
Some other Fanfic Ideas that I thought about

FANFIC IDEAS - 12586 words

- Gilderoy Lockhart (Harry Potter) – Everything that made him famous is actually true, he's a great wizard. Marries Apolline Delacour (Julie Engelbrecht), and her daughters Fleur and Gabrielle in time. Tonks wants good grades or learns about him taking Hermione as a student and takes her chance to seduce him into taking her as well so she can achieve her dream of becoming a great Auror.

Or finds Apoline right after getting pregnant with Fleur because she was lonely, discovering the man she used died right after. Comments as much as she's been guzzling his cum while pregnant, the poor girl didn't stand a chance and the bond was all but guaranteed.

Vella don't physically age once reaching full maturity..

Meets Apolline while she's outside with a newly born Gabrielle and is instantly smitten. He strikes up friendly conversation finding out her husband died shortly after getting her pregnant with her second child after fleur who is still at school, which he gives his condolences. He then lets it be clear he is very interested in her and was wondering if she was willing to give him a shot. Seeing her hesitate answering, he asks have you ever had a man that wouldn't stop until you were drowned in pleasure. To which she does a double take surprised by his confidence and forwardness. This sends her allure in overdrive as takes in his attractiveness once more, her unresolved / pent up horny pregnancy hormones roaring uncontrollably having not yet been taken care of, still feeling it just as strong even after giving birth.

They soon find themselves back at her place putting the baby to sleep as she places it in a nearby crib making her stop to think about what's happening only to feel his hands start massaging her shoulders telling her to relax, he'll take care everything, promising to take things slow at first as he spells the crib to warn him if anything happens as well as prevent noise from disturbing the baby. He then conjures a massage table and tells her to lay down and let him work his magic, chuckling.

Having felt his hands on her shoulders, she doesn't hesitate to lay down, eager for more as he takes his time, magically stripping her as he goes causing her to let out a breath and sigh as his hands worked wonders on her.

He then proceeds to make sweet love to her until she passes out from ecstasy. During the night he takes care of Gabrielle when she wakes up as his spell alerts him making sure she doesn't disturb Apolline who needed the break from what he could tell.

The following morning he wakes first and uses his wand to clean up residual fluid before eating her out, giving her the best wake up of her life as she moaned out in pleasure wondering why on earth did her late husband never do this, not believing how much she's missed out on and feeling slightly bad about the negative thoughts she was now having towards him, but only slightly as her new man rocked her world causing her to pass right back out which made him smirk.

Feeling Gabrielle awake again and likely hungry for breakfast, he floats her over after making sure to clean Apolline again from any fluids as he lowers her to her passed out mother allowing her to latch on to a tit to drink her delicious milk as he also feeling a bit peckish latches on the other, telling himself he has to make sure they don't become lopsided, but that was a poor excuse since it wasn't possible for Vella to become any less attractive.

Having fed and changed the baby he takes the time to make a some real breakfast and brings it up to a now waking Apolline who was pleasantly surprised and reminded once again of how much better he was then others, proving true to his words since they've met. Truly believing in his growing reputation and feeling lucky to have met him.

As she ate her allure flared uncontrollably as it seemed to be doing often around him, and it only grew as time went on as well as realizing that the man despite being in the presence of such a strong Allure he was surprisingly well kept, not completely losing himself in lust as lesser men would. This fact once again strengthened her feelings for the man as she finished her meal.

Seeing it finished it he magicked it away as he picked her up and took her to bath, telling her not to worry about the baby he took care of it which again sent her Allure to a whole new level its never been to before the mystical Vella bond that she never thought she would experience in her life time quickly developing between them as he proceeded to clean and dirty and clean again.

...….Many years later Apolline comments on if he's going to take in Fleur who has also taken a liking to him to which he chuckles saying how could he say no to a hot mother daughter pair, especially when she was growing up to look more and more like her sexy mother.

....Dumbledore feeling old sought him out for teaching as a test to see if he could be the one to take his place in the future after hearing of his many good deeds.

...…...Nymphadora tonks he says without looking up, well that's quite a name, who came up with that how about I just call you Dora, so Dora what were saying. Tonks scowl turned into a slight blush at the distinct feeling butterflies in her stomach at being called Dora from someone other than her dad.

Tonks grew more interested in him as she realized how much he could actually help her with her dream, and after learning that he took on Hermione as a personal protege, she takes the chance to "persuade" him to take her on as well.

As she finish sucking his cock, he gets a bit aggressive when she acts like she did a good enough job to get what she wanted.

He pulls out his wand instantly stripping/cleaning her and himself causing her to yelp in surprise as he explains in a growl that they were no where near done, pulling her in for an aggressive kiss which she has little time to process as he has his way with her, leaving her breathless as he picks her up by the ass and sets her on the desk telling her to remove her hands from her chest which she does slowly does with a blush, completely swept up in his pace. "Tch, acting like a virgin, you're just a little cock tease aren't you, but there are just some people you shouldn't tease," he said pinching her nipple making her moan, "Spread them," he ordered which she slowly did as her legs open allowing him to get a complete good look at her as he backed away to take it all in, sitting in his chair. Leaning back telling her to pleasure herself while he watches as he slowly stroked himself to the show.

Minutes later he stands next to her giving her another kiss before replacing her hand with his own, fingering her as he went down to her tits, bringing her to completion as she squirted everywhere, bringing up his hand so she could taste herself as he stepped in between lining himself up.

With a single thrust he fills her as she moans out only to be silence by his lips as his hands grope her chest and ass before he begins to pound her into oblivion. Rough and hard, he doesn't give her a break taking what he wants with no concern for her own pleasure, unable to get over how well this metamorphmagus fit around his member, which so happened to provide just the kind of pleasure she was looking for, taking well to his orders and his control having never experienced it before. A strong male who wouldn't put up with her shit and give it back as much as she gave.

As she experienced yet another orgasm as he filled her, her eyes rolled back as she completely lost it. Not yet noticing how she lost it, too caught up by how well her body was responding/changing for him, he turns her around so her heads hanging over the edge as he slides into her mouth and down her throat and is excited to find her throat just as well receptive as her pussy was and begins to throat fuck her as he holds her wonderful tits that grew to the perfect size, exploding straight into her stomach. He then flips her over and takes the only hole still untouched which once again pleased him greatly as her body morphed to his will, still unaware of the fact she likely bonded for this was only possible while unconscious if they were bonded with the person they were with.

Tonks couldn't help but bond just like Apolline before her as he took her in ways she could only ever dream of.

What neither of them noticed however, because he was distracted he only warded for new intruders not realizing someone was already there, was a crack in the door where a young brown haired witch watched on in wide eye wonder and envy. At some point she makes a move and asks him personally to teach her about it. Which he says he will when she's old enough, 4th year maybe?

