
Chapter 3- Killing?...

When I heard the announcement I immediately hid behind a bush. Everything was way too sudden I tried to keep calm when Leah told me about angels came down and gave them weapons and basically saying "you're the chosen ones so save planets". What type of angels are they telling us to save planets and do these trails without our consent.

"Help me!!" "It's a lizard-argh!" "Run!!" People were dying all around me which I could help them but that is too dangerous- there is a lizard man staring right at me!

This may be dangerous, but this is my chance to grow stronger, I shouldn't hesitate. I rushed towards the lizard and unsheathed my sword and swung my sword in a downward motion, aiming for the lizard's shoulder.


Mori's sword broke upon impact with the lizard man's shoulder. Looking closer, Mori could see it had armor around its arms. The lizard man then used its head to strike Mori's chest, causing him to take a couple of steps back. 'That didn't hurt as much as I thought it would! And it seems I'm way faster than I thought… I can easily see the lizard's moves haha this will be way easier than I imagined'. The lizard charged towards Mori with quick steps, but Mori just stood there waiting for the lizard to attack, but it went for a tackle. Mori stuck his hand out in front of the lizard's face '<Wind Palm>'. The wind hit the lizard's man's face directly, blowing chunks off its face. The lizard face made full contact with Mori's hand, making this attack work with succession.

"This is just like a game, huh? " If it's that easy I guess I could just walk around and find monsters to kill even though that sounds reckless as hell.

[Name: Mori

Level: 0

Race: Dark human

Class: none

Mana: 25/30

Strength: 10

Speed: 10

Endurance: 10

Stat Points: 0


Skills: <Wind Palm %2>]

It seems as though instead of just activating a skill, and it works by itself, the user has to pour mana into it and depending on how much you pour it can be stronger. This skill is also convenient since no blood got on me. But anyway, I should head deeper into the forest.

Mori walked through bushes and trees heading deeper and deeper into the forest and the deeper he went the darker the forest got. He was only walking for five minutes, but he got a system notification that his mana regenerated. "With 30 mana and I use five mana on a regular wind palm attack, I could kill about 7 lizard men". As Mori was talking to himself he heard rustling in a bush behind him, so he stopped walking and stood still waiting to hear more movement or the lizard jumping out.


Mori heard two different sounds, meaning there has to be two! He quickly turned around and raised his right hand reaching out and with ease he grabbed a lizard man's head and in the next seconds blowing it into pieces of flesh. Mori started looking around for the other but couldn't find it, especially because it was dark. 'Calm down Mori you're rushing it' Mori closed his eyes and held his breath waiting for a sound and had his left hand ready….silence there was complete silence, but Mori was patient.

Kkeke Kekekk Diii

"<Wind Palm>!" Mori poured in almost all his mana into that attack, considering that the lizard man was not that close to him and Wind Palm being a close combat skill.


[System: You Are The First Person To Fully Utilize A Skill In The Trail!]

[System: You Are The First Person To Beat A [The Weakest Mini Boss] You Have Gained A Skill!]

[System: You Have Gained Skill <Snake Body & Movement>]

[System: Integrate <Snake Body & Movement> With Your Body <Yes or No>!]

"Yes". Mori felt a small shock and suddenly felt a giant wave of pain in his muscles, heart, and mouth, but it all went away in the next second as if nothing ever happened. After that information about the skill was sent directly to Mori's brain, but it was not too much to give him a headache.

[Name: Mori

Level: 3

Race: Dark human

Class: none

Mana: 60/60

Strength: 12

Speed: 10

Endurance: 10

Stat Points: 9


Skills: <Wind Palm %13>


'I guess since the snake skill is a part of me, It's not necessarily a skill anymore… I guess I'm kind of part monster now or something?'. Mori looked to see the damage he had done, "Woah, what the hell! I didn't know it would be that strong" Mori destroyed two trees and everything that was within 4 meters to his left in a straight line.

"Dude you're so strong man you got to help out the others!" Mori's face turned into stone from hearing someone's voice. He turned around to see a girl who looked to be in her mid-twenties. 'I was way too distracted' Mori slyly took off his right glove and walked up to the woman. Originally, it was super dark in the forest, but now Mori can see everything, but he just assumed it had something to do with Snake Body. The closer he got to the girl, the more his Dark Aura loosely started to move around his hand. "Hey, are you going to help my group?" Mori ignored her and decided to try out snake movement and swiftly ducked out of her line of sight, which is easier to do in the dark. The girl started looking around confused and worried, thinking that a beast took him. But as she looked behind her Mori was standing right behind her, before she could speak Mori grabbed her face covering her mouth and lifted her up. She started flailing her arms and kicking, but Mori ignored her. Mori closed his eyes and started focusing on the Aura. He tried pouring mana into it, but that didn't work, so he just thought about the Aura consuming everything and invading darkness into the world. Sounds very evil, but Mori is assuming it's an evil Aura.

But suddenly Mori felt hot and cold, but it wasn't overbearing but to the girl it was like she was stuck inside an ice cube with lava inside it was horribly painful. Mori noticed the girl's skin turning pale and some icicles forming out of her tears and snot, and also her skin melting off her cheeks. The dark aura was now quickly covering her whole body, only showing her head. After a entire minute passed Mori let go of her and the dark aura came back to his hand, but when Mori looked down, there was nothing but a head that was barely recognizable. Mori looked around to see if there were anyone else around but saw nothing and put his glove back on and left the area going back to the starting zone.

'People who lost their group or if their group died came back to the starting zone because it seems the beast don't come out of the forest or there is a barrier'. Since Mori was now in a "safe" place, he decided to distribute his stat points.

[Name: Mori

Level: 4

Race: Dark human

Class: none

Mana: 70/70

Strength: 16

Speed: 15

Endurance: 14

Stat Points: 0


Skills: <Wind Palm %15>

"4 huh? I guess that girl leveled me up…hmm". Because he only had three stats it wasn't that hard to think about how to distribute.

Mori sat down in satisfaction, knowing that everyone else is probably only level 2 and lower, but he had no time to relax when he saw Leah walking up to him with a prideful grin. But she was only walking with two people, 'Aayu must have died'. Mori stood up and approached them, "What's up with that look" Mori said.

"Level 2…what about you?" Leah said. Mori could see her attempting to hold in her laughter, so he decided to ignore her. "So, what's up with you guys?" Mori asked because Alan and Brenda looked happy and confident.

"Same thing since we shared xp, and we got stronger but since this is the first trial they are probably meant to be weak" Alan said and Brenda nodded her head. Mori was going to sit back down but was grabbed by Leah trying to pick him back up but failed. "Hey, you didn't answer my question!" Leah yelled but Mori only pointed up trying to signal he was higher than her, but she didn't understand. "Oh by the way, what happened to your sword?" Alan questioned.

"Weapons from earth don't work on these beasts, so I guess the skill I have is convenient". Mori sat down not wanting to talk any more 'Why are they are trying to pry information and discern my strength?'.

[System: The First Trial Has Ended! Now Sending All Survivors To The Second Trial!]

Mori felt his consciousness fading and decided to just close his eyes. "Why did I kill that girl?".

~To Be Continued~

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