

Isaac said, "Actually, you guys have known each other for more than ten years, which is most of your life, if you think about it, Haru, so the six months dating thing doesn't really matter. Besides, some couples get married after dating only a couple of months."

Reo said, "Haru is way too young to get married." He turned to Isaac. "And you, brat, stop blabbering about nonsense like marriages. Now get back to your room and pack! We're leaving at midnight tomorrow, and knowing you, you'll leave things until the last minute."

Isaac pulled a face, but left the room nonetheless, along with Mason, followed by Reo himself.

Alone with Aiden, I turned my attention to the rest of my clothes and started putting them back into the drawers.

Aiden shut the door and then came to sit on my bed. I glanced at him over my shoulder, noting the dark look on his face. Is he troubled by something?

"You okay?" I asked.

My query seemed to have caught him off guard because he jolted his head up, looked momentarily surprised, and then quickly shook his head as his expression changed to a smile.

"No, it's nothing," he said, signaling for me to come to him.

My heart skipped, since I knew what he wanted, which was exactly what I had missed and craved as well.

I shut the drawer and came to sit on the bed beside him. I had missed this for the last couple of months, as I had been cooped up in my room studying. I missed sitting this close to Aiden, feeling his heat; his warmth always soothed me.

Aiden wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him until our faces were inches apart. With a hand touching my chin, he said, "It felt like hell in the last month not seeing you around as much."

"We still live under the same roof," I said.

"I know, but I hardly saw you, since I didn't want to disturb you studying, knowing how easily you'd get distracted."

Wow! He was considerate.

"Thanks," I said.

Aiden raised a brow. "For?"

"For thinking about me and stuff…"

He chuckled. "That's a given, isn't it? Now I can finally have you all to myself again," he said, and then kissed me.

He was rough and demanding, his lips pressing hard against mine as his tongue eagerly slipped into my mouth.

I groaned, feeling my body heating up. Aiden was always so good at making me feel it, the pleasure, and this time was no different. In fact, this time felt even more intense, like he had been starving for a taste of me.

He was sucking at my tongue now, in that erotic way that made me shiver from head to toe. I groaned deep in my throat, my heart racing fast in my chest.

When he was done with the sucking, he paid more attention to my lips, kissing the lower one and teasing it mercilessly until I was sure I was going to go crazy. My head was dazed and my cock was hard by the time he let go of me.

My breathing heavy, I watched him as he straightened up and then… He turned his back on me.

Why is Aiden turning his back on me?

Suddenly, I felt this weird sensation twisting inside me, something cold and sickening.

I asked, "What's wrong?"

Aiden shook his head. "It's nothing." He stood, which made me feel even worse, like I was being abandoned or something. What the heck is going on?

"You're tired. You've only just finished your exams," he said, his gaze anywhere else except on me.

Why is he avoiding making eye contact with me?

I was about to blurt out that I wasn't that tired and wanted him to make love to me, but Aiden leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Good night, Haru."

Good night?

Did he not want to make love to me? Did he not want to kiss and taste every inch of me? Did he not want to drive that fucking awesome cock of his inside my asshole?

I was…stunned.

Confused, I muttered, "Night," as I moved to get in between the sheets.

Aiden opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something, but then closed it again. He left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Alone, I wondered what the heck had just happened. I had been looking forward to us hanging out and doing some much-needed erotic stuff after the exam, but now…

That twisty, sickening sensation was still swirling inside my stomach, and I hadn't a clue how to make it go away.

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