

A strong current pulls me down, causing me to smack the bottom of the rough rock bottom. My shoulder and head hit the rocks with a "Crack" causing me to cry out. I instantly snap my mouth shut to preserve my air but I just lost a huge amount of much-needed oxygen. 

I try to swim but at this moment, I have no idea which way is up! I keep getting pulled and pushed in the water as I tumble through the river. I try to use my powers to slow the water around me but nothing happens. 

I force myself to stop panicking and twists my legs forward, towards the water flow, and wait. As soon as I see a large rock, I quickly open my arms and legs as I smack right into it. More air is knocked out of me at the impact but at this point, I don't care. I've finally stopped spinning!! 

The water pounds against my back as I struggle to hold onto the large rock and wiggle my way up. When my head finally comes up out of the water, I suck in a huge gulp of air greedily. The water continues to pound against my back making me grit my teeth in pain as I try to look around.

The water hitting me from behind hits me in the face as soon as I look to the side so I quickly look forward and try my best to crawl up a little further but the further up I go, the harder it is to hold on. I look ahead of me and try to see something, anything! But all I can see is the fast-flowing rough water. 

My left shoulder screams in pain as I hold on for dear life but when I wiggle up a little further, I lose my grip. I try to take a deep breath but I don't get the chance before I pushed back under the water's surface. Damnit! I hit another rock right before I'm suddenly air-born! 

My arms flail around as I look around in shock. So it was a freaking waterfall!!! I knew it! That's why the water started flowing faster and got so rough! My stomach flips as I quickly look down. Shit! I take a few deep breaths before I twist around so that I hit the water feet first.

I straighten my legs, cross my arms over my chest and tuck my chin in as I hit the water. The water stings and my legs feel like they might snap but when my body sinks into the water in once piece, I know that I've survived. 

I quickly open my arms and legs as I try to swim back up to the surface. My whole left shoulder/arm was crying for mercy but I do my best to ignore it as I try to swim. Why does it feel like I've gone so deep!? I struggle to get to the surface as my heart beats painfully against my ribs.

As I reach the top, I inhale a huge breath of air and cry out. I blink away the water and look around in fear but when I see that it's somewhat calm, I sigh in relief. I look over to the right and do my best to swim over. Once the water becomes shallow enough, I try to stand up but I don't have the strength.  

I fall back down and grit my teeth in pain. I struggle to crawl over to the water's edge as I try to look around my surroundings. It's just a small clearing next to the water... everything else is covered in thick woods. 

At least I'm alone... As I reach the edge, I roll over and plop down on my back as I struggle to catch my breath. Holyshit... I can't believe I actually survived that. I look up at the bright blue sky with gratefulness and say "I missed you." 

I want nothing more than to close my eyes and rest but I know that I can't. I need to use this lead... I may not get another one. If they catch up to me after I just went through all that... I groan and slowly sit up while babying my left arm. 

As I sit up, I look around once more before looking down at my shoulder. The light blue dress was torn and bloody, making me sigh. I look around the surrounding woods with worry and say "This isn't a good time to be bleeding all over the place..." 

I reach up to the already torn sleeve and rip it completely off. I lift the cloth to my mouth and use my teeth to tear it into a few strips. I then do my best to wrap my shoulder and make a makeshift sling. I wonder if I can find a few herbs.

Suddenly, something drips into my left eye making it sting. I quickly lift my hand and wipe my eye but when I pull my hand back, I see bright red blood. "Well, shit..." I must have cut my head open when I hit the bottom...

I used more of my dress to wrap my head and climbed to my feet. Head wounds always tend to bleed a lot, even if they aren't bad. Luckily, my shoulder took most of the impact. I look around the woods with a look of despair. I have no idea where to go... 

I look back to the river with a frown and say "Should I just follow the river?" I quickly shake my head and dismiss the idea. If they were to come looking for me... they would probably check along the river first. I look back to the woods and cringe. 

"This should be a load of fun..." I say with a sigh and start walking. I need to get away from the river before they start looking. I hold my left arm close and stumble into the woods. I'll look for herbs as I go... hopefully I'll find something to help. 

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