
That's An Order

Somewhere in the sky, a massive winged creature and its rider, cloaked in dark steel, ominously hovered miles above the ruins of Havocspire Citadel. The tempestuous weather—wild winds and random lightning strikes—made the flight exceptionally hazardous.

Yet, despite the peril, both rider and mount displayed uncanny calm and coordination, soaring masterfully above the chaos. As they skillfully maneuvered through a graceful aerial ballet, their hawk-like, eerily identical gazes pierced through the layers of storm clouds, smoke, and flames surrounding them.

This shroud of chaos not only concealed them from flying predators and enemy anti-air measures but also allowed them to reliably monitor the unfolding siege below.

The man and his nightmarish beast were indeed one of the many Vorzhul Rider duos tasked with overseeing the battlefield.

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