
Does Your Promise Still Stand?

In a narrow room several kilometers underground, an android emanating wisps of dark smoke looked up at the ceiling above him as if trying to peer through the multiple layers of rock and metal to reveal what was going on up there.

In front of him stood two other hooded individuals. The first was tall and muscular, the second older and of ordinary height. The android's sudden change of attitude did not go unnoticed.

"Vhoskaud, is something wrong?" Shamash inquired with a fake smile.

"...Nothing I can't handle." The Lich snorted as its crystalline eyeballs flashed at a high frequency, hinting at the increased activity of its processor.


The room the three Players were in began to quake and cracks fractured the floor and walls.

"No disrespect, but I don't think you're handling this very well." Azeus growled disgruntledly as he held the ceiling about to collapse with a single hand.

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