
The start of the Dragon Ball hunt

After school, Bulma pulled Yozu's shirt, "Yozu, I picked up the signal of another dragon ball, it is up to the north" Bulma said while showing him the dragon radar that was beeping, it was a circular device the size of a hand watch with a green block pattern screen that shows the central location where the radar stood and the dots blinking were the dragon balls it was picking up. "Let's go then" Yozu muttered as the two of them exit the school grounds, Yozu took out his small container which his capsules were stored in, he took out capsule number two.

He pressed the button on top of the capsule before tossing it in front of him, suddenly the capsule began to transform as mechanical parts began to split and link with one another almost like it was constructing itself into something larger, it did not take long for a form to reveal with one large thin front tire and a thicker back tire. After a few seconds of transformation became complete revealing a black highway motorcycle which was Bulma's favourite ride,

Bulma clapped her hands with a smile before putting on her helmet Yozu handed to her, when Yozu mounted the bike Bulma climbed behind his back holding him tighter than she should. Yozu smirked before starting the motorcycle, a loud roar escape the exhaust as the engine awaken with a rumbling noise. Yozu did not need to remind Bulma to hold him tightly since she does it herself, so he took off heading north according to the Dragon Radar.

Luckily the destination was not that far but the Radar was leading them inside a forest, so Yozu parked near the start of the forest to transform his motorcycle back into a capsule before heading with Bulma. "This place feels dangerous" Bulma muttered as she leaned against Yozu holding his arm, Yozu did want to have Bulma train but then he decided not to since her talent lies in her intelligence. But he still made her do basic morning and night exercises with him to keep her body healthy, at the cost of his naked torso as her reward.

Yozu sensed animals around them but none of them felt like a threat for him so the two of them continued deeper into the woods, when a medium-size spider appeared near Bulma she screamed while leaping into Yozu's arms. He had to whisper warmly in her ear while holding her in a princess carry to calm her down, "Yozu, the dragon ball should be in that cave over there" Bulma pointed at the cave, strangely enough Yozu detected a relatively strong lifeforce emanating from the cave.

"Wait here" Yozu placed Bulma near the entrance as he summons both his boosted gear and divine dividing, the two sacred gears appeared as his red fingerless gloves with a green eye picture at the top and a white scarf with blue borders around his neck. Bulma pouted as she too wanted such fancy devices which reignited her passion to invent it faster since she only managed to create a special battle suit for her own safety.

Entering the cave was dark, Yozu could see thanks to his daily training. He could smell a strange sour pungent smell of urine lingering in the air, which meant this creature had a tendency to mark its own terrain. When Yozu came around the corner he realized a Black bear was also staring at his direction "ROAR!!!!!!" Hearing this roar reverberated through the air all the way out of the cave-like a trumpet scaring Bulma.

"Yozu!!" She was worried but at the same time she was scared, but because she cared too much for Yozu she swallowed her fears and ran inside the cave thinking even if she should trade her life to save him she would do it. Meanwhile, Yozu dodged the first palm slash from the bear as he moved closer the moment the bear stood on top of its hind legs.

Covering his right hand with dragon Ki "Dragon Palm" Yozu slammed his palm into the chest of the Black bear, his dragon palm was an attack that vibrates his dragon Ki and is sent out in the form of a palm strike in order to do internal damage instead of external. Its body was unable to contain the vigorous power of the Dragon Ki causing the back of the bear to burst open with blood along with parts of its body blasting backwards.

The bear did not have a chance to utter another roar before collapsing in front of Yozu, suddenly he felt a pair of shaking arms hugging him from behind as he could hear Bulma was sobbing. "Bulma? What's the matter? Did the spider bully you again?" Hearing Yozu's question Bulma blushed a bit before pouting, "I was scared you would get hurt... Your too important for me Yozu" Bulma muttered with a bright red face, Yozu sighed as he turned around to give Bulma a deep kiss calming down her nerves.

Bulma was not sure why but every time he kisses her this deeply her body would yearn for more, she unconsciously wraps her arms around Yozu's neck prompting the latter to prolong the kiss till her lips were swollen but her eyes were a bit watery along with a trace of arousal. Yozu gave her a peck on the forehead before embracing her so she could calm down, Bulma held Yozu firmly feeling quite calm 'I would never trade this warmth Yozu gave me even for dragon balls' Bulma thought as she digs her face into his broad chest.

After a while, the two of them left the cave while Bulma held onto the five-star dragon ball. "Yozu, can you take me to the Ice cream parlour that opened in the city?" Bulma asked while leaning against Yozu's arm, "Sure, I was also thinking of trying their products out since it was given a high review" Yozu answered her with a smile of his eyes, 'No matter how many times I see it...' Bulma thought while feeling her face blushing a bit from feeling excited at Yozu's smile.

"Welcome to Wakalaka Ice cream Parlour" The staff member of the shop working behind the counter welcomed Yozu and Bulma, but when her eyes landed on Yozu she felt her heart almost leapt out of her clothes. 'He is so hot!' She thought of trying to strike up a conversation but feeling her back having a cold sweat her attention was grabbed by the angered looking Bulma who noticed her intentions.

