

"Self-destructive manner..? What do you mean?" Eiro asked with a light frown. He had a rough idea what Merlin meant, but he wanted to make sure beforehand, "Of course I mean to teach your child to injure herself to heal others, you baffoon!" 

"...So you were one of the guys Solomon told about their skills?" Eiro sighed out deeply, before Merlin glared back, "Speak of his Maj-"

"Listen, I'm close friends with Solomon, he doesn't mind when I speak to him like this personally, so I'm not going to refer to him like that when he's not even here. Now, as for Clemenetine's skill. How much do you know about it?" Eiro asked. Merlin grumbled to himself, but slowly nodded his head.

"That she has the ability to put wounds of others onto herself to heal them. It is a dangerous ability, and the fact that you force her to use it daily is disgusting!" The Mage exclaimed, and Eiro rubbed the bridge of his nose. 

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