
Chapter 96: The Tournament Continues

After returning to my original spot I saw Vegeta about to lose to Hit because he drove Hit to use his new technique, Time Lag. This technique warps time around a person making them slow down drastically. In the manga Hit used this against Jiren but it did him no good because Jiren was far stronger than Hit so the best he could do at the time was slow him down instead of freezing him in place. As for Vegeta who was a far cry from Jiren was slowed significantly. Piccolo got rid of his opponents quickly to lend a hand to Android 17 who was fighting Potamo. Android 17 didn't know that physical attacks didn't damage Potamo but like in the manga he stretched him and like a rubberband flicked him off stage. They turned their attention to help Vegeta and Goku.

Goku was not faring too well against Jiren but was keeping him at bay for now. Dyspo and Toppo came at me after dispatching a few more combatants. Like Jiren did with Goku and Hit in the manga, Both the Justice warriors of universe 11 were handled with ease. I deflected, parried and blocked all their attacks. Toppo had the "I don't believe this" look on his face.

Toppo: Are you also a Saiyan?

Sage: And here I thought that it was obvious because of my tail. Yes, I am a Saiyan, what of it?

Toppo: You were the one that was with Son Goku when all the Gods of Destruction and Creation were summoned, weren't you?

Sage: Indeed. But do not mistake me for Goku-san.

Toppo: Dyspo, let's attack together again, be careful, like Son Goku he may also have other transformations hidden.

Dyspo: Him too! Okay, let's go!

Their attacks were well coordinated but it wasn't enough to close the gap in power and speed. Dyspo was fast with quick reactions but only in a simple way and easily predictable. Dyspo charged at me with his full speed and aimed at my gut. As it seemed that his attack hit, I grabbed Dyspo's wrist and slammed him on the ground a few times. I picked him up and kicked him on the leg towards the edge of the ring. Even if he does come back in the fight he can't use his speed because I made sure to break the leg I kicked. Toppo tried to catch me when I kicked Dyspo away but caught his fist as well. He quickly pulled back but my tail caught his ankle. In the instant he looked down to what was holding him in place I started to punch him in the ribs, solar plexis and liver.

At that moment I thought of a new move. Like Toriko's Kugi Punch (Nail Punch), a technique that can be applied to a punch or kick where if the user is strong enough they can apply more hits in the technique. Toriko was able to go up to 3 hits in the beginning of the series to a high number which was never given as he grew stronger. My new move was an energy based one in the shape of a ball. The energy ball was like Russian nesting dolls but they explode and were in layers like a jawbreaker, which I named it after. The energy ball will explode on every layer the smaller the layer the stronger the blast as the energy is more compressed. I threw a 5 layer Jawbreaker at Toppo, as he was blasting off like Team Rocket, Dyspo tried to stop him but couldn't brace well and the 4th layer exploded blowing them both off the stage.

Belmod was angry that all the Justice Troopers but Jiren were knocked out of the game. As Toppo and Dyspo were warping into the stands I flipped Belmod the bird.

Sage: Jiren is next.

Belmod: You little shit mortal. Jiren get rid of them!

I went back to my original spot again to wait for Jiren. Android 18 knocked out Ribrianne the remaining combatant of universe 2. Piccolo and Gohan finished off the rest of universes 3 and 9, so only Hit and Magetta were left of universe 6. Jiren is the only one left from universe 11 and from universe 7 is me, Goku, Vegeta, Androids 17 & 18, Gohan and Piccolo. Krillin and Tien must have been knocked out at some point. The remaining fighters of universe 7 went after Magetta, Hit and Jiren. Jiren was able to knock out Piccolo. Gohan took Hit with him out of bounds and so did Android 18 with Magetta and the end of universe 6.

The remaining fighters are Jiren, Goku, Vegeta, Android 17, Buu and me. Buu went after Jiren but was easily overwhelmed and thrown out. Buu was healing everyone behind the scenes so everyone was back at full strength and drained him so he was easily thrown out. I was still waiting for my turn because we still had about 30 to 25 minutes left to fight. I saw their fight as they took turns fighting Jiren. Vegeta went first. He was able to get some good and well placed hits in but it was not enough. Vegeta brought the Super Saiyan Blue to another level as if he went Super Saiyan 2 while in Blue. Goku went next. Goku was, of course, putting up a better fight. He saw Vegeta's mistakes and some of Jiren's flaws but he was still on his toes. Goku was hit hard and was flying back but I caught him before he dropped out. Goku gathered his strength and went after Jiren again. After a few minutes Goku was transforming and gaining Migatte no Gokui (Autonomous Ultra Instinct).