...….Now I know you don't believe in that, and lets not forget it was a muggle born who took down what of the most feared dark lords of our time, he who must not be named, Voldemort.

…..Hermione asks why he would want someone like her as an apprentice, a muggle born. He chuckles telling her about the one of the greatest muggle born who stopped one of the worst dark lords, he who must not be named, Voldemort, sadly sacrificing her life to protect her child. Hermione argues Harry did it which he scoffs saying come on you're smarter than that Granger, Harry was an infant not even of magical age not a single magical cell in his entire body, no it was his mother. Granger asks why couldn't it have been the father. Which he explains how that fool would never have the brains or the ability to pull off what Lily did, the last thing he would have done is look up protection charms, he was likely outside being the first to confront and fall to the dark lord while Lily completed the ancient protection charm on her child.

He goes on to talk about how sad it is that she crippled her talents by marrying that dufus and letting her abilities go to waste.

Goes on to think about how he would hate to see a repeat noticing how Hermione hangs around that fools child and his idiotic friend Ron.

When school ends he meets Hermione's parents and gets permission to take her for the summer by explaining she received a time turner in not so many words and would still be able to spend the same time with them without missing a beat. Tonks joins? Pushes an unhappy Hermione to be more aggressive with getting alone time with him?

.....During the 4th year he comes back to witness the wizard cup, complaining how the schools were too scared of his prowess back in his day as it wasn't fair to the others, so they postponed until now so he couldn't participate.

During the yule ball he comforts a sad Hermione and asks her why she even puts up with someone so foul, asking her to name one good thing about him, which after a long silence she says he's loyal, but that only gets a scoff from him as he says lots of her friends are loyal, how is his form of loyalty better than theirs, its not, he's a toxic child that needs to grow up and it will only happen if those around him stop ignoring his flaws and spoiling him.

He then dances with her a bit after she says she wishes she had more time. Before leaving she gives him a quick kiss on his cheek telling him she hasn't forgotten he promised to teach her this year before running away to bed as he sighs before grinning.

- Bulma gets her wish of the perfect boyfriend. Feeling bad about how perfect he is she becomes the perfect girlfriend by giving him android 18 who is grateful for all Bulma has done for her and accepts it without question, easily falling in love with the perfect boyfriend and her offhandedly.

- Trigon, The best father to raven or The dad who cared way to much. Got caught by surprise, betrayed by the healer he hired to make sure Raven and his Wife were okay.

- HotD , shizuka marikawa his wife and Rika (tan lines)… Kyoko hayashi survives and joins the group which he is convinced to save who he orders to stay downstairs as he takes his wife and Kyoko upstairs for fun. Later meets Yuriko and takes her as well before meeting back up with Rika.

Takes care of Saeko needs when he sees how horny she gets from killing.

...…...OR a student who seduces the nurse, having her teach him about sex, telling her she is now his personal private tutor and she's not allowed to teach or do this with anyone else.

- Maken-Ki, -- Aki Nijou, Minori Rokujou.

-Bleach/Rangiku/Orihime – MC was a mentor for fist fighting???? Gets with Rangiku who captures Orihime (For Fun? HEALING for Rangiku) when she visits and seduces her in the bath after learning she hasn't had sex yet, calling in the MC to join telling her to feel him and enjoy herself.

She says she can't she has someone she likes, but Rangiku cleverly says no guy wants a virgin in order to seduce her, and how great the MC is for her first time.

-MC as a kid saves Rangiku, grabbing her hand and running away from Isen, Rangiku caught up in his fear goes along with it, but once there safe doesn't believe him when he asks didn't she see the guy with the sword, and how they only escaped because he was distracted by some other brats elsewhere making noise.

In the morning they follow a crowd to the body of two brats where Rangiku squeezes his hand realizing what he said had some truth and that he likely saved her.

"Alright, I don't know about you but I'm starving, lets get out of here."

"Mn!"She grinned and gave an enthusiastic nod, happy to have found a friend she could rely on. Sad to say, but death was nothing new here and didn't stop them from moving on with there lives.

-MC uses KIDO magic, which isn't limited by words cause he's free but he knows to hide this by using words. His soul is fully fused with him, not fractured into a sword like every other soul reaper who's been made into a slave to the system. Knowing this thanks to his special eyes, being able to see the chains separating and trapping there souls away from one another, he hides this fact and only uses Kido to progress up the ranks and stay with Rangiku who he plans on freeing from the system when he's stronger.

Enslaved by the first Zanpakuto, the one that created the system everyone is enslaved to, the Kings Zanpakuto.

Later when his power is revealed he becomes a wanted target by everyone enslaved.

-Rangiku with her soul saved can now go bankai, from ash cat to magma cat.

Becomes a captain. MC her lieutenant. Gin??? Ice boy???

- Ichigo's soul is corrupted.

- Gets called into the captains meeting where Kenpachi calls him out, and the MC retorts he knows who Kenpachi really is, a coward who fears the strong, using the excuse of handicaps to bully the weak and so he has an excuse for why he lost. The head captain says enough he didn't call them here to bicker among each other, and then talks about the intruders. MC says who cares it's not like they're killing anyone. But they think otherwise since they are trespasser's who are trying to interfere with their rulings.

Later laughs when he learns of Kenpachi's loss against the intruder Ichigo, smirking as he says thanks for proving my point, always knew you were a weak worthless disrespectful boring little shit that can't even go Bankai, the old man was crazy accepting someone as pathetic as you into the Captains seat.

When the pink hair little girl comes out saying she'll defend Kenny and Kenny can easily kill him and bla bla bla. He simply laughs at her before turning serious saying that's cute coming from you, unlike this worthless magot, I know exactly who you are and if you don't shut your damn mouth I'll see to it that Kenny never see's you again, and then where will he be without you. This quickly shuts her up as she glares hatefully at him.

- OR Kenpachi finds an unarmed man beating his subortants with ease… Confronting the man who looks at him with disdain noticing his sword was drawn, Kenpachi laughs putting it away and charges… Next thing he knows he's waking up at the sky having lost with his good pink haird friend calling his name "Kenny, Kenny, you lost Kenny." She says as he recalls a giant fist right before blacking out.

He laughs it off stripping his handicaps, eyepatch and bells and asks her where he is. She points and then asks if he will use his sword this time which causes him to pause as he takes it off, feeling strange about a man who has accomplished something he's always wanted, not having to rely on his sword for help, but the pull of it always prevented him from abadoning it completely.

Handing the sword to her telling her to keep it, he runs off after the stranger for another round as she looks on with sad eyes clutching his sword, "But Kenny, the sword is apart of you." she says to herself before quietly following.

The stranger smirks when at him when he arrives,- "What are you doing here?"

"Another round of course, I haven't been this excited in a very, very long time, now come on and show me what you're really made of."

"Didn't I already beat you not two seconds ago?"

