
Chapter 91: Deep Sea Reprieve

We took Zen-chan to our universe and asked Supreme Kai to take us to the King of All's place. While there we introduced both the Zen-chan's. After that we went back to the Earth. Time passed, we continued training and apparently Vegeta got Bulma pregnant with Bulla or Bra. I went back home to train my children and to have more kids, wink. I also got Hancock pregnant. Since I had some time to kill before the Tournament of power, I spent some time with her and the Strawhat crew.

Time passed as they gathered so I went to check up on them. The crew was gathering in the Sabaody Arhipelago after 2 years. At first I was met with uncertainty as the crew couldn't recognize me at first because of my red hair and eyes but once I undid my transformation they were relieved. To keep my training of the God form up I transformed again.

Sage: Hey guys, long time no see.

Luffy: Sage, how you been ya bastard? Good, now that you are here we are all gathered together. Will you be staying long?

Sage: Just for a little bit. Staying with me will cause way more trouble than you need. I wanted to see Fish-man Island before heading out again.

I was glad Luffy understood that I couldn't stay long. This world can't sustain me so I kept movement and fighting to a minimum. On Fish-man Island I will get to lift Noah, the giant ship that was left for unknown purposes, even now. I found the whole fake crew incident hilarious. The fat fake Luffy was talking that wild shit until Sentoumaru smashed his head in with the flat side of his axe. I thought that after the spanking I gave them they would be more afraid to approach anyone with relations to the Strawhats, fake or not. I was watching the entire time but was not engauging until all of the crew members were together. We went into the sea and started our decent into the deep for Fish-man Island.

Nami explained all the instructions that Rayleigh gave us for the ship being coated. Nami and Robin looked way sexier now or the fact that they were wearing less, haha. Robin and Nami were particularly impressed with me as I didn't really react to Franky's almost robot transformation. I gathered everyone except for Sanji, who fainted from blood loss as he saw Nami and Robin. I still laugh thinking about it, for two years of having gay people chase you around while being a womanizer must be his personal hell. I told the crew that I will mostly help when it comes to fighting the Yonko (Four Emperors) and not to expect much of me. Most of their bigger enemies are gone except for the unknown Admirals that might pop up considering Admiral Issho came out of nowhere.

I kept the fish that would attack us at bay with Haoshoku no Haki and blew up the ship from Wet Hair Caribou, killing them all, before they got near us. I let Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, after he recovered, deal with the Kraken though, I wanted to see how much they grew. I knew the level of growth from the rest but Luffy was a different story. I pushed him further by pitting my will Haki against his, sure it was bullying but how else can he grow without adversity. Luffy dealt with the Kraken easily but we were sucked in the hole the Kraken was blocking once Luffy punched him out the way.

We kept going and met up a little later. We met Vander Decken but I let him live because he was the one that made the giant ship, Noah, move. We got near Fish-man Island but were stopped by the New Fish-man pirates. They were stopping anyone who got near the Island to join or submit to their cause. I cared little for what they wanted but Luffy didn't want to cause trouble as soon as we reached the Island so we used the Air burst that the Thousand Sunny, the ship, could do broke through the giant bubble that the Island is covered in. During the break through the crew was separated like in the original.

A few hours passed and the story progressed like normal so the Strawhat crew was blamed for the disappearance of some mermaids. Soon it was revealed that the New Fish-man Pirates were going after any Fish-man or mermaid that wanted peace with the humans instead of war. The new Fish-man Pirates used the petition that the citizens signed with the late queen, Otohime. We later met up with Jinbe, a former Shichibukai (Seven warlords). Through Jinbe we learned of the deep seated hatred between the humans and Fish-man. While chatting, the New Fish-man Pirates captured King Neptune and his three sons. Jinbe came up with a plan to make the Strawhat crew look like heroes in front the citizens of Fish-man Island.

