
Goals - Blue

My goal for today was to make 500 bullets each for the ones we would always use. It didn't necessarily mean that we would reload all of them in one go but keeping a few projectiles ready for the actual thing was also good because our stock of lead ingots was steadily increasing.

It was mainly because of our scavengers securing lead scrap and from the operation to clear the vehicles strewn about the roads.

Being able to cast a lot of projectiles needed a steady supply of lead scrap. It could come from any source and the wheel weights taken from the vehicles that were already unusable was one of them. Aside from those, I already had a hook-up from several ranges, boating scrapyards, junk shops, transfer stations, and etc. from before this shit started. Having a scanner of sorts helped with sorting them out from the usable ones to the unusable ones.

"Hey..." Rin approached me with a disgruntled expression.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I need a tip."

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