"This time I'm ready," kenny says letting his power flare.

Amused the stranger stands up,- "Well you certaintly feel different, but it'll end all the same."

Kenny charges once more intending for things to end differently, but ends up waking up mere moments later the same way as previously.

"Kenny, Kenny, are you okay?" His pink hair friend asks looking worriedly over him at his grievous wounds and the broken ground around them.

"So I lost again, huh." he says staring up silently into the sky before laughing wildly, "This is amazing, amazing, Finally someone who isn't a crippled old man that I can't feel good about beating." he laughs jumping up before walking off into the distance.

"Kenny where are you going?" she asks noticing he wasn't going back to the gote.

"To train!" he says without pausing or looking back.

"Wait for me!" she says with a happy grin seeing her friend back to doing what he loved, tightly clutching his sword as she ran after him.

- Arrow – Katie Cassidy Thea Queen, he got with my sister, it's only right I get his. The Huntress???

- The Walking Dead, Maggie Greene and sister? possibly season 1 amy and sister? Jessie Anderson, Jadis who isn't the best looking but has great body, maybe make deal for her groups support.

- Twilight, bella, Irina, Leah, the imprinting is shared? Or she just leans to accept and listens to him.

Or just Leah alone. He feels the imprinting bond to him.

Or just Maria, she comes to visit Jasper and try and recruit him back, but he's moved on and then Alice tells her she should stick around and that she won't regret it, where upon they explain her powers to put her mind at ease.

Or Leah and Maria, hot and cold, a good bed mate for any whether.

...The first vampire was turned by a warlock, who wanted his first mortal love to live forever with him, inadvertently making her sparkle as he views her. Which is why all vampires sparkle. But this happiness did not last when she discovered/believed that getting pregnant was impossible, though it turns out just to be extremely difficult, not knowing this though they fight, demanding he fix it, and through the failures she lost control of her blood-lust and anger and ended up killing him, finding his blood to be the best tasting she's ever had. Thus she began hunting other magic users, while building an army after learning she could turn others. During the war just about all magic users and vampires died, including the first vampire. Thus a truce was made and vampires went into hiding along with magic users, away from the rest of the world.

...…..Kills Ugly Alice because she can see the future of those around him though he's blocked from her view.

Magic blood/body so he can get them pregnant.

Magicians in the past created the vampires, whether by birth or magic or both no one knows, but at some point they came into conflict and the vampires ultimately won.

Irina first, telling her what he'll do for her then pushing her head down saying do what vampires do best, suck and swallow. Then bella learning she has the potential to be a magician, which is what gives her the unique properties she has. Then Leah who becomes his number one letting her know she has the best lips and tits around, letting Bella and Irina who are more lesbian get together with his occasional joining since he has the only and best dick they could ever ask for to be allowed in their bed, plus he gets them pregnant after Leah who begrudgingly agrees for her mate.

....Sleeps with the 3 sisters, Taking Irina with him, promising her a baby, then heads to bella's school, killing a fleeing Ugly Alice on the way. Then has fun with Anna kendrick, using magic to make it seem like a friendly no strings attach situation where he's just a friend teaching her what she needs to know sexually to get with the guy she wants, which she conveys to bella when she shows up a couple weeks later for the first time at school, asking to meet bella after school where he takes her home explaining things before falling asleep in her bed, then they wake up together fulling clothed and she's glad it wasn't a dream as they make out and his hand slips down and inside her, giving her an orgasm, tasting his fingers and giving her a final kiss before her dad notices telling her get ready for school as he teleport away back to Irina who's wearing an apron while naked, practicing her cooking skills for when she's pregnant after he told her even though she doesn't eat, she'll likely have to for the baby. He comes behind slipping his hand around and underneath grabbing her breasts as he begins to fuck her, turning her around and placing her on the counter, making out as he finishes in her as she drops to the floor to clean him, making him hard again he places her face down on the table and takes gives it to her in the ass for one more round.

At some point in the story he wakes up to Irina sucking him off, after finishing inside her mouth he can't help but say, regretfully, if she keeps doing that it's going to take longer to get her pregnant. Her eyes widened as she continues to suck, feeling him hardened yet again, she then grins and says we'll just have to try harder as she mounts him causing him to chuckle.

- The Magicians, Alice, Margo and jane chatwin? during her time changes, finds a man unlike any other who can help make the world better, but she fallen for him and now sets out to change time enough to change Alice into accepting others so she can be with the man she loves who loves Alice most. An Alice who isn't as strongly put off by her parents behavior.

...….A god? Of another universe breaks in and explores, learning the of the time loop and the strange way everything is built around a few freshman while ignoring everyone who is far superior and better. "Don't look/interact with them Alice, they'll ruin you."

...….Or a regular guy who learned of the simulation, and ascends his programming to take it over and break out.

Or - After learning of the time loop, he finds Jane Chatwin and links himself with her so he can keep his memories from loop to loop. Then after learning and doing everything he needs/wants, he goes to find her to activate the link to better suit his designs. First meets Margo and sleeps with her for the hell of it, never growing tired of her great kissing lips around his cock, and then finds Jane, takes the place of one of her booty calls and fucks her into an Orgasm so he can make the changes without her realizing what was happening.

He spent a time loop where he became a sex god, having women desperate for magic seek him out to suck and fuck after he received god powers that would give them magic through such means, like Ember's jar of semen to Alice. Secretly giving jane the means to restart the anomalous loop that she ended up writing off as a one off and for the most part forgot about it??? Or erasing her memories of it before letting her loop again.

It's the one where he first met and fell in love with Alice as she came to him like so many others, but he felt something for her and kept her around longer, and spent some loops learning about her.

The final loop where Jane dies, surprising him, thinking it was due to his changes. He stays true to Alice, saving her brother by reversing the process and making him lose his magic, hates mc at first but is happy to finally win the girl he loves sending his regards along with alice when they meet in school, stealing the powers of a traveler.

Hunts down the demigod at some point and tricks him out of his power. Then takes Umber's after tricking him thinking he was an angry Ember thanks to the demigod powers, uses a space ring to take everything. Takes a Dragons to solidify his powers and make them uniquely his own.

Travels to Fillory with the class who dies after he takes his eyes off them for but a second and then duels angrily with the beast cause he liked them only for it to end abruptly. Julia takes her place summoning the beast. Possibly still summons Reynard the Fox despite the MC's warning, who then has to clean up her mess.

...…..Sees penny confronting coldwater at the tree and steps in saying, hey don't blame him for your failures, your just as shit as he is in that department but at least he's not a piece of shit no one likes, except other worthless bimbos of course. This angers penny who comes out swinging so he knocks his ass out and then his girlfriend tries the same thing only to get her ass knocked out to. Coldwater steps up for them saying he didn't have to go that far only for the mc to scoff, did I or did I not do to them what they just tried to do to me, what goes around comes around mr. Coldwater, you best remember that, being nice to those who wish you harm is a dangerous business, one that will get you and your friends killed should you keep that mentality of lets be nice to everyone. Besides were you not willing to go toe to toe with him earlier what changed. He didn't know what to say, he was just very fearful that he was going to lose his magic, his life.

