
Mizuki and Bulma

Standing in front of the Capsule Corporation with Mizuki, Yozu was knocking the door feeling a bit nervous not about Bulma but more for his parents. 'Wonder how they are going to welcome her? Or Look at me after this?' He thought as he waited for a short while before the door was being pulled open, looking at him and Mizuki stood Bulma who opened the door. She was shocked and a part of her heart clenched when she saw Yozu with another woman, she was about to turn around and run but Mizuki took hold of her wrist before Yozu could.

"It has been a lifetime we last met nya" Mizuki spoke with her usual attitude making Bulma shivered, "Kuroka?" Bulma asked to which Mizuki nodded, Bulma's smile grew wider as she hugged Mizuki almost forgetting the painful experience she just felt. She gently pinched Mizuki's butt "NYA!" Mizuki looks at Bulma with a shocked expression while Bulma smiled "That is for making me think Yozu cheated on me"

Yozu rubbed his forehead, he felt his mind was a bit muzzy like flashes of pictures here and there but none of them contained any girls. 'Should I use the dragon balls to regain my memories?' Yozu thought but suddenly, [I rather not do that partner, you should have heard what Bulma said. If you take the shortcut you might end up failing and no one knows the consequences] Ddraig answered, [Not to mention, You are Yozu now... Masaru was in your past, so instead of forcing yourself to remember... Why not rebuild a new memory and relationship with the girls who remember you instead?]

'I can't throw away my past life that easily... If I knew what the trial was about I could have an easier time' Yozu thought but he was countered by Ddraig, [Then it will no longer be a trial, besides. Oddly enough that is the only thing the girls have no memories of, what the trial is or what the objective is...] Ddraig said as he just realized this point himself, 'How am I suppose to know which girl I married within my past life if I can't remember them?' Yozu thought but he has forgotten an important feeling.

[Don't you feel a connection with those two girls?] Albion asked to Yozu's surprise it began to make sense why he felt what he did near the two of them, Yozu went to the lounge leaving the girls to chat with one another as he starts to think. 'If I was Masaru...' Yozu closed his eyes trying to visualize himself as another person but he could only visualize a shadow standing in front of numerous shadows, if he were to say what he believed and felt.

'Finding the girls might bring me closer to what I should do, or give me a lead, but from the looks of it, there is no time limit which meant its a lifetime trial' Yozu thought as he leaned back on the couch, 'It is like they said, I can simply live out my life and take each day a time to search for them. If the girls are as skilled as Mizuki I doubt they can easily be cornered' Yozu concluded, but he will still actively search for them on Earth in the meantime.

Whether it was by luck or instinct that Yozu knew, that even Bulma was slowly regaining the powers she held in her past life although it was in the form of human magic instead of her demonic magic. Slowly but surely the girls that were on Earth and scattered in the universe all started to regain their memories and their powers were returning, this was Origins gift for them so they could protect themselves till Yozu would find them.

When he stood up to meet up with the girls he sensed that they went to the garden where his parents were, "Hoho, so my boy has many wives huh?" Dr Brief spoke out happily. even Pancy was sitting next to Mizuki feeling she just gained another daughter.

"Dad, Mom" Yozu greeted his parents as he took his seat next to his father, "You really done well my boy, with this I will have plenty of grandchildren" Dr Brief laughed happily while Pancy light slapped him "Behave dear, they are still in school" Bulma and Mizuki who experienced this kind of feeling before already knew what it felt to be mothers, the two of them glanced at Yozu with predator eyes ready to have a piece of him.

Yozu smiled wryly as he spent his time together with his parents peacefully and with the two girls, although he knew his current life was a trial but nothing will stop him from living it to the fullest. a Faint smile form on his lips as he thought 'Perhaps, I can find some decent opponents if I travel the Earth actively' He thought, soon it was time to sleep and Yozu was left wide awake with two girls who approached him with nothing but sexy Lingerie.


Next Morning Yozu woke up with both the girls sleeping peacefully in his arms, he began to recall the feeling Ddraig and Albion spoke to him in regards to what he felt. He closed his eyes trying to sense as much as he could, this mysterious feeling that is linked on his ring finger like a wedding ring. From the feeling, he felt there was several of them on earth, he could feel other links but they were obscure and he could not sense their direction.

'First I will deal with Red Ribbon Army' Yozu thought he should not overwhelm himself and set priorities according to what is urgently needed, and right now the Red Rubbers were a threat not to his girls but to his parents so it was best to get rid of them. "Nya" Mizuki purred as she clung onto Yozu, "Time for me to leave" Yozu gently moved out of the bed not to disturb them too much, he made sure to cover the girls giving each of them a kiss before he left the room.

