
Pirate Island

"Very well then," she said, formalities out of the way. "What do you need that your beast can't help you get?"

"I be after an old enemy captain of mine," said the short form. "They be holding me hands, wickedly taken from me due to a slight misunderstanding, arr."

"I don't mean to be pessimistic," said Tybalt, "but if this person's chopped your hands off, they're probably not going to be much good by now."

"I could always use a spare hand," said Cuthbert. "What?" he asked as everyone looked at him. "They wear out quickly, hands do."

"Oh, no, they be of use still," the diminutive pirate scowled, waving his sword around and nearly chopping Sprats head off. "Old Captain Blue 'Hands' Crazybeard keeps 'em for pets. Has a dozen o' them does Blue, all crawlin' around in boxes they be. Fair creeps a dwarf out it does."

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