail.

"It seems class 1A has broken through the block leaving the rest behind! "

The group was soon at the second barrier.

"The second barrier has arrived! It's time for level two! If you thought the first was easy breezy this will be the end of you. You fall you're out! Welcome to the fall! "

"It's just a glorified tightrope walk" Tsu commented as she climbed onto one.

"It's time for my babies to bask in the limelight. lo and behold support companies of Japan its the Wire arrow and hover soles! " Hatsume was standing and tall and proud.

"Support has entered the chat " Shino joked as she threw herself off the cliff. "Nice meeting you and your babies. I hope to see ya again! I can tell you're a genius! "

"Did she just throw herself off the cliff? "

Soon enough Shino came back into sight. She was high in the sky and landed on the other side in a flip. She turned and gave the peace sign before setting off again. Todoroki was in her sights.

"It's time for the minefields! Pulled straight out of Rambo three. If you look carefully you can see the mines, so tread carefully kids! "

Shino pushed forward and past Todoroki in and instant erupting cheers from the excited crowd.

"Rejoice media for the lead has been upset! This is the stuff people crave! "

Shino slid to a stop at the minefields while Shoto blasted onwards. Following him we're Sora who was still in the air. Katsuki with his explosions and Izuku with his makeshift trusters. Shino easily spoted the bombs and quickly gathered them. She was going to use original Izuku's strategy to send her blasting past those four in style. With a bit of webbing everything was held together and looked in order.

With a grin Shino took a couple of steps back.

"It seems Kiddo is up to something"

"She's not going to do what I think she is, is She?! "

"It appears she is"

She got a running start and jumped into the explosives.

"Blast off! "

With a loud explosion she was sent hurdling through the air. She was laughing the entire time. She flew past Sora who just looked stupidly impressed. With the ending in view she connected a web to the gate and pulled with all her strength increasing her speed.

"She has over took them! Kiddo has over took the leads in an instant! "

"Shino! Don't you dare! "Katsuki shouted angrily.

"Way to go! "Sora cheered despite everything that was transpiring.

With a quick twist Shino was over the gate, literally , and landed on the other side.

She stood tall with her fists in the air as the crowd erupted into a deafening cheer.

"We have our victor everybody! Class 1A Shino Kiddo! "

"Yeah! "

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