
Chapter 21: Catastrophe

After blowing up the gas station I revived myself in the back of a truck which I made a respawn point at and the moment I respawned I see a headless police corpse.

When I saw it I was first confused then enraged.

I look at the opening which connected the truck and the cargo space and whilst speeding through it I saw a man laughing to himself.

I watched him laugh for a while before taking out my gun and pointing it at his head.

I then asked.

"Care to share what's funny?"

The laughter quickly stopped and the smile on his face froze.

His face was like the one which was caught masturbating for the first time by your parents to boot. Only worse by a thousand times for there was a gun pointed at his head.

At least if you were caught by your parents you might be able to brush it off with a bit of humiliation. But here he might very well say goodbye to his life.

My voice to him sounded colder than the coldest winter day.

I had used so much killing intent on the man sitting in the driver's seat that it was practically oozing out.

The cramped space of the truck made it all the more obvious he couldn't getaway.

"Stop the truck."

The truck slowly pulled to stop by the side of the road and the zombies chasing behind the truck were already Scratching at the vehicle.

"Care to explain what's going on here?"

The man didn't speak... he knew he was dead if he said the wrong word.

"So you killed my men and stole my food and vehicle..."

The man shuttering in fear started to say something but stopped.


"Your just one ungrateful bastard aren't you, or maybe you were that dumb asses accomplice which was too scared to come out and decide to hide amongst the crowd."


"A coward huh."


"Don't worry I won't kill you, killing you would dirty my hands and wouldn't be enough of a punishment. I'll make you suffer a fate worse than death by a million times."

After that, I knocked him, tied him up and then threw him into the back of the truck.

I then got into the driver's seat and made a huge ass U-turn in the middle of the road. After making the turn the surrounding zombies that were at my doors fell to the ground and got crushed by the truck. I pressed hard on the accelerator and the truck was on its way towards the Queensboro Bridge.

In New York, there are a lot of bridges that connect the 5 boroughs New York and since I'm near LaGuardia Airport the bridge which is closest to me is Queensboro Bridge.

This might be a good spot to take over.

If I remember correctly in my previous life the US army in New York started taking over New York after 5 days of the Zombie apocalypse. They started taking over all the important zones in the apocalypse first. They secured all Prisons first as military bases. Only after the first month of the Zombie apocalypse did they start taking over the bridges.

But they only tried doing this as a last resort because after the first month was over did they find out that the GOD who brought the world to the apocalypse Era had decided to continue toying with all humans and decided to render they're Zombie Plan ineffective.

The US army has a Zombie Apocalypse Plan called Conplan 8888, and the first Phase of it is to shape the Terrain.

After a good 30 days of finding good bases for the US Military to set up camps, it was all destroyed by God's catastrophe. He had decided to envelop the world in red rain clouds.

The Rain clouds let out was made up of the Evolution Virus. This virus contained in the clouds had the power to increase the evolution of infected.

All the Zombies that once couldn't get into the Bases had in that one night all evolved to Tier 1 Zombies at the very least. There were also tier 2 but very few in numbers. This means that the City of New York in a Months time had become a land filled with Millions of Tier 1 Zombies.

The bases that the US had once built had only been helpful to block off Zombies who were once few in Tier 1.

Once at Tier 1 Zombies don't just rely on their sense of sight and hearing to find humans. After evolution in Tier, the zombies gain an ability that is similar to humans in the now beta phase. Only unlike humans zombies will always get this ability after getting to Tier 1, unlike humans which can only get it today on the BETA period. The Ability that Zombies get is called Life Sense. This ability grants the Zombies the ability to find prey that has Life Presence residing within them. Although it isn't extremely accurate the zombies can find the faint direction of a living being within a 3-mile range.

The once well-hidden human bases of the US had become a glowing light bulb in a dark tunnel.

The US army had at the start of taking over New York City Decide to save as many citizens as possible so after a month of scavenging for food and water picked up at least a thousand human survivors.

If 1 life form can lead a Zombie to find their faint direction in a 3-mile Radius then what do you think a thousand can do?

The US bases had become a juicy piece of meat that was right in front of them.

All 5 US bases which were heavily fortified come under the barrage of thousands of Tier 1 Zombies.

The US Bases failed so badly at the hands of the Zombies that a survivor sleeping on an open street would have a higher chance of surviving than trying to survive in one of those bases.

This was the second catastrophe God sent to humanity.

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