The fight continued but since Goku was not able to grasp that power in a short amount of time, Jiren was able to win out. I told 17 that I will go next. That way even if I lose I can take Jiren with me and 17 can make the wish to restore the other universes.

Sage: Finally! I was growing bored waiting for you.

Jiren: Why didn't you attack when I was fighting Son Goku?

Sage: I am a Saiyan. It's not in my nature to claim a victory that I didn't fight. Plus, it would have been all too easy to knock you out with Goku or Vegeta fighting you. I let them fight you first to let them power up, which they did. Thank you for that.

Jiren: "Too easy" you say, hmph. Come and try now.

Sage: Gladly.

I walked up to Jiren and we stood face to face. We both threw a punch at the same time causing shockwaves as our fists collided. We then threw combinations at each other which was either blocked or parried. With every collision the ground breaks, rubble turns to dust and the air vibrates. Not even at full power yet, but we are evenly matched. I started to get antsy so after the last encounter I was done warming up.

Sage: I think we warmed up enough. We don't have much time anyway so let's get to the fun stuff.

Jiren: If you are anything like the other Saiyan's I will fight you as I am.

Sage: Hahaha, that's fine with me but when you lose keep your regrets to yourself.

I turned True Super Saiyan God Blue, as I did I could feel the difference in strength as my fur and hair turned blue from the overabundance in power. I use the Rinne Sharingan for good measure but I will only go further if the need arises. Jiren will pay for his arrogance as I flashed in front of him and casually dig my right fist into his stomach. I didn't know if his eyes could get any wider but they did surprisingly. When I extended my right arm to finish the attack Jiren flew off close to the edge of the stage.

Sage: (With a smug face) By all means, continue as you are.

Belmod: Jiren, finish him off! Quit playing around!

Sage: SHUT THE FUCK UP CRUSTY!! This is our fight, keep your big ass pimple nose out of this!

Jiren: "Might makes right and might alone! Without strength, we have nothing! If I don't win, then all my effort, all I've struggled to achieve, all of it will have been pointless! I'll lose everything, just like I did before…and I absolutely refuse to go through that again! I cannot! I will not!"- Jiren from the DBS episode "The Greatest Showdown of all time! The Ultimate Survival Battle!"

Sage: Then quit your bitching and come at me!

Jiren was finally getting serious and powered up. Our auras collided and through the friction lightening sparks could be seen and heard. We clashed again causing a giant explosion causing the stage to break apart. Jiren and I were engaging on a medium piece of the ring causing the surrounding smaller pieces to break after every collision. Each time we collided thunderous sounds erupted.

Belmod: (Pulling his hair). Who the hell is this guy to be on par with Jiren?

Khai: I thought there was no one like Jiren in the other universes.

Marcarita: It seems that he is different from the other Saiyans that Jiren has faced before.

As the fight intensified the realization of not knowing if was more powerful than me was apparent on Jiren's face. He was being more careful as was I. We both didn't want to lose but I could care less as long as I bring Jiren down with me. More and more of the ring we were fighting on was becoming smaller. Since we were on a time limit and we had 2 to their 1 left on the ring, all I had to do was keep Jiren to myself until time ran out but I never liked that fucking clown. Watching him and that arrogant prick of a Supreme Kai be erased, although temporary, will be my reward from this tournament. Jiren's and my Ki spiked again. I wanted to see the dismal face on that clown so I transformed into the Migatte no Gokui (Autonomous Ultra Instinct) form. Even though it was in the initial stage of the form it was stable. I knew I've already reached this stage I just wanted to see if I can apply my True Super Saiyan form into it, which I tried doing when I was still training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Whis.


Silver Ki surrounded my body as my hair and fur turned silver. Jiren's eyes widened, Belmod, Khai and Marcarita had their jaws dropped. My form was unstable because of the addition of my True Super Saiyan form, but within that time limit I can have at Jiren. I charged at Jiren in full force, as we clashed the remaining pieces of the ring broke. Jiren and I were still fighting while jumping from piece to piece but I was leading Jiren away from the piece that Android 17 was still on. On a chunk of the stage I got clean strong hit on Jiren and as has about to be blasted off, he grabbed my arm and we both were eliminated from the stage, leaving Android 17 the last remaining combatant for the tournament. As I was warped to the universe 7 stands I looked over the universe 11 section and smiled at Belmod and Khai as I saw them be erased.

I was listening to Five Finger Death Punch- Cradle to the Grave while writing this chapter.

Kintaro1210creators' thoughts
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