Through the plan we learned that Hody Jones, the captain of the New Fish-man Island, killed the queen. Humans had never hurt Hody but he still grew up with the hatred for them through Arlong, the captain of the Fish-man Pirates that tormented Nami's Island and was heavily racist. Since Hody grew up around that racism it became a part of him, so much so that he had his own Fish-man version of the KKK. So far I liked Fish-man Island. The best sushi and miso soup I have had so far, also, since their top half was human, some of the best mermaid blowjobs I have had aside from Mei, Tsunade and Hancock. There was no way I was going to let them destroy themselves.

Unfortunately in the current situation I should not kill any of the Fish-men since I don't want to make it look like a slaughter, but broken bones should be fine. I only incapacitated a few while Luffy used his Haoshoku no Haki to take out 70,000 men Hody gathered out of 100,000. After beating the shit out of the Hody the first time Luffy chased him to Noah, which Vander Decken was able to throw thanks to the Mato Mato no Mi (Mark Mark fruit) by placing a mark on Shirahoshi, Neptunes giant beautiful daughter. Vander Decken asked Shirahoshi for her hand in marriage but was refused because he was not her type, in anger he decided to kill Shirahoshi by throwing Noah at her and Fish-man Island. Since they were fighting in the water, Luffy had a huge disadvantage. Luffy got help from one of Shirahoshi's brothers and beat Hody again. They also fought on the Noah when a bubble was placed on it for Luffy to breathe. I told Luffy not to worry about the ship and just completey crush Hody. The reason Hody kept coming back was because he was taking a drug name Energy Steroid, it raises the users strength in exchange for their lives.

Luffy again beat the shit out of Hody but this time for good. Again Luffy didn't kill Hody but I understand why he wouldn't. Luffy was still bleeding quite a bit and still needed a blood transfusion. I was still holding on to Noah, so Shirahoshi didn't have to call out to the seakings to help pull it. The good thing about that was, she didn't have her secret exposed and would be kept out of danger from the government or others. Luffy got his blood transfusion from Jinbe since they were the same blood type. I was told to put the Noah next to the grave of Otohime. When everything was said and done, King Neptune threw a party for us. We ate, drank and again I got blown with titjobs in the back, away from wandering eyes.

The Mom Pirate crew members came to pick up her tribute, which was sweets, but were unable to find any. During the party we ate it all so the tribute to keep Fish-man Island as Big Mom's territory couldn't be paid. When the Mom Pirate members Pekoms and Tamago came to pick it up they were mad at the Fish-men and at us. I didn't like how Tamago referenced everything with eggs so I warned him, leave or die. He started to talk shit so he chose die. I didn't care who he was, who he was affiliated with or where he came from but all I knew was that, regardless of what powers he had, he was going to die. Like the namesake of the Akuma no Mi he ate, the Tama Tama no mi, I squashed him. Pekoms was shaking from the tremendous pressure and fear. I told him to call Big Mom with the Den Den Mushi.

Big Mom: Pekoms, why did you call me?

Pekoms: Mama, there is a gentlemen here that wants to talk to you.

Big Mom: Oh? He has to be powerful if you are speaking so politely, Pekoms. Fine let him speak.

Sage: Listen you disgusting fat bitch. This is Sarunokami Sage. I didn't like how your subordinate was talking to me so I killed him, what was his name? Fuck it I don't care, there are too many bugs to remember. This is my one and only warning you fat cunt, Fish-man Island is Strawhat territory now. You leave my friends alone or I will kill you, your family and your pets.


Sage: Come on, your fat doesn't roll over on your ears now does it? I killed those Admirals and

Marines, do you really think you could stop me? Just consider Pekoms here lucky that he didn't meet the same fate as that egg guy because he looks like a lion plushie.

I hung up on Big Mom and told Pekoms to leave before I change my mind. We moved on from the party and started the preparation to leave. I told Luffy to call me using a similar button that Zen-chan gave to Goku but to call for me only not summon. With that I left again to train in the Dragon Ball universe.

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