...…..Died trying to read all the library has to offer???

...…..Prometheus created the keys for revenge.

...…...Born Traveler, turned Niffin, saves Julia who takes alice's place in summoning the beast, saves Charlie? Saves Jane? Changes a lot. Hated them at first but grew to like them after watching them for so long.

...Remembers time loop from when he was a Niffin where he learned a lot… Decides to change his human anatomy, draining and copying magical creatures to increase his power in secret. Moves to befriend Alice to join plot, falls for her, but still finds time to seduce Jane the time wizard.

...…...Alice Goddess of knowledge, Jane Goddess of Time, MC god of magic.

...…..Drain Ember and Umber for the well

...….. Magical Contracts, invisible writing or hard to read, the intent is there.

...Arielle, peaches and plums??? Kylee Bush….Tells Jane to get her??? Grows to love the characters, sets up the two to go and live there lives never to return???

...…..Sex magic

...…...U.S. Senator demigod???

...….Went to filory with the 3rd class, looks away for minute and they meet the beast and die, and he actually like a few of them, learned all he could, surprisingly finding umber???? who he steals power from making himself strong enough to contend with the beast??? Takes Penny's traveling power but not the psychic.

...…..the beast still comes which he fights off getting into another confrontation with Penny who breaks the mirror so he can't finish him off.

SAVES jane chatwin when he mind controls the guy????? She gets involved more teaching, maybe knew them from when they were young?????

Allowed Margo to blow him before Alice arrived?????

Follows Alice to sckwatzy who sees through his illusion????? Claims Alice?????

MC is Alice's and her brothers childhood friend who apologizes to Alice for not being able to protect her brother when they meet again after already explaining that he did his best but her brother became obsessed and wouldn't listen and one night finally slipped away from his watchful gaze and did the dangerous spell that got him killed.

Alice runs into his arms crying unable to blame him knowing he did everything he could.

Later Margo comments, "look who it is, the 2nd hottest couple around."

MC grins, asking who is the first.

Margo says me and elliot of course… If we were together that is, or maybe you and me, or wait maybe you and me," she says looking at Alice who is very flattered and caught up in the moment when Margo draws closer, there lips inching closer until they are interrupted by Quentin who opens the door.

Margo feeling the moment has past, says until next time bitches.

Alice visibly flustered takes MC hand and angrily storms past Quentin who's confused by the whole situation as MC says as they past, sarcastically, nice one Quentin.

Quentin sighs what did I do now, a bit sadden that he made the guy who stood up for him by knocking out penny mad.

Elliot shows up with a couple drinks in his hand, giving one to Quentin, saying don't worry about it, here this will make you feel better.

An embarrassed Alice blushes when she realizes she still dragging him around when he offers to make this night end right by taking her back and showing his cooking magic, a bit of wine and dine before he takes her has his own.

...….At some point School founder Irene takes an interest in him???

.....Eating out Alice when someone comes at the door, finding margo and eliot. Margo questions the smell after seeing his wet face which he wipes off, and then says I know that smell, smells like pussy, were you just eating someone, who is it.

Don't worry about it

Tsk, can't have been that good anyways with how quiet it is, she comforts herself not realizing that a sound canceling spell was up.

Well come down stairs we need you.


Oh come on this is important, we would of got alice to but we don't know where she is.

Um, right, I'll be down in a minute.

Please take your time, and tell your friend we're sorry, and that I'm more then willing to teach you how to eat pussy like a champ if she's willing to share, what do you say, she asks checking him out while trying to lean in to peek to see who was the lucky girl but he closes the door tighter preventing her from seeing anything.

Right, we'll keep that in mind.

Eliot- come on margo time to go, he said pulling her away from her fun. While thinking how sad it is that he isn't playing for the other team.

MC goes back to a naked Tied up??? alice, licking his lips at the beautiful sight and says where were we taking an unprepared alice who was still dealing with her last series of orgasms that he wouldn't let her rest from before they were interrupted which gave her a much needed break as she weakly tells him to wait which he ignores as she moans once again before falling into another orgasmic stupor.

- Game of Thrones, Tommen lannister or Roberts true heir another firstborn, takes mother who never stops breastfeeding him, a better version of jaime, and his sister who at first feels bad about it until she learns about her real parents. Margaery Tyrell. Binds the red witch to him, his magic keeping her young.

.....Violet, Myranda, charlotte hope (boltons bed-warmer,) , willa, alice nokes (starks serving girl)

Sighs one night when she wakes to find him breastfeeding again, she always knew deep down where this was going, ever since feeling his first hard on.

When he leaves she has female maids finish her off, unwilling to let another man touch her, and her lesbian curiosity got to her.

Becoming curious during one feeding, she combs his hair with her hand she asks if it really tastes that good, ashamed her tits weren't big enough for her to try herself like some woman. Getting an idea she tells him to take a mouthful but don't swallow and then brings his mouth up to try it herself not thinking at first about how they were kissing until their tongues met, surprised at first she didn't pull away and decides to enjoy the moment, figuring in the back of her mind she did her brother how much worst can a son be, the thought turning her on as the kiss deepened giving her a feeling she once had for her brother, but stronger as this was her precious son who she fundamentally loved already, growing into something more.

MC of course takes advantage of this and has her teach him about love even though he was getting lessons from Ros. Eventually bring the sister in on it while at one point harshly grabbing her tits forcing her to promise not to let Jeffery in on it or he'll hate her. Which she does unable to have him hater her, this begins a shift in her as she liked how he took control, this also shifts her views against Joffrey having found a son she can truly love and who truly loved her.

Marries Margaery Tyrell forcing her to eat out his mother as he pounds her from behind showing his mother how he knew her better then she knew herself by bringing out her lesbian side.

Golden Dragon rob, or Werelion, tom, has Ros teach him everything about sex.

OR, Viserys Targaryen and Daenerys

OR Khal Drogo, hung like a horse was the main reason he took her, he needed someone who could handle his rather large equipment, and who better than those who were said to have the blood of dragons, it also helped that she was the best looking chick around. Taking her virginity gave him power.

.....OR Jon (A dragon always knows.) growing a spine and taking Ned's wife, the first on his kingly way.

He has teachers for just about everything, now he needed a woman teacher, so he has Ros teach him how to please a woman, but after he releases his pent up desire on her which makes her question if he really needs help only to make him laugh and say you know I do, not everyone finds such forceful one sided ways as exciting as you, perhaps you were just man starved since most who come to you are not man enough to go out and get there own. She knows he was right and was just teasing him though giggling like a girl fallen in love which was just apart of her acting skills in pleasing her clients, she was truly a skilled professional.

