

I decided to put an advert in the personal columns of our local newspaper to tease my husband with. The ad went: "Attractive young mother, married to a wonderful, wonderful, hunky man, is VERY happy with life!"

I paid for the ad and then bought the paper on the day it came out. I then looked up the ad, circled it and gave it to Pete as he went to work, with instructions to read the said page. He went out with a rather quizzical look on his face.

Later that day I got a big bunch of flowers which said on the attached card, "To the attractive young mother from her wonderful, wonderful, hunky man!" I was thrilled!

When Pete came back from work I put my arms round him and told him how much the attractive young mother loved her wonderful, wonderful hunky man. I told him how much I loved the flowers and he told me how romantic he thought the ad was. Mind you, it didn't stop the hunky man saying when he looked in the office he'd just made me that his attractive wife would be in trouble if her office wasn't kept tidier! The look on his face as I stuck my tongue out at him told me things might get interesting when the children had gone to bed that evening!

After we had eaten, we got the children to bed and I went into the bedroom and replaced my work clothes with a short, sexy nightdress. I came out as Pete was settling into his paper, but he soon dropped it when he saw me!

I fluttered my eyelids and said, "So is my hunky man going to carry off his attractive young wife?"

Pete looked a bit taken aback, then said, "Certainly! Come here!"

He then grabbed me, slung me over his shoulder, and said, "I'll take you to my den!"

The "den" is the basement Pete has converted for various things, one of which is we can make love undisturbed. The position was undignified to say the least, but I realized I'd asked for it and played up by kicking with my legs as Pete carried me downstairs. It actually felt rather good!

Once down there he put me on the bed and descended on me. I pulled his clothes off and the lovemaking began in earnest. We took it quite slowly and enjoyed every moment of it. By the end we were both wildly aroused as Pete entered me and we climaxed together.

I lay in the arms of my wonderful, wonderful, hunky man, and felt VERY happy with life!


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