Yozu was looking at the menu oblivious about the women right in front of him "Hmm... Bulma, what flavour you intend to take?" Hearing Yozu's question Bulma reverted to her happy smile as she eagerly leans against Yozu while looking at the menu, the staff member grit her teeth in jealous as she noticed Bulma was giving her a smile of victory before dealing a fatal blow "Yozu, why not this Couple Deluxe. We will be able to taste every flavour and share it" Hearing Bulma's suggestion Yozu nodded

"Good day..." Yozu was about to order but he noticed something was strange, the girl in front of him was completely unresponsive as if her eyes were dead. When he turned to look at Bulma he noticed she had a smile as if she won a battle 'I better just pretend I saw nothing' Yozu thought since he was not a fan of getting involved in such a complicated matter, he turned again to face the staff as he spoke a little louder.

"Hello?" Hearing Yozu's voice the staff shook as she looks at Yozu with eyes as if she had been wronged which completely bewildered Yozu 'What the heck!?' He thought as the staff looked aside "What would you like to order sir?" She spoke unwilling to face Yozu, 'Just what the heck have I done to deserve this?' Yozu thought but Bulma answered, "Couple Deluxe and also call your manager, your attitude towards my Boyfriend is borderline making me want to leave and never use this shop"

Yozu lightly flicked Bulma's forehead after she said that as he knew she must have done something here, "Sorry about her attitude, you can ignore the last part of her words. One Couple Deluxe please" Yozu spoke with a warm voice towards the pale-faced Staff girl who nodded her head feeling relieved this boy was as kind as his handsome face, 'I can only reluctantly give him up' The girl thought as she presses the order on the till machine, Yozu paid before he and Bulma went to take their seats at an available spot.

Bulma pouted as her cheeks blown up like steam buns, Yozu chuckled as he lightly poked both cheeks prompting her to be unable to keep faking her anger as she leaned against Yozu's shoulder. "It's your fault for being so handsome that I am having a hard time, I have to work hard to keep them away from you" Bulma complained but Yozu knew she was not complaining, "Speaks the one who managed to snag this handsome guy's heart before they could" Hearing Yozu's words made Bulma feel happy as something from her chest rushed to her head making her want to kiss him so passionately.

a bit later a different staff member came carrying quite a large glass containing icecream with different colours in layers with cream and strawberry on top, Bulma was quite excited to try out this new dessert. Yozu did not tell Bulma that he knew how hard she studied cooking from her mom for his sake, there were other things she did as well while keeping his and her future in mind that made Yozu feel happy he met Bulma and made her his. Which is why he enjoyed having her indulge herself, allowing him to spoil her.

"Yozu, this is delicious!" Bulmaexclaimed while enjoying the cold yet delicious taste of the ice cream, she took her spoon digging out another scoop before presenting it to Yozu, this was something she always wanted to try on a date between them. Yozu smiled as he leaned over to take a bite of the ice cream, seeing this Bulma's smile became brighter as her heart feel warm. Yozu leaned over "It's delicious with an addictive taste, could it be yours?"

Hearing Yozu's words Bulma blushed a bit before digging another scoop for Yozu as she felt it was much more pleasurable to watch how Yozu ate from her spoon, seeing this Yozu ate a scoop from his own spoon before feeding Bulma from his spoon. The manner how she brushes her blue hair behind her ear, revealing her neck was quite arousing from his angle.

Bulma covered her mouth after taking a bite from the icecream Yozu gave her, her face was blushing a bit since she felt his hot gaze at her while she took a bite which made her incredibly happy. The two of them continued to happily eat their ice cream together igniting the envy of the singles while motivating the couples, after finishing their treat the two of them continued walking hand on hand to their home. "Thank you for the date" Bulma muttered while leaning against Yozu.

Yozu smiled with pride as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze, "Anytime for you" Yozu spoke, when the two of them came home they were welcomed by a happily smiling mother who enjoys watching her two beloved children loving each other so deeply. "Make sure to use protection okay?" Panchy spoke since she was an open-minded person, both Yozu and Bulma blushed as the two of them did indeed have that urge but to hear their mother say such a thing, it was embarrassing to think about it.

Yozu took Bulma's school bag head up the stairs since he will be doing his evening training before it is time for dinner, "Did the two of you go on a date?" Panchy asked Bulma while walking to the kitchen, Bulma followed since she had intentions to help her mother cook since she wanted to reward Yozu with her cooking. "Yes, we visited the new ice cream parlour that opened in the city" Bulma answered, hearing this Panchy was interested "You mean that Wakalaka Ice Cream, so envious!" Panchy pouted but suddenly Yozu came rushing down "Sorry forgot to take out this bag from my school bag, it's for you mom"

Just from looking at the bag Panchy knew her son brought her ice cream making her extra happy, that night for some reason the food tasted good to the point that Dr Brief could work overtime without feeling tired.

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