He warns her that she will be exclusively his until he's done with her and that since he's been loved starved for a while now, she'll be walking with a limp most of the time which only had her giggling excitedly.

This is what gives him the courage to confronts Ned's wife who discovered what they were doing one night and tried to stop it, angering him as he takes her, laughing at finding her cunt wet for the bastard she hates, asking if she liked what she saw when he was fucking that whore, if she wanted to be his whore instead, catching a slap.

…...Taking Ned's wife first by telling her don't be mad him but at ned, and what better way to get back at him then with me?

I know how much you love bastards so I've decided to give you one, he says right before thrusting into Ned's wife, Cat who he has tied to the bed and gagged, making her feel shame as he makes her cum thanks to the teachings of Ros, he then rubs his dick over her other hole saying he might as well take this one too which wakes her up as she struggles again right before he pierces her. Once done he forces her to suck his tainted rod clean telling her to prepare herself for next time, he was going to make sure she was pregnant before he leaves, now swallow he says pushing her head to the base causing her to gag.

Says let me tell you something to help wetten your cunt, Ned isn't my real father, rhaes tygarean is????, I'm Ned's nephew, congratulations my lady, your fucking a dragon?????, laughing as he says the honorable Ned, honorable to a fault, always true to his word even if it leads to the death of him and everyone around him, no he did not cheat on you but now you have cheated on him. Leaving a crying broken woman alone as he leaves laughing and fully satisfied with his revenge.

...….. Discovers Cersi and blackmails her too. Telling her he knows what happened up in the tower and if she doesn't want anyone else to know to make her way to his quarters at nightfall where he ravages her all night where she was reluctant and standoffish at first, but soon couldn't fight it any longer as she let's go of her hate and enjoys the moment falling into lust as he takes her like no man ever has.

...….."don't worry, I'll soon have you forgetting that pathetic brother of yours, what kind of man allows his woman to be taken by another."

She spits in his face saying he's twice the man he'll ever be which has him laughing as he takes a kiss before throwing her on the bed.

Soon cries of anger and anguish fell silent before the first of many moans escaped her lips.

...The following morning they take a bath together before dressing and preparing to separate he mentions he knows how much she hates the king and bravely mentions who he is???? so she can tell the king on his death bed when he falls off a horse drunk and skewers himself (((if he doesn't get to him first, possibly visit him on his death bed and fucks cersi over him laughing.))) so she can get back at him, and then telling her to get on her knees and take one last load, telling her she can save it for when she next kisses the king and laugh at whose cum he's swallowed.

Asking her how she would like a real king to be by her side, how would she like to fall asleep with a warm cock in her and not some lousy drunk whore monger, to keep his seat warm for him as he slaps her ass on the way out. She never heard more beautiful words in her life, practically cumming right there on the spot.

She couldn't help but compare him with her brother who sadly fell short in all aspects.

...…..Goes to kings landing with Ned and is instantly put off by the smell, thinking his grandfather had it right wanting to burn it all down.

When the king gets mortally injured, he sneaks in at a time Cersi is visiting him right after the kids leave, and gags the king much to Cersi's trepidation.

Saying don't worry, telling her to send the guards away, and come back he wishes to speak to the king.

He then fondly grabs her, pulling her in close, parading their relationship as he slowly strips her, taunting the dying king.

He then reveals who he is, who is father was, and that just like his father he would take everything that was suppose to be his including his woman. Fucking Cersi in front him, with the former cumming multiple times already, loving every second of what was happening.

Questioning his victory against his father, wondering if was as honorable a victory as that fake ned's was against Ser Arthur Dayne, a surprise knife in the back to give him the advantage. Laughing about how Ned was the one who saved and took care of me after his mother died in child birth, wondering how the king felt about that, knowing his oldest and most trusted friend protected Prince Rhaegar's heir.

Finishing in her ass, having her get up onto the dying kings face and let it piss the cum out on his face choking to death.

He then reveals the biggest secret of them all, that his kids were never his kids as he begins to fuck Cersi again, saying this womb is meant for more then just lions, now it's going to give birth to a dragon.

.....Wondering how stupid the king was for giving up someone so pretty as he kisses her neck, his hand gliding along her breasts as he fucks her from behind. He then puts her on her knees spending her around as he stuffs his cock down her throat.

That was the final nail in the coffin as Robert Baratheon dies of anger knowing he's always been destined to die a worthless pathetic fool whose greatest accomplishment was a facade until Rhaegar's heir grew up enough to take what was rightfully his as his father did before him. Without knowing if one of the many whore's he took somehow had a kid and kept his blood alive, thinking he failed his everyone and everything, at how angry and sad his ancestors must feel towards him.

He then says come my queen we have a kingdom to run, practically making her cum again on the spot as she follow this man, no this dragon with adoring eyes, completely smitten. This was nothing like her brother who was simply of convenience born out of a deep understanding and trust. This was something more, an ambitious man who wanted her, who took her, and is giving everything she's ever wanted in return, she was in love.

It was after her week in the castle though when she woke up in the bed and looked around at the many women passed out with cum dripping out that she knew she couldn't keep him to herself no matter how much she wished, but thankfully this wasn't all bad having gotten a taste for women over the years of neglect form the previous king. And unlike Robert who cheated on her, Jon brought her along to join in on the affair, though a bit hesitant and not at all happy about it at first she went along with it. Soon realizing she could never have hoped to contain his lust alone, never be able to tame the dragon, only ride him.

She still had a happy grin on her face though as she tried to move only to find herself connected to the beast as he still came back to her in the end as he always does.

...The red witch arrives seeking his magical seed, sucking him off for hours as he watches with great joy as she gulps down gallons of cum at a time, the broach around her neck dropping, no longer of use as her body over flowed with magic keeping her young. Stripping and fucking her, her eyes roll back as her body becomes a vessel for his pleasure, her tits leaking excess magic made her moan out loud as he sucked her sensitive nipples, pulling his head for more as she tried to hold on as best she could against his pounding, the unending waves of euphoric pleasure, not wishing to pass out and miss a second of it.

....cersi moments, I am your queen, you will do as I say, he pulls her, pushing her against he wall, his crotch rubbing against hers, forehead against forehead.

When I take you, and I will take you, I'll show you what it means to truly make love, I will give you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams, even when you beg me to stop unable to take anymore, I shall give you more, I will show you what it means to want someone, to need someone. And no one will be able to drive me from your grasp, neither man nor women, you and you alone shall be mine forevermore. His words alone causing her to cum on the spot with a bit of dry humping, truly shocking her as she pants heavily, slowly dropping to the ground as he releases her.

