
Cleaning Up

Once Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima entered the battle, they split up. Todoroki stopped and stomped on the ground, sending a wave of ice over Noumu. Bakugo flew at Kurogiri, attacking the true body within the mist. He pinned him to the ground and, true to form, gloated.

Kai had to say that as dumb as he could be, Bakugo had excellent battle sense. He had managed to find the true body in his first encounter with Kurogiri at the entrance. Kurogiri's demat might be a Prime Invincibility, but like Achilles, there had to be a weak point.

"The moment you so much as twitch, I'll load you with a nice little explosion, right here, right now!"

Kai hoped that Bakugo really would, or simply do it right now anyways. It would be great if this "League of Villains" was completely shut down immediately.

"Dammit, the Mario Boss Rule of 3!"

Then he heard Handy Manny talking again.

"Noumu, go ahead and finish off the explosion boy over there. We're saving our revolving door!"

On command, Noumu broke the ice that covered him, leaving half of his body behind as he stood up. Then, a wave of muscles snaked its way from the torn torso and reformed the arm and leg Noumu had lost. Everyone was shocked, even All Might.

"Stand back, all of you! Wasn't his Quirk a Shock Absorption Quirk?"

"I never said that was the full extent of his abilities," the pale man replied. "As you can see, he's also got 'Super Regeneration.' Noumu is a human sandbag artificially crafted to the height of physical fitness in order to withstand your 100%."

Kai was both horrified and excited. A homunculus! And one with multiple Quirks! Clearly with some drawbacks, but this was amazing!

And it proved that this group had some impressive backing. Now Kai wondered whether it really would be good to capture the leaders right here. There was definitely a bigger fish.

But there was no time to think more about this. Quick as a flash, Noumu dashed towards Bakugo. Kai gritted his teeth as much as he could with the anesthetic interfering. The roaches and zerglings weren't quite in the combat area.

Luckily, All Might was fast enough to push Bakugo out of the way and intercept the blow.

"Have you no mercy?" All Might asked with a cough.

"We had no choice. We had to save our ally, didn't we?" the pale man asked as if it was obvious. "And not long ago, one of your kids over there… the plain looking one, he tried to beat me up with all his strength, you hear? And for whom do you think he mustered such touching acts of violence? Hmmm, 'hero?' 'Symbol of Peace?' Give me a break! You're nothing more than a bludgeon of oppression yourself! Violence-"

"Let me stop you there! This is the second time I've heard this this week! But you know, I've never started a fight without someone else threatening violence! The world will always need people like me who will end the fight before the innocent are hurt. You're just another madman that thinks 'fun' is something that involves hurting others!" All Might said with conviction.

Kai smiled. All Might had indeed gotten stronger in terms of both morals and morale.

"It's three on five," Todoroki said.

"And Kacchan exposed the shadow guy's weak point!" Deku said excitedly, though he grimaced with fear.

"These guys are outrageous, but if we give All Might some support, then we'll send them packing no problem!" Kirishima said, psyching himself up.

"NO!!! ESCAPE NOW!!" two voices shouted in unison. All Might and the others looked to the side, where they saw Tokoyami and Kai's changeling. Tokoyami had relayed Kai's words from the changeling.

"Kai says that you should 'get out unless you are All Might's level or expendable!'" Tokoyami shouted, reading off the changeling's arms.

"But-" Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima protested.

"All might, you've got blood… and you-"

"Thank you for your help, but sit back and watch a pro show you how it's done!!" All Might shouted. He turned and stared down Noumu, getting ready to fight harder than he had in years.

"Let's clear the game and return victorious!" Handy Manny yelled with excitement as he charged at Kirishima, the closest.

But before he could close the distance, the ground erupted, and Kai's roaches screamed back at him. They pushed the pale man back, threatening him with both their jaws and the claws that emerged from their shelled backs. One spat a thin stream of acid, which Handy Manny narrowly dodged, only losing a shoe in the process.

He jumped back, shocked at their sudden appearance. He tried to rush in to use his Quirk to disable one, but it rushed up to him in response, hissing and clawing. As he tried to think about how to deal with this sudden, new threat, he found his attention being drawn behind him, to the sound of roars and the rhythmic thunder of fists crashing into fists at sonic speeds.

