
Chapter 2

I was plummeting straight for the ground, accelarating every second. I was frantically thinking of a way to escape the fate of a roadkill pancake when it struck me. Wait a minute... I can fly. Yes thats it...PAYBACK. This particular symbiote had the ability to fly and was also immune to high frequency sounds. One of my favourites and also the only symbiote that feeds of the hosts bliss.

I made Payback cover my whole body bluish purple liquid oozed from my back and formed an outer skin like suit around me. For a second I felt like the terminator villain with the liquid metal body. So this was full control over my symbiotes. I felt the rush of adrenaline and felt elated, surprisingly Payback responded to it. I thought I took away their identity, but seems like I did not take away their emotions. It was a stroke of luck as i could better synergize with it...no 'her'. I felt like Payback was a female for some reason.

I was getting closer to the ground with every ticking second. One kilometre from the ground....I felt something or someone was looking at me. 50 metres...40 metres...30 metres...10 metres, i willed myself to stop. I stopped just a metre of the ground. "PERFECT!!" I thought to myself.I was hovering in the air still and silent giving myself a look of nobility. I almost wanted to throw my head back and point my hand forward like Boa Hancock but I controlled my urges.

There was a still silence as I looked around me, S.H.I.E.L.D agents pointing their guns right at my head. Out of nowhere Iron-Man had flown in followed by War Machine rocket on their shoulders and arms ready to perforate me at the slightest hint of agression. Every man looking at me had a slight blush on their faces but apparently well trained not to show it outside. I looked at myself in the reflection of a car windsheild. GODDAMN WAS I HOT! Picking 'her' appearence was probably my most genius idea. My hair cut short with a steam-punk look, shaved head on one side allowing my hair to flow on the other side.

"Don't move. We do not want to hurt you. Can you understand me? If you can please tell us who and what you are. We do not want to fight." I spun my head around as i recognized the voice, but I turned around too fast and somone fired at me. BANG! it hit me and ricocheted off my skin.All the guns were cocked and ready to fire at me.

"CEASE FIRE! STAND DOWN!" I heard her shout.I turned to her again ignoring the fact that i was just shot in the face. I floated towards her, taking a better look at her cofirming her identity. Natasha Romanoff, aka- Natalie Rushman, and many other aliases no doubt, one of Earth's deadliest assasins, one of the most beautiful woman in my book. I came closer till I was mere inches of her face, my heart beating fast and strong, i placed my fingers on her porcelain like face, tracing her jawline mesmerized by her beauty. I could feel her tense as I was still looking at her face a small smile crept on mine. The S.H.I.E.L.D agents advanced, but were quickly signalled to back off by the Back Widow herself.

Then I suddenly did something that I wanted to do all my (previous) life. I kissed her, fully on her lips. my hand gently holding her face. I could see she was surprised at first but she held , neither leaning in nor pulling back from the kiss. I parted from her after a good 10 seconds, my chest heaving, my face revealed as the purple layer trickled off my face going back into the suit during the kiss. Smiling "I come in peace " i said making a sign with my right hand. The greeting hand sign of a certain VULCAN.

" 3.1415% of sailors are Pi-rates"?

mugen95creators' thoughts
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