
Who is this bimbo?

I slowly woke up when I felt someone moving me, I kicked my blanket trying to warn whoever it is that is shaking me to stop it. But after all that warning, whoever it is kept interrupting my sleep. Can't control my temper I lashed out!

"Can you fuckin' quit it?! I'm trying to get some freakin sleep here! Geez!" I shouted and then turned on my bed.

Hmmm…? Why is the bed so hard? Am I sleeping on the floor? Did I fell? I slowly opened my eyes and found myself staring at a wooden wall? I quickly got up but pain shot up all over my body!

"Ugh!" I can't help but groan, so I slowly went back to my previous position and continue lying down forgetting the idea of getting up. Then I remembered what happened to me earlier.

I looked up and it looks like I'm in a small room? I looked at my blanket and surprisingly it looked like the haori that Gou wore when we left the mansion… Could it be?

"I can see you're fully awake now? So care to explain?" A cold voice said to me.

I turned my head and saw a stone-faced Gou with a scary and dark aura coming from him. Why is he getting mad at me?! I should be the one getting mad since they left me behind!

"Explained what? You guys left me behind, I got attacked and I survived." I said sarcastically.

"Details." He pressed again.

Details?! What does he want me to do? Tell the story of how once upon a time I got attacked by assassins and I luckily survived?! I got so angry that I forgot that my body was in pain and I sat up and started shouting at him!

"What details?! It's all a confusion to me! You want details? Fine! I remember that I made it clear that I don't want to come but My Lord insisted that I come with them then not letting me ride the carriage but just 'follow' along! I remember being scared that I spotted your enemies, then I can't find this fucking carriage anywhere and YOU guys never told me what I should do in case there's an assassination attempt and just leisurely ride this stupid carriage! And then they switched targets and went after me! Why don't you all just go back to that fucking place where I fought for my life and have it investigated and get the details from there?!" I shouted.

He was looking like he felt guilty but I guess that was my imagination. Why would he feel guilty when he was the one who first insisted that I come, then left me to fend for myself! I had forgotten that he was the one who tried to eliminate me first on our first encounter back in Japan! I had my guard lowered since he was nicer, I know we bicker at times when he was training me but it was more like a friendly banter and I thought that somehow we are friends now and closer than before? But I guess it was all in my head, I should never forget that he was cold-blooded enough to try to eliminate me in a split second even before getting any details.

Thinking about it made me angry, I clenched my fist and wanted to punch something! When suddenly he grabbed me and hugged me tightly! I was so shocked I forgot that I was mad at him!

"Colliet, I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I know that it was scary dealing with professional assassins. Please forgive me." He said softly as he buried his face on my shoulder.

I was so stunned! This is the first time that he called my name and I didn't expect him to apologize or hug me in this case. Remembering all that had happened and the bloody fight that I faced, I couldn't help but started crying!

"Waaahhhh! It...wa-was…*sob*...so scary! I ..*sob*...thought… I was…*sob*... a goner! Wahhhh!" I cried and sobbed.

I couldn't even complete my sentence due to my crying. I gripped his kimono tightly while I cried on his shoulder. I could feel his hand rubbing and lightly tapping my back saying 'it's all right now, you're safe' trying to comfort me.

After I cried my eyes out I had calmed down a bit. I remembered I was covered in blood and gore but when I looked down on my clothes it's all clean? I looked suspiciously at Gou, did he changed my clothes?! No, wait… This is the same clothes that I wore but it's clean now? Could it be magic?!

"Ahem," I quickly turned my head and saw Chisa by the door or more like a curtained doorway. So I guess I really am inside the carriage?

"My Lord, we are almost at the city gates." He reminded Gou and then he threw me a glare.

I just realized I was still clinging to Gou so I released my hands off him and scooted a little bit. I guess from the way Chisa looked at me I will need to walk again? Ugh! The pains of being in no rank at all. I felt and see if any of my body parts are in pain, other than feeling like getting hit by a car and surviving it, I don't feel anything broken in my body.

"If you'll excuse me…" I slowly stood up and ready to go out of the carriage.

"Where do you think you're going?! You are still injured! Stay inside and rest!" Gou shouted at me.

"Eh?" I felt a strong pull and now I'm falling backward!

I fell slowly on the wooden floor and he made me lay down. While I was lying there, he tucked me in using his haori. I quickly looked at Chisa and even though he looks like he is outraged that I'm using his master's expensive haori as a blanket he just kept his mouth shut and sat by the door.

WOW! That is the first time that he didn't explode at my 'shamelessness' of sticking close to his beloved master!? Did he fell off the carriage and hit his head? Why the sudden change? Meh! Who cares!? As long as I can rest without him yakking his mouth off! Haaa~ peace and quiet! I closed my eyes to rest them but fell into a deep sleep instead.


I woke up in a start and saw from outside the window that there is a huge wooden gate. Slowly getting up and stretching a little, I don't feel sore anymore and nothing hurts? I guess with that deep sleep I was able to recover some of my energy? I looked around and saw Gou sitting near the window with the sun shining down on him. His black hair giving off that shiny black luster and his face looking more translucent, the sun is making him looked more ethereal!

What a deadly blow when I just woke up! Good thing nose bleeds like in animes don't happen in real life or I would have splurted blood all over and be anemic by now! I looked at Chisa by the entrance and saw him standing there. He had his back turned at us but being near, I can see his lean muscles on his exposed arms and since his clothes are tight-fitting I can also see the silhouette of his tight firm muscles!

What the heck is wrong with this master and servant?! Since the assassins failed earlier, now they are trying to get rid of me by killing me with their handsomeness and sexiness?! Well, I guess being surrounded by ikemen before I finally disappear is not a bad way of going? Hehe

"Can you stand up?" Gou was glaring at me. Uh oh! I must have stared too much and now he saw how a disgusting pervert I am!

I quickly smiled and bowed at him. "Yes, Gushiken sama. Thank you for your concern. If you have any orders I will quickly do them." I quickly changed to my servant/gofer/bodyguard mode!

"Hmph! If you feel faint, tell me. Don't push yourself too hard and follow closely behind me. Don't get lost this time." He scolded.

"Yes." I quickly answered and lower my head.

Ahh~ Gou don't tell me you're the tsundere type? While thinking that, I couldn't help but smile. I actually wanted to laugh but I need to keep it in or they might think a screw in my head is loose.

We got off the carriage and walked inside the gate. The noble's residence is large as well but not as large as Gou's mansion. A servant is waiting for us and said that he will lead us to the garden at the back of the mansion.

The back of the mansion has an open field full of different kinds of flowers. We walked on the pathway made of colorful shiny stones and it leads up to a small hill with a somewhat small-sized gazebo. It can fit a small table and 2 stools, good for having a date at the top of the hill? A few meters away there is a willow tree and there is a swing tied to it. I guess the gist of it is that if you sit at the swing you can view the whole flower garden? Heh! I couldn't help but laugh at the idea. So typical shojo manga setting! Hehe

And I'm betting that the one who invited Gou is a stupid bimbo pinning for him and forced her father to invite Gou to come here. While thinking that, we saw a female servant standing in front of the gazebo. She is somewhat familiar? She must have looked like someone from the mansion?

"My Lord, Lady Kayo is waiting for you insi- You!" She glared pointed her finger at me. Huh? Who is this bimbo? Why is she mad at me?

Here is the new chap and sorry for the delay. I must have exhausted my brain cells because of the fight scenes and it stopped working. Hehe. Please enjoy reading this chapter, please feel free to comment, review, rate, and vote for my novel! Thank you for voting and supporting my humble story!

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