He takes things slow at first, standing naked with each other, touching each other, having her touch him as he touches her, telling her to get to know him as he will soon know her. Braiding her hair into one long strand before they begin. Massaging her, laying her down, eating her out, (Finger in butt? Tongue in vag, other hand rubbing clit, making her cum???) kissing his way up sucking each breast then kissing her allowing her to taste herself as he pushes his way in.

Later, His length drives into parts untouched, her deepest parts with every thrust, spreading her wider then she's ever been.

One day she sits on his lap naked, his dick between her legs as she casually plays with it, finger running along his slit as it rubs against hers. She then pushes into her riding him cowboy until he flips them around and fucks her hard doggy style and then flips her to face him as he drives back in hard and fast.

...…..Every chance he got in the castle he would eat her out, driving her absolutely mad with pleasure, but that's as far as he went. With cravings growing, she soon needed something more, something harder then a tongue.

- Spartacus, warrior Wife Lucretia (Xena), Ilithyia, Gaia, personal guard Saxa, personal maid Kore, Chadara, Sibyl watches/sells?, laura surrich watches/sells?, Diona watches?

Aurelia – Varro's wife, Sura – Spartacus wife

His wife was the best she was the only one he could be as rough as he wanted and she wouldn't completely break.

After one night of vigorous love making he has the women clean them before going to sleep and both then wakes happily to their touch releasing before his wife turns to help as he calls Kore over for a bit of makeout before having her suck the other breast of his wife then to kiss her as he gets rough with both nipples before kissing him then back to her breasts as they both pleasure her to completion.

He then has her hop on and ride him as he takes her breasts then flips her over to begin pounding her moving up to make out before releasing he then says not yet as he takes it and pushes into her mouth for another load.

...Golden painted mask scene, he takes the place of the gladiator, and fucks Ilithyia, and when the friend comes to make fun of her, he patiently waits not saying anything, so she thinks its true and kills her. He takes off his mask and says he didn't expect that. She says it's you. He then goes up to her taking her chin and says, you really didn't think I'd let a filthy slave touch one as beautiful as you, and then he kisses her. He then scoops her up and says, let's go get you cleaned.

- DxD, incubus, Yasaka/s secret husband, kunou their kid, as king needs more women which Yasaka is fine with. Takes in Kuroka into their youkai faction, enjoys her when shes in heat.

OR riser Older brother takes over the clan, taking his mother for his own before any siblings are born, after having her son claim her little by little, she cleverly tricks her husband into never sleeping with her again since becoming pregnant after having gotten what she truly wanted, always cleverly passing him onto another of his harem members before he can get very far with her.

There is saying a mother belongs to his son, these tits are for feeding him and this is the area that housed him for 9 months eager to take him back. Don't you agree? Feeling her wetten and tits stiffen. Would you like to taste the fruit of your labor, Moving her hand to his growing hard on. Asks how would like to feel me growing inside you again. You gave me life so let me return the favor, he said spilling inside her.

Takes Yasaka as his wife and Kunou their kid. Takes Rais/Akeno as his wife, and Grayfia as his maid by getting the other women to plead a case for him to get her as a wedding present for rais to protect her and after a long hard thought he consents thinking how little they interact anymore after enjoying his other harem members more, your husbands a fool for ignoring and letting you be a maid for others, I'd keep you all to myself and no amount of other women would keep you from my side, later he shows her the one thing she'll have to maintain, clean and service at all times, his cock, enjoying long periods of time where all she did was suck him as he rested, either watching her, stoking her hair or falling asleep and waking up to it. Rais mother chooses to also live with him after they first met and she entered his room intending to get to know him, and he says best way to tell if I'm right for your daughter is for you to test it out yourself as he strips and kisses her, surprising her but she gives in, laster he calls Grayfia telling her to lick them clean which she hesitates only to see the madam and him looking at her expectantly as she sighs and strips herself not realizing she was grinning as she went over to join them. Rossweisse is married as an alliance with Odin's faction. ???Gets sona/Serafall and Tsubaki???. Kuroka and Koneko. Gabriel as peace offering. Rais childhood friend Seekvaira Agares is also sold to him.

After fucking the maid, she finally gets dressed and leaves to her job. The mother appearing moments later after she failed to report on him, so she comes to see him for herself only to also get fucked. They then call the embarrassed maid and have her join them.

Afterwards he slips from between there grasp, taking a mental picture as they end up hugging each other after searching for his missing form. Then he heads off to find his finace who's failed to awaken on time when the embarrassed maid from last night didn't show like she usually does to do it. Finding her naked he strips and begins to eat her out before fucking her, stroking her wonderful red hair when she's passed out as Akeno comes to figure out what's going on only find them, she tries to tease him only for it fail as he fucks her to, right next to his passed out fiance. Feeling proud after nailing them all in a much shorter time then he ever expected to or planned to, happy how everything fell perfectly in place.

Later the maid put his dick in her mouth every chance she got and he would comment she really is the best maid of all time, which in turn made her happy as she took it up a notch fully satisfying him beyond what anyone else could do.

OR Phenex Clan, Riser/Older brother takes over his clan and the Youkai clan and Gremory clan

OR Sirzechs takes over Gremory, Phenex, Youkai

Becomes teacher at Kuoh Academy and starts his harem conquest.

When Rais slips in naked to sleep saying sorry but I sleep nude which he smirks and says so do I, right before slipping into her not willing to let her escape, much to her surprise.

Kunou adopts Gasper Vladi as her cute brother and they grow close.

When visiting Rais parents, he takes advantage of Grayfia.

...….A prank of laxative after visiting Asgard, probably from a jealous Odin because of all the MC's luck with women and for taking his best secretary/bodybuard, before story start forces him to rush home, Crash lands crippling the original mc and has to go to bathroom so he drops his pants and shits all over his corpse, when he looks back he sees the original choking to death on his shit.

- Supernatural, incubus? Ruby's meat sacks, possibly Abaddon meat sack? Jo and then her mom asking how she would feel if he made her mom happy, maybe saves them for demon dog??? Lady Toni Bevell, bela talbot. The darkness....Buys or takes, the thief's soul from the demon and makes her his personal maid.

Takes seal from cain, slowly unsealing it so as not to hurt his future bride, decides to practice winning her with others first. Using possessed women as a good start considering how similar there situations are, while throwing in some normal women so he knows how to be normal should be.

MC - 5'7"

.....FLASHBACK What are you? Pick up in the future, in the empty where the explosion of jack took place, waking up the ruler of the realm who meets with the empty guardian who bows before him apologizing for his disturbed rest. The ruler then scolds him for his handling of castiel before sighing and telling him to get back to work and let him handle it from here, but that their will be no next time for any future failures.

The ruler gathers all the memories of what's been going on and takes a liking to the timeline, and amara the darkness in particular.