All Might was fighting Noumu head-on, intent on overwhelming him. The pale man shouted at him, annoyed, now.

"I told you before, he has Shock Absorption! What do you think you're going to do against him?"

All Might took a moment before answering everyone's confusion. "It's 'Shock Absorption,' not 'Nullification!' It must have a limit! He was made to withstand my 100%? In that case, I'll just give more than 100%!"

Kai internally shook his head in awe. In just a few words, All Might had both shown the only intelligence-based feat Kai knew of, and his simplistic mind. That was the All Might way- if punching it doesn't work, just punch harder!

As he did so, blood started pouring out of his mouth. Still, All Might gritted his teeth into a crazed smile. His blows continued to be blocked by Noumu, but as the thunder continued, Noumu's arms started to crack and leak blood. Then, he started to slow. All Might's plan was working!

"A hero is someone who smashes through every obstacle life puts in his way! Do you know of what I speak, villain? PLUS ULTRAAAAAA!!!!!!"

With that final battle cry, All Might hit Noumu with an uppercut, sending him crashing through the roof and soaring into the sky!

Kai approved. Now, Noumu would come crashing down right back into USJ, without possibly injuring bystanders in the city.

Or worse, losing this interesting specimen.

Everyone else looked towards All Might in awe. He was in a cloud of dust that had been kicked up from his epic fight. Then the sound of coughing broke the cloud.

"I really have gotten weaker. In my heyday it would've taken five good punches, tops. That was more than 300! Now, villain, let's put an end to this dance of ours quickly, shall we?"

Kai's roaches roared their agreement and pressed towards the pale man.

"You cheated!!" he shouted with anger. He pushed forward towards All Might, not wanting to get closer to the alien threat behind him.

"Shigaraki Tomura, please calm yourself," Kurogiri replied. "If you look closely, you can clearly see the damage Noumu succeeded in dealing him."

Shigaraki Tomura! Was it really that hard for a villain to name himself? Ka was relieved that he didn't have to call him 'Handy Manny' anymore.

That was just a silly name.

"Reinforcements are certain to appear within mere minutes. However, if we combine our efforts…"

Not if I can do anything about it, Kai thought to himself.

The zerglings surrounded All Might, making sure the villains had no clear path toward him. Then the gumball baneling rolled in. It went right up to Shigaraki, stopping to right itself and hiss at him. He could see that it couldn't possibly claw at him and just reached over to kill it with his Quirk.

Then, its body swelled up. A second later it burst, sending viscous purple liquid everywhere.

All Might's body and those of his classmates were blocked by Kai's own units. Shigaraki and Kurogiri, being right next to it, weren't so lucky. Luckily for the latter, most of his body was dematerialized into the mist, so his true body wasn't stuck to anything.

"What the hell is with these things?" Shigaraki screamed. These creatures were unlike anything he had ever heard of. However, opening his mouth was a mistake, as the adhesive sealed into a bubble over his mouth. He reached his hand up to crumble off what had hit his face. His face itched.

Kai took this moment to press his advantage. With Kurogiri there, capture was unlikely. It was time to clean things up and send these last two packing. Half of the zerglings broke off of All Might's position to attack both Kurogiri and Shigaraki. But in the air, they were intercepted by Kurogiri's portals, and diverted. Undeterred, the zerglings turned on their heels and attacked again. This time, Shigaraki was ready for them.

What he was not ready for, however, was a bullet to his hand.

"So they finally arrived!" All Might said, relieved.

Two more shots rang out, as the other UA teachers announced their presence, as another did so.

"Class 1-A President Iida Tenya, reporting for duty!"

Shigaraki and Kurogiri gated away without another word.

Kai sighed with relief as Noumu crashed into the flood disaster zone a moment later.

It was over.

Dang. I really took too long of a break. This is currently my last completed chapter. Well, some of it was break, some was writer's block, so, I have a partial excuse.

Not an excuse I like, but an excuse nonetheless.

See you... when I see you....


Tvrkmcreators' thoughts
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