
Rain of Debris

"So where are we going next? Are we going to stop on a nearby island or are we going to rob pirates along the way?" Nami excitedly said.

"We will rob Pirates if we meet someone. If not, we will go Treasure Hunting before going back." Xin said.

"Treasure hunting?" Nami's eyes turned into $$ again, she was excited to hear that Xin wanted to do Treasure Hunting before going back.

"Do you have a treasure map? Can I see it!" She excitedly said.

"Don't have. But I have this." Xin then shows something to her.

"A Log Post?"

A Log Pose is a compass-like navigational device, a necessity for traveling the Grand Line.

The standard Log Pose is a bracelet with a glass orb sitting on top, and a needle floating inside the middle of that orb suspended from the top by a thin piece of wire.

Normal compasses do not work in the Grand Line due to the special magnetic waves created from each island. The Log Pose functions by recording the magnetic waves of one island after another in the Grand Line, and the needle points to that island so the user can travel there. Once on an island for the required amount of time, the Log Pose resets and locks on to the next source of magnetism, causing the needle to start pointing toward the next island.

Right now, the Log Post on Xin's hand shows an abnormal reaction for some reason.

"Nami, will the next Island we're going to have a great snack?" Luffy suddenly said.

"Snacks again? Did I just give you snacks a while ago?" Sanji helplessly said.

"It's done."

"Then starve to death."

Nami, Vivi, and Xin look at the Log Post showing the point end stopping while spinning around like crazy.

"Hmmm, if I'm not wrong, the next island should be Autumn Island….. But I know it's still a long way from here."

"That's right, Autumn Island is still far ahead, maybe your Lg Post is malfunctioning," Vivi commented.

"No we are not, we are at the right place." Xin smiled, sensing something falling towards them.



"Hmmm? Is it raining? Zoro said while doing his usual muscle training.

Usopp took the debris that just fell and said," It's not rain or hail? What's this?"



When they look up they are horrified seeing something falling towards them, it's huge, and a lot of it.

"N-np something is falling from.... Huh?"


"Everyone grab the ship, don't fall into the water!"

"Damn it's huge!"

"What?! What's going on!?"

"It's a dream! It must be a nightmare. I need to wake up now!"

"Nightmare? Really what a relief.."

"Here's still,l more falling, be on guard everyone!"

"Xin turn around, let's get out of here!" Nami said.

"What turn around? This is the perfect time for you guys to train."

Xin moves his finger and cold breath starts to come from his finger, he flicks it making a large part of ice turn into a mass of ice floating on the sea.

He then threw them out of the ship and grinning and said," Fend yourself, this is your first training."

"Why me?" Vivi said.

"You're following us so you need to train too, don't worry I will heal you guys if you ever get injured, but beware if your head is accidentally cut, I can't heal it back."

Xin then activates the barrier of the ship making the whole ship the safest place in the ocean.

"Let me in!! I don't want to go down!" Nami nervously said while benign the invisible barrier.

"Let me in too!! I'm a normal human!." Usopp

"I'm a Deer I can't do this," Chopper

"You want to go in?"

The three of them nodded like a good baby.

"Don't want to, just die outside." Xin sheepy smile.


And just like that, Xin row them on the raining debris and ship fending themselves alone, as he expected, Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy easily fend the falling dentist while the other is like a nervous chicken following the three of guys to safeguard.

Xin helplessly looks at Vivi and Nami, both of them have the ability to fend for themselves but they are cowardly following others like baby chickens.

'It seems I need to bring them up for jungle training.' Xin said while looking above watching a falling dentist forming a mountain of garbage in the middle of the sea.

With only a last resort left, Xin shouted," Everyone hear me out!! Inside of those debrist is a treasure! Sword! A map! A super cool weapon! A ero book! Cotton candy! And a year worth of meat!!"

"Sword!" Zoro.

"Super Cool Weapon!!" Usopp

"Ero Book!!!" Sanji

"Meat!!!!" Luffy

"Cotton Candy? What is that?" Chopper

"Move out!! Let me get my treasure!!" Nami said.

"Wind Release: Air Cushion"

"Don't touch my treasure, this is all mine!!"

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