

"Oh?" Eiro asked as he just kept staring at the monk, who simply smiled at the Demon and nodded his head, "Yes, of course. There is no reason not to guide travelers in need if they require it." The Monk explained, and Eiro simply shrugged.

"Fine. I guess if we need to, then we'll take your help." Eiro told him, before the Monk slowly nodded his head and started showing the group the way to the single Inn in this small village.

On the way, Arc just looked at Eiro, seemingly feeling a little bit concerned, surprisingly, "You sure that's a good idea? We have no idea who that is, and didn't he say that there's something really strong sealed there? Isn't it-"

"Arc, don't worry." Eiro told him with a slight smirk underneath his mask and simply kept looking forward as they followed the monk. It didn't take them long to get to the Inn, and Eiro swiftly made his way inside so that he could pay for a room and a spot in the stables.

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