
Past - She's my sister.

Mr. Cuervo sighed heavily before pulling himself up the bar and sitting on it while his legs were dangling. He corked the bottle of alcohol and then the glasses we were drinking from earlier were pushed to the side.

"You know, what I got from doing what I had to do was not all positive like you said. I was never even in their inner circle because I'm not pure Mexican. I was just a fucking son of a puta." Mr. Cuervo was looking up at the ceiling.

"I started in the business young because first, I never knew better, and second, I didn't have a fucking choice. The only thing that put food on our table was doing that and that's all I knew. I had to be the one to work my ass off even at a young age because my madre was a fucking useless piece of shit. Even so, I never ran away. She's a useless piece of shit but she's still my madre." Mr. Cuervo shook his head reminiscing.

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