Makes a human body??? jumping into the timeline earlier, meeting and hooking up with Jo, eventually gets the mark which he tries to adjust all the hate he feels into love so Amara comes out better for him, his number one girl who he stays with for the rest of eternity after his mortal lovers die, shedding their mortal forms to live happily ever after. Twisting their dark forms together and falling into a deep sleep together. Knowing they would be together forever, asleep or awake.

Bela Talbot, first??? or maybe not because she's to confident in herself. Maybe past fling which she really loved, but ignored and is happy to come back to him??? or not because she's a traitor???

...Was his first love, but she betrayed him, left him, broke his heart and so now he's afraid to get with just one woman, he now fills the need to get many in case one of them breaks his heart again, he'll have the others to keep him together.

....Hunters are more understanding of relationships, MC makes them more understanding.

Saves Jo who went on a solo hunt after being frustrated with the way things have been going for her. Spends time together helping out and falling for each other.

Meets Jo and gets with her, teaches her, meets her mother who disapproves, but one on one time he convinces her its the best option while seducing saying things like if she ever wanted a son and saying he could be her son that he was serious about Jo and he would be happy to make his mom happy as well as Jo watches secretly.

Telling the mom they both need him more then she realizes, they need to learn they need to be ready for the worst, this is life and death, not a game, and he will make sure Jo is ready so she won't die and her.

He moves up on her explaining how jo said she was alone and sad and how he could make that better, ignoring her poor protests as he comes around and slips a hand in her pants getting her off as she yells for him to leave to which he gives her a last kiss before finding jo who was excited by what she saw as he grins slipping his still wet fingers into her mouth while the other hand finishes her off while her eyes widened when she realizes what shes tasting, kisses her before she can say anything and then tells her to go take care of her mom. Chuckling as she stumbles away to her mother who has yet to recover from everything that happened, and feels a bit uneasy and to embarrassed to notice her daughter's awkwardness when she arrives.

The two girls argue but Jo tells her mom that he will stay and help teach them both and make them both happy and that was final which her mom accepts wondering if Jo knew what she was saying.

....OR AU Dean, more ruthless, does whatever it takes, enjoys the killing, more demonic.

At some point captures Ruby in sex dungeon where he wets his dick with holy water before giving her all he's got.

- Star Wars

- Community

- Shameless

-Hunger Games – Glimmer, Katniss. Cressida – Meets MC and leads him towards Glimmer and Katniss for her rebellious documentary. Trains them, sleeps with them.

- KonoSuba, Darkness

- Rosario Vampire

- To love Ru, family is fleeing after the emperor dies mysteriously. MC takes them all in and takes care of them. Taking the mother first who showed up in the bathroom, not believing her daughters were ready, to make their new husband happy as part of their natural instincts dictated. Showing them how it's done, making him their new king.

Momo much hornier than the rest though no one denies him when he wants them, becomes his personal on hand cum dump, never leaving his side, taking charge of his harem as she delivers more women to please him.

- Star Trek Voyager, Czarnian Lobo???? called Rolo, meets them while snoozing on his space bike, another call comes in which wakes up as he accidentally rolls off causing the crew to think he needs help as they rescue him with a tractor beam, unable to transport him???

...…..Kim "unidentified vessel approaching,"

Captain jane way,- "Tuvok report,"

Tuvok,- "I'm ready one life form, Shuttle craft class, with no noticeable enclosed atmospheric departments, it appears to be similar to earths hover bikes, and I'm detecting no suit or shielding of any kind, it seems this entity can survive in the vacuum space."

Jane way bring it up on the main veiwer, lets see if we can't get a good look.

Harry says woah would you look at that beaty, I gotta get me one of those.

Tuvok, may I remind you mr harris, that you can't breath in space.

Harry- lighten up Tuvok, I was only joking, although we do have suits we could use.

Kim – Well at this rate he's going to crash into us if we don't move.

Janeway – Can we hail him?

Tuvok, it appears so, also from what our sensors are picking up, I believe he's sleeping.

Janeway- well let's send a hail and see if we can't wake him up, I'm very interested in meeting a new species.

Hailing wakes him as he falls off, thinking he's in danger they beam him aboard and tractor beam his bike into shuttle bay. Contacts seven to meet them in the transporter room, to see if she can't shine light on what species it is.

.....Tells them he's the best mercenary in the cosmos, never failed a mission, and his prices are very reasonable if he does say so himself. Janeway asks him more about it and he tells her if she wishes to hire him make a list of everything she can offer whether it be something they think is worth a lot or very little could be very different for him and they shouldn't leave anything out and then he'll get back to them. She tells him alright in the mean time feel free to stay as our guest, 7 will show you to your quarters.

.....????After spending time on board without telling them why he's really there, talking around the truth. He acts, heading to the bridge, throwing a round stun grenade that incapacitates everyone, then setting a course to his employer, Kazans. After handing them everything over and getting paid he rescues seven explaining everything trying to explain he never lied and that he always keeps his word, he didn't expect to fall for someone, and that he's now hers.

After rescuing everyone he's thrown in the brig by an Angry Jane way who says he's lucky no one died??? despite his complaints that he was just doing his job and there were no hard feelings, and that the job is over now and he won't be doing again.

Rolo,- woah woah, what's with the prejudice, you act like I'm the first one to do this.

Jane way – no hard feelings, you betray me and my crew and expect me to thank you for saving us from something you did, get him out of here.

Seven, Chakotay, Jane way, Tuvok have conversation in captains quarters/office.

Seven explaining how he's never lied and always keeps his word, so when he says they no longer have anything to fear from him they should believe him, and that he wouldn't be the first to attack this ship before joining before being dismissed, pointing out how he peacefully surrendered when he could have fought back against the security detail with ease.

Jane way saying noted dismissing her.

Chakotay saying she has a point, with him and seven being a prime example.

Jane way, Tuvok what do you think.

Tuvok,- it's true he's never lied though his actions made it seem otherwise, I do still believe we can take him at his word, and there is no denying that he would be a valuable ally.

Jane way dismissing them, mulls over it before finally releasing him after a month or so in the brig.


Talks to them telling them about himself and how he takes on jobs, janeway asks if they could higher him which he denies saying he's outside there price range although he could possibly be persuaded as he looks at Seven who raises her left eyebrow not quite sure what was going on. Janeway sees this and asks her to escort him to his quarters and give him a tour as she talks with the others about what to do. Harry comments well he seems to be in Seven, poor guy doesn't know what he's getting himself into.

MC seduces Seven who agrees wishing to explore human sexuality/social/emotions, teaching her everything about being intimate about the pleasures of the flesh.

On a mission he goes around a corner nonchalant and gets his arm blasted off which sparks a new emotion in Seven as she comes around shooting down everyone before turning back to check on him only to discover he's back to normal. He explains his regeneration and teases her about caring for him.