"Shall we help him find our other sisters?" Bulma suggested as the two of them woke up the moment Yozu left, Mizuki nodded "He will be surprised if everyone is back together again but" Bulma nodded as she too felt something was interfering with their links so they could not pinpoint the locations of others, "For now as Yozu said last night, we will focus on search earth. I will also research our bonds to see if I could create a radar" Bulma muttered causing Mizuki to laugh, "Masaru Girl Locator?" The two of them laughed happily before they slowly got out of bed still feeling a bit of pain between their legs, it has been a while for Mizuki to feel this familiar feeling.

Meanwhile, Yozu appeared in front of the tent where Goku was already up and eating together with his new friends, "Morning Yozu!" Goku greeted, Yozu nodded as he greets everyone before sitting together with them eating breakfast. "Are you certain you wish to challenge the sacred Tower? It is incredibly high" The man spoke feeling reluctant but both Yozu and Goku smiled as the two of them felt confident enough to overcome this tower.

Yozu and Goku started their climbing upwards, the first few hours of climbing the tower were relatively easy. But the problem came with the lack of oxygen, the two of them still kept pressing on. The sun was glaring right down on them, "I-I'm tired..." Goku mumbled, "Keep strong Goku, we are almost there" Yozu spoke as he gripped Goku's collar preventing the Monkey from falling, Goku nodded as he continues to climb up with Yozu following after him.

It was only later they came across a circular building above them with four holes beneath, from the looks of it this building was built a long time ago but there was no signs of it withering at all. Goku was the first to climb into the temple through the hole and Yozu was after. "Haaa... Haaa" Goku breath heavily, Yozu calmed his breathing rhythm while looking at his surroundings, from the looks of it this floor was used as a storage as well as a bathroom.

"Wonder if this is Korin's tower that Master Roshi told me much about" Yozu spoke as he went to take a look around the floor, "Come on top" an enigmatic male voice called out to Goku and Yozu who froze raising their vigilance to the absolute as they both glared at the only door that leads into this floor. The two of them glance at each other nodding before they went up the stairs to the next floor, in front of them appear a decorated statue that looks close to that of a fountain with a floating orb above it.

"Good Job making it up here, you two really gave me a surprise that you made it up in such a short amount of time despite being so young" Yozu turn to look in the direction the voice came from, Yozu saw a lot of strange things in his life but this was the first time he saw a massive cat standing on its two legs holding a wooden staff. Korin found Yozu's expression amusing as there are many times people get surprised to see the legendary Sage was a Cat.

"Where is the Sennin?" Goku asked looking at the Cat suspiciously, Yozu slapped his forehead not believing what Goku was saying now of all times. "I am, and it is Lord Senneko" Korin correct Goku who was shocked, "You- You are the Sennin!?" Korin felt a bit irritated at Goku's surprise "Got a problem with it?" Goku shook his head as he asks about the Holy Water, Yozu was here to see if he could get some training instead.

"Yes the Holy water is here, on top of that pedestal is a Jug which contains the water" Korin explains, Yozu squinted his eyes as he would never believe this cat would give things for free. Korin glances at Goku and Yozu, he felt quite fascinated at the fact both of the boys only came here with intentions to become stronger. Such intentions were not wrong, 'I will test them' Korin thought for a moment.

Just as Goku was about to take the jug the cat rotates his staff thrusting his staff like a spear up Goku's butt causing the monkey to scream unlike ever before jumping away from Korin holding his butt. "What do you think you are doing to me!?" Goku yelled with tears at the side of his eyes, he glances as he noticed Yozu was standing silently. "Why are you not helping?"

"Because I don't want the water" Yozu answered which made Korin glance at the young boy with interest, "What you came here for?" Yozu thought for a moment before saying with a smile, "I came here to train, I heard from my Master you have some decent skills" Korin felt proud that he was praised but, 'Who the hell is going to fight you monster!' He could already sense Yozu's power was above his so there was no need to test him.

'How am I going to train him?' Korin thought because he knew Yozu already knew how to control his Ki from the active surge he felt from Yozu's body. "Well focus on Goku for now" Yozu muttered as he took his seat to watch Goku and Korin fighting over the Jug of Holy Water. Goku became angrier the more he failed to get the Jug from Korin's grasp.

Yozu got a text message from Bulma saying that she and Mizuki will be working for the next few days so there was no need for him to come every second day for a few days, 'Just what are those two up to' Yozu thought as he glances when he noticed Goku eating a bean, 'That bean' Yozu thought as he used his ki to scan only to feel his body shudder, did such a magical thing exist in this world? "That's right boy, the bean not only makes you full but it also recovers your energy and injuries in an instant"

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