


Red Line, in the Crossing a small skirmish, had turned into a big fight when a scout ship of the Coalitions encountered scouts from Ganesh, and a battle immediately took place. 

Following the reinforcement of several independent groups. The battle escalated to what it is now, a full-blown battle. 

Powerful forces from Ganesh arrived one after another, forcing the other forces to do the same. 

In several minutes, hundreds, if not thousands of ships of all sizes, have joined the fight. 

Many independent groups are taking advantage of the battle to secure a price for themselves, making the fight very chaotic. 

Top Superpowers like GFA are trying to take control of the battlefield but failing to do so because of the many independent forces doing whatever they want. 

On the other hand, the Ganesh are fighting in a very organized formation. 

So despite being outnumbered, the loss they incurred is far less than what others have. 

On the GFA flag ship. A man can be seen in the admiral seat. If Arc was here, he would have easily recognized the man. Head of supply division with authority only slightly lower than the elders, he was the one in charge of GFA supply and provisions. Admiral Jackson Ford

When the battle happened, being the highest-ranking officer at that time, he immediately took charge until someone appeared to replace him. 

When the fight started, he was personally inspecting the supply and provisions on the supply base, after all, this place has become one of the most important places in the war, and it must be supplied entirely with everything it needs, not just foods, Ammunition and machine parts are also part of the supply chain. And all that falls under him. 

After setting up a very secure supply chain, he went to inspect the base as well as the officers in charge of it, to make sure no hinky pinky was happening. After all, corruption is very common in any supply base. 

He turned a blind eye to it most of the time, as long as they didn't cross the line. But this time, he's making sure nothing like that happens since this is the front line in the war. The last thing he wants is the supplies being used somewhere else. And depriving those that really need it. 

He warned those in charge that if something like that happened, he would do everything he can to send that guy and everyone involved to be executed. 

Lisa was beside him, who was now a vice admiral in rank, far from her previous rank of Lieutenant. 

After successfully establishing cooperation with GT, she manages to complete several other critical missions, such as successfully sending provisions behind enemy lines to support their scouts and forces undercover. 

And with commander Markos' recommendation, she quickly rose in ranks. 

Well, mainly because Dianna has chosen her as the direct link to GFA and praised her to Commander Markos and other elders. 

And so to strengthen the bond between GFA and GT, they give Lisa a more fitting rank to do her job well. At the same time, vice-admiral Sheila was promoted to Admiral and currently serving in other sectors. 

GFA elders have already been notified, and several admirals are already on their way to take charge of the battle. 

Meanwhile, GT is already making preparations as this could be a trigger that could potentially end the war one way or another. 

On the other hand, Dianna was busy making preparations to contact the Protoss after her meeting with Commander Markos and informing her that GFA received a message from the Protoss. Although they could not confirm the authenticity of the messages, it contains a very alarming warning. 

And although the GFA is not taking it seriously, Commander Markos thinks it is very important to be prepared whether it is fake or not; otherwise, it would be too late by then. Unfortunately, with the war going on GFA doesn't have the capacity to prepare for a threat that couldn't be confirmed. 

And so he decided to inform the only force he knows that is capable of doing something about it. Hence a call to Dianna was made. 

And Dianna would not so easily dismiss a threat that has the potential to endanger her Boss dreams. Any threat must be identified and eliminated before it can affect them. That is Arc's reminder to them before leaving. 

Unfortunately, any attempt to contact the Protoss have failed. 

Their shield can not only block any physical matter but also prevent any transmission from passing through.

And so Dianna was about to ask the only one she knows who is capable of bypassing those barriers, Legion. 

But with the intensity of the fight going on, she can't ask Legion to leave now. And so she asked Oda for real-time data on the front line. 

Back in the GFA flagship in the front line Admiral Ford was having a mental breakdown; although he didn't reveal any of that on the outside, inside his mind, he was cursing non-stop. 

Ever since he was transferred into supply division, even back when he was still with HFA, he has never been in an actual fight, let alone command one. But despite that, along with common knowledge and experience, he was doing ok. At Least that's what everyone thinks, but Admiral Ford doesn't think so. He was convinced that everyone is laughing at him on the inside. 

On the other hand, Lisa didn't realize the peculiar expression Admiral Ford is giving every once in a while, not to mention she has complete trust in her uncle. She is completely engrossed in the war. 

After all, hearing and experiencing it herself are very different things. The tensions, the excitement, the fear, the Joy everything is being mixed up, and she is experiencing it all at the same time. 

It's no wonder many soldiers are suffering from PTSD after experiencing war. 

She's in the Command center quite far from the actual front line, yet the tensions and emotions she feels are indescribable. How much more emotional for those in the very front line, walking a very fine line of life and death. 

She couldn't imagine it. 

"Sir, we lost team bravo, team zeta received heavy damage.. Sir Captain Skoro from the Coalition's 164th fleet is asking for reinforcements." 

"Pull back, team Zeta. Transfer all injured to medical base ASAP,  order Captain Miller and Captain Sho to respond to Capt. Skoro requests for reinforcement. But assess the situation first, and tell them they can decide to proceed or not depending on the situation." 

Admiral Ford continues to give orders. Despite second-guessing himself every time, he continues to respond to every situation. 

"Sir.. then situations on the Coalitions are not looking good the bulk of their forces are in different sectors, it's only a matter of time before they are overwhelmed, according to their highest-ranking officers their nearest reinforcement would arrive in about 30 minutes. but it will be too late by then." 

Admiral Ford is having a headache, "they know how important this place is, and yet they only sent a single fleet." Admiral Ford is cursing them on his mind, he even cursed their ancestors, great ancestors, and great-great- ancestors. 

Yet he knew that if the Coalition's forces were defeated, it would create an opening, and it can be used to flank their forces that cannot happen. 

"Contact the adventurers guild and make an emergency broadcast to all allies participating in the battle inform them of the situation." 

He cannot divide his forces, and that is clear to Admiral Ford. He can send a few ships, but that won't be enough to help the coalitions forces. 

And since many independent forces are participating in the battle might as well make use of them. There's an unwritten rule that no force would interfere with others' battle, and no independent forces are allowed to interfere with any of the top organizations; otherwise, they will be treated as enemies. 

In fact, from the very beginning, the front line has already been divided. Top organizations are given a place to conduct their war, so they won't have to worry about other forces stealing their trophy. 

A place was given to the independent forces where they can operate. Of course, the best place was being monopolized by the top organizations. 

But the situations are critical, and if it means giving up their loots, well they only have themselves to blame. 

And true enough, as soon as the emergency broadcast was made, countless adventurers and mercenaries immediately responded. after all, the sooner they got there, the more loot they could get. If they delayed, there would be no more free loot for them to take. 

Carnage and Fallen Angels also responded to the call, along with many hidden forces under the Grand Army. 

After all, the places given to the independent forces are not very good, and after being shared by countless independent forces, there's barely any scrap left. 

The Coalitions Forces watch as countless small forces swarm the Ganesh, but more importantly, they watched with clenched fists as the loot they have painstakingly acquired is being looted faster than one can see. 

Many of the Adventurers immediately went for the loot instead of facing the enemies, of course, the Ganesh would not simply watch as they clean up the battlefield, but the number of Adventurer and mercenaries were simply too many. They kill one, and ten more will take his place, like flies smelling freshly baked shit they couldn't help themselves from swarming it. 

EDITOR: King of Mortals.

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