
The Enderchild

After Twigo died Ender disposed of his body before making his way back.

Ender appeared back to the Sins as he heard that Diana's sacred treasure was in Vaizel they decided to make their way to the city to compete in the fighting festival where the price was Gideon, the sacred treasure of Diana.

Ender sat on a chair in the boar hat when Meliodas came to him.

"Ender are you going to fight?" asked Meliodas curiously as he saw his friend appearing again.

He was suspicious about the recent behavior Ender showed.

Teleporting randomly away and his behavior with Guila concerned him.

This question would confirm his hypothesis.

Ender shrugged.

"Sure. The festival sounds like it would be fun."

Meliodas nodded and left, but he got his answer.

This confirmed his theory.

Something was wrong with Ender and he would find out what.

Reaching the village, Meliodas, Ban, and King went into down while Diana and Elizabeth stayed behind.

Ender was a few steps into the wood when he accidentally stepped on something squishy.

Seeing a pinkish substance covering him, Ender turned around to see what he hit.

A small mushroom looking monster.

"It that a Chicken-Matango? Ha, I am immune to such magic," proclaimed Ender.

Unfortunately, the commandment had problems understanding the effect of the pink substance.

It felt magic being used but with no ill intent so seeing no harm being done it let it pass.

Remembering that a festival was going on Ender made his way there was not realizing that his body size began to change.

Coming closer to the arena, Ender took a cloak but realized that something was wrong.

The cloak was as too big or rather he was small.

Usually, his size was over most normal humans, but now something was different.

Ender didn't realize, but he was in the middle of the battleground when he helmet boy declared the battle royal and the fight started.

Seeing the fight staring Ender was happily waiting for the fools to attack him but due to his size, everyone completely ignored him as he was too small to even notice.

"Ah, somebody the same size as me," came a voice from behind.

Ender turned and looked at King.

"What do you mean the same size? Ia much bigger than you!" a child's voice came out of Ender's mouth.

"You are the same size as me. Here I show you."

Out of nowhere, King made a mirror appear and showed the reflection to Ender.

Ender took off the cloak and saw something he never saw before.

A small black figure reflected inside the mirror.

A child's version of Ender with a big head, large arms and big legs for a normal child was looking back at the original.

"What the hell? I look like an abomination.

How did this happen?

Wait, those mushrooms, but how? I swear by the Demon King I will destroy every one of those things," Ender said in a high-pitched voice.

"Oh my god, what is this voice?" shouted Ender as he heard his child voice.

King had his eyes widened as he looked closer at the small figure.

"Is that you Ender? You look so small."

King had to contain his laughter as he saw the funny figure that was Ender.

Meliodas who also had no one to fight came to King.

"Who is that small black stick? Looks like Ender had finally the guts to make a child with Melascula, but 99% of the genes came from Ender."

Ender got a few tick marks from embarrassment.

"IT IS ME YOU STUPID EXCUSE OF A CAPTIAN! And how dare you say I would look like my child.

I want to have a nice baby girl that got the features of my lovely Melascula.

I already know her name. I will call her Melany."

The high-pitched sound the small black stick produced as he rambled about his love life made the rest of the fighters close their ears.

Meliodas, as well as Ban and everyone who recognized Ender, started laughing.


Many people ran from Ender not wanting to have tinnitus while a big muscular guy was furious and attacked Ender with his fist.

"Shut your mouth, you small black stick," shouted the man.

Ender turned around with an angry look.


REFLECT: 3 Times."

Everyone watched as the big guys seemingly touch the small figure and flew out of the ring.

"Someone has to say something?" asked an annoyed Ender.

The others shook their heads.

The battle royal ended and the winners would fight against each other.

Diana (disguises) vs. Barrier Boy

Howser vs. Small Black Stick (Ender)

King vs. Danafor Soldier

Meliodas vs. Ban

The first fight was boring as Diana made the Barrier