
Saved The Universe

"Whoa. Don't worry. I was just kidding." Katherine made a note to herself to talk about this in detail with him later on. Right now, she needed to placate him. Later on, they could slowly talk about it and overcome the fears together. Didn't he say it once? They would prove their love and commitment to one another over the years.

That seemed to be the best method of attack.

There was a moment of silence as both mulled over their thoughts.

"I am glad that evil alarm clock didn't wake me up. I panic every time it rings. I think I have been traumatized by it!" he exclaimed. Katherine snickered because she knew what he had put as his alarm tone. It was the sound of mysterious music followed by a jumpscare that could resurrect the dead.

"I need this wake up call in person. Wish you were in bed with me right now." She could imagine him pout and felt a squeal bubbling in her throat. Too cute. Too adorable for words.

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