
Story 2: Fight back. Chapter 99

Story 2: Fight back.

Chapter 99

In the bible, it was said that the creator made humans out of clay and breathed life into them.

And… Hyoyoung could believe it. She returned to school after 10 days and when she did, she could feel people staring at her.

The glares, the murmurs, the looks… all of it made her feel like she would disappear into dust.

A group of girls was chatting nearby.

"That's her?"

"OMG, she looks so average."

"I know! When I heard Purple M fell in love with her, I assumed that she would be gorgeous."

"Look at her! And her head is so big."

"And she is so short too! Why would Purple M fall for someone like her?"

"He must have strange tastes in women, or she must be blackmailing him."

"Didn't they say she was his sister?"

"What? So that means her current parents aren't her real parents?"

"Exactly. She was adopted, but unadopted soon after."

"OMG. So could it be that Purple M just felt bad for her? Maybe he felt guilty."

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