
Godly Resistance


"Papa! Weird men!" Cai Hong pointed at the three men that were still embedded halfway into the ground with several people trying to pull them out unsuccessfully.

I chuckled, "Weird men indeed. Where to next, Qilin?" I asked, patting the Qilin on its neck.

By now, I've already learned that the Qilin would guide me to the most interesting places without my input so I let it lead us instead.

The Qilin made a happy noise and started trotting down the street with us on its back, walking past those people from the Gou family without even sparing them a glance.

One of them tried to stop us from leaving but the Qilin merely kicked its back hoof out to smash against the guy's face, launching him up into the sky and disappearing with a sparkle.

It then rubbed its hoof against the ground as though wiping off a stain before continuing forward like nothing happened.

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