
Chapter 10

Shino grumbled under her breath and pulled her scarf over her nose. Her rose gold eyes followed the movements of those in the room. She watched as they talked and mingled. Talking about whatever rich adults talk about. Most of the children were spoiled brats trying to show off and she just wanted to go home and take a nap. She didn't understand why she had to be there? Her parents could have left her home with Kinji and Kina. She could have been taking a well deserved nap. But for some reason her parents decided that she had to attend this party or ball or whatever this thing was.

She had way too many problems with this. First of all she had to dress properly. The ball is a formal occasion so she had to dress in formal wear. That mean a dress or a suit. She absolutely hates wearing dresses so she went with a suit. That's how she ended up in a tailored white suit with a red tie. Formal wear was not her style. She liked casual clothes. Clothes she could move in. Secondly she had to be on her best behavior. Rich adults can be so overbearing when it comes to children. Third of all she would have to be around spoiled rich kids. She had rich parents, but you didn't see her going around bragging about all the cool things she had. Fourth of all she didn't like being around too many people. She was homeschooled and isn't used to having too many people around. She's very social don't get it wrong. But that doesn't mean she liked being around people she didn't know. And lastly she was a ten year old girl and didn't want anything to do with the ball. She wanted absolutely nothing to do with the party.

Her parents had been dragged into a conversation with a persistent couple and she was left standing quietly at their side. At some point she decided to just leave them be and go see what she can find at the food table. Maybe they had some chocolate cake. Or cupcakes. Actually anything chocolate flavor would do her some good.

She maneuvered herself through the string of people with calculated ease and arrived at the table in one piece. She scanned the table looking for her desired treat. There were cakes of all kind but there was only one remaining piece of chocolate cake. To be expected of such a popular flavor. Shino smiled happily and reached for the slice, but there was someone else going for it as well.

Shino paused and raised an eyebrow. She tilted her head to get a look at her fellow chocolate fan. She was met with onyx cat like eyes. She found them familiar.

"I'm sorry, you can have it if you like"

The girl apologized and offered Shino the cake. Shino stared at it before looking at the girl in front of her. Onyx eyes and long spiky black hair pulled into a side pony tail.

"No it's alright. You can have it" Shino refused the cake.

"I insist. You reached for it first so you should have it"

Shino looked at the cake again and sighed.

"Ok, how about we share? I get half and you get half. That way all is fair"

"If you're OK with it"

"I suggested it so I'm OK with it" Shino chuckled and offered the girl a fork. "I'm Shino Kiddo. Its pleasure to meet you"

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu

The smile on Shino's face only spread when she heard the name. She knew it! Momo. She met Momo.

The ball's not that disappointing after all.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why are you wearing a suit? "

"Because I do not like dresses"

"Why are you wearing headphones and a scarf? "

"I need to for my quirk"

"I see"

"Did your parents drag you to this place as well? "

"Yes, sadly. I had no interest in this event. Most of the adults are a lot to deal with and the children are very spoiled especially the boys. I would have prefered to be at home reading a book"

"I get where you're coming from" Shino mumbled as she munched on some cake. It was very good. "Where are your parent? "

"I don't really know. I lost sight of them and decided to get some cake, I assume you're in the same boat"

"Kinda. I didn't lose sight of mine I just left. It was a drag just standing at their side. At least now I have someone to talk to"

"I agree"

There was silence for some time. Shino had been ignoring the words in the corner of her eyes, but she finally let herself look at them. If she had looked at them in the first place she would have known who she had run into but she didn't like checking people's stats before they introduce themselves. It felt wrong.

Name: Momo Yaoyorozu

Age: 10

Height: 3'8

Blood type: A

Birthday: September 23

Gender: Female

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Onyx

Quirk: Creation

Quirk description: Momo's Quirk allows her to produce different objects, such as weapons and other objects, from any exposed part of her body. Apart from living things, Momo can create virtually any object. All she needs is the understanding of the object's atomic configuration in order to do so. Momo's body breaks down fat at a molecular level, which will then be re-used as material for her to shape into objects with her Quirk.

Weakness: The larger the object created from her Quirk, the more exposed her body is

Drawbacks : Her quirk depends on her fat. The bigger the object the more fat is used. If she does not replace that fat on time she can become weak and possibly anemic

Shino didn't look any further than that. It would be too much of a privacy invasion. It was hard to ignore the words seeing as they kept piling up in the corner of her vision. Sometimes it's cool to have such an ability but it can be very annoying.

Shino took the last bite of the chocolate cake and sighed in satisfaction. There is nothing better than chocolate. Nothing.

"Chocolate is the best"

Momo giggled beside her seeming to agree with the statement.

"Great minds think alike they say. "

"There you are Shino" Nico suddenly appeared in front of Shino. Shino smiled up at her parents and saluted.

"Of course you wandered off to get some cake" Shiro sighed.

"Naturally "

"Momo dear, we have been looking everywhere for you"

Shino glanced at the couple that appeared next to her. The woman was dressed in an elegant red dress similar to that of Momo. She was obviously her mother. Momo seriously looked just like her. Her mother was quite the looker.

Now she knew where Momo got the body from.

Her father was dressed in a black suit. His hair was black and pulled back neatly. He had a smile on his face as he chatted with Shiro.

Apparently the adults knew each other because they started a conversation very easily and sounded like old friends.

"They know each other? " Shiro asked.

"It appears so"

"Who would have thought. Apparently there is such a thing as fate"

"Do you believe that? "

"I sure do Yaoyorozu"

After the adults had their conversation it was revealed that they did indeed know each other. Although it was not revealed exactly how they did. All that was said was that they were good friends.

"We should catch up what do you say? "

"I don't see anything wrong with that"

Shino glanced at Momo and grinned.

"I guess we'll be seeing more of each other "

"It will be nice to have a friend my age"

"You don't have a friend your age? "

"No, sadly. I'm homeschooled and don't meet a lot of people"

"Well I'm homeschooled as well so I understand your point. I have some friends I could introduce you to"

Momo smiled a bit shyly at the offer.

"T-That would be nice, Thank you Kiddo"

"Not a problem. What are friends for? "

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the short chapter. Its kind of a filler and what not.

I hope you enjoy it either way. Thank you all for reading my story. I still can't believe I got over 10k views.

Thank you all so very much!


Archer_Phoenixcreators' thoughts
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