He teachers all about sex and then how to give him pleasure which she's eager to learn, happy to learn and unlike humans he tastes good not that she would know the difference.

Her nanites prevent her from getting pregnant and keep her ass clean as she produces little to no waste, and after stuffing her and sucking her boobs so much they make her boobs start producing milk thinking she's pregnant.

He asks Seven out and she agrees saying she still very much interested in copulating talking about how the males on the ship are far to intimidated by her.

Shows up in a red dress where they dance before he takes over and haves her touch him to get familiar with the male body after learning how much of true virgin she is, telling her to smell him, to take in his scent as she runs her hands along his well defined body. A perfect male specimen in her humble opinion.

Then he has her drop her clothes and get on a massage table to see how much feeling she really has as he slowly brings her to completion, letting her experience her first orgasm.

Then he says it's her turn showing her his member as he sits down asking if this is her first time seeing one which she says yes asking if all men having members this big which makes him chuckle as he tells her to go on, giving her instructions on how to please him.

Gently touch it and slowly stroke it, give it a lick, taste it, now lick it from base to head, twirl around the head, tease the slit while sucking, now suck more down, keep your tongue out and no teeth, good now more until your to my base, relax your throat and caress my balls gently. Now swallow it all, don't spill any of it, continue to suck until nothings left, ah yes good work with the head, here is a bit more, hold it in your mouth and get a good taste don't swallow this and let me see it. Good now swallow and tell me how it tastes.

Happy at their fast progress and how obedient she was easily brought him back to life as he placed her on the bed for more. Eating her out before pushing in and taking her, making her his own.

When he finishes tells her about whoever wakes has to give the other one a good morning wake up call which happens to be him the first time.

They then do it again before he takes her to take a shower together where they go for another round telling her how next time he's going to introduce her to doggy style and anal.

Later having her ride him on her own as he happily watches.

After all that they meet at the door where he hugs her saying they're now exclusive lovers, boyfriend and girlfriend pointing out a blush which stupefies Seven. Giving her another kiss before sending her off to work.

...Spending more time together, they enjoy more then just sex, though the have it night after night, and even getting Seven into risking situations around the ship which brought her further in line with his needs. She's addicted to the new sensations, his touch alone setting her off, fully becoming his. Wondering how she ever lived without him.

People begin to take notice, and the changes in Seven who use to always seem like she had a stick up her ass, but funny enough a dick changed that, the rare natural smile when around him which lights up the room for anyone who catches a glimpse.

They move in together once he finishes building a work desk, with a chair she can sit in and regenerate and bed?

After sucking on her breasts so much, her body adapts and begins producing milk making him chuckle commenting how much her body must love him which she doesn't know what to say but smiles liking the new thrilling feeling as she feeds him.

Gives her an Advance Nanite control unit at some point.

???????????????? but when she goes for his nipples he stops her and says sorry love that doesn't work on males but that gives me an idea considering how emotionally depraved you've been its we should probably find a third to join us, another female to be precise to see if you're bisexual even though we both know how much you like my rod, it can't hurt to experiment, which she easily agrees to after some more convincing where he has her imagine what he's doing to her as her doing it to another.

Q at some point shows up and is surprised to find the MC and instantly becomes displeased warning Janeway against him and asking if she would like him to take care of him with his hands up reading to snap his powers, but the MC grins dangerously as he warns him against it reminding him of what happened last time. Later explains to crew the Q was the one job he failed a testament to how powerful he and they really are. Or how Q failed in eliminating all his people, leaving him the last survivor.

- The 100

Pascal, Trina, Clarke.

Pascal father is mad scientist who experimented on him allowing him to become stronger. Can help others through sex?

...…...Steals Finn's seat on the flight so he dies on landing??? Personal grudge, for harassing Trina. Explains to Clarke later that having a rapist in a camp with kids isn't a good idea and he did the right thing.

They meet Clarke, catch spear, talk about wrist bands.

Get caught alone with Clarke each taking one side as they tell her not to worry, they're kids and she's way to stress, asking to allow them to help as they each place a hand on her leg slowly rubbing as the tension builds before he kisses her and then Trina kisses her.

"Wait is this okay?" Clarke asks.

"Of course it is, I've seen the way you've looked at us, both of us, and its okay, we feel the same way about you, we've been looking for a third to complete our relationship."

Clarke groans as her hands slips under her pants and his grabs a breast, "I don't know."

"What's there to know, look over there and tell me you don't want this because I can already tell you do." he says with a smirk at her wetness as they watch Trina strip.

"Isn't she beautiful, just like you," he whispers in her ear nibbling on her earlobe.

Trina then proceeds to show her how to please him after giving Clarke a quick taste before taking his member into her mouth demonstrating what she should do. Her tongue gliding along his length and around his head before deepthroating with no teeth with her lips moving along the length while showing how to gently caress his balls before he explodes in her mouth which she shows Clarke before swallowing.

Stripping her down she proceeds to pleasure Clarke with her mouth, her feet curling as she came for the first time.

He then proceeds to take Trina from behind while Clarke rests allowing her to see them connected with a slow knee standing fuck before pushing her down to all fours and ramming into her like a wild animal.

He then strolls over in between Clarke's leg as he leans over and takes her lips before moving down to each of her tits commenting on how he can't wait to see them bounce causing her to blush as he raises back onto his knees and positions himself asking if she's ready which she shyly nods as he slips in slowly.

"Just a bit more," he says pushing as she arches her back on the final push with a moan, "There, now we're connected." he grins as she looks down in awe at their connection.

"You truly are beautiful, you know that," he says causing her to blush again making her think similar thoughts about his ripped body as he runs his hands down her belly to her clit where he plays with her a bit more before he starts the pounding, slow to fast.

Once they both cum he slips out, happy to see Trina already there taking him into her mouth to clean him before moving to clean Clarke who moans again at her tongues intrusion.

They then fall asleep cuddling with Clarke in the middle being spooned by him.

Next morning he wakes up to Trina once again taking him inside her mouth where he explodes as Clarke wakes up taking a minute to digest what happened.

He then plays with her tits as he explains whoever wakes up first has to wake the others up in the best way and he promises to do that next time so she can experience it giving her a morning kiss right as Trina starts to eat her out before she was fully awake.

Clarke tries to protest the morning fun as she still has so much on her mind and stuff to do but he slips around her back taking her breasts in hand letting her lean against him as Trina works her over saying this is for the best so they don't think about it all day which she agrees to having no strength to deny the pleasure she was experiencing.

But watching was to much stimulation for him as he couldn't hold back as Trina finished her off, she giggles at seeing his dick rise and gives it a few blows before pushing it into Clarke, replacing her tongue with his dick and began another round before Clarke even knew what was happening.

Outside Clarke complains, but the smile she can't get rid of gave away her true feelings as he apologized explaining how hot they were.