
Strength - Respect

Our event from last time garnered more people to be excited to participate the next time we hold another one, so we thought of a few things that everyone could have a chance to participate in. Not everyone would be able to have a full-on fight so the first event for today would test the participant's strength.

In short words, arm-wrestling.

Bing was the one to promote the event and we had 20 tables modified just for the occasion. The wooden pegs could be secured on each side of the table together with the padding where the arm-wrestler's elbows would be placed.

Five of the tables could be freely used to practice or have friendly matches, ten would be for the open bet category, and the last five would be used for the main arm-wrestling competition. Huge rewards and bragging rights could be acquired if they were crowned champion and the soldiers from Morales' side were fired up.

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