
Waking Up To Fantasy


The stars were pulsating now, mimicking my heartbeat.

I do not believe this is an event that is normal for Practitioners.

I mean... I have seen Practitioners who have a tree growing inside their Cultivation Point or even have some loli living inside of it, but I've never heard of an entire galaxy or universe inside a Practitioner's Cultivation Point.

Does this have to do with me absorbing Monster Crystals and forming my Cultivation Point earlier?

Is this only limited to me or does everyone also benefit from this?

Or is it just because of the specific Monster Crystals I absorbed?

So many questions, so little answers.

I should experiment on that when I get the chance.

Now I wonder what these stars are? The fact that they're pulsing in sync with my heartbeat is kind of disconcerting to be honest.

I reached my senses out towards those stars, which I'm not even sure if they are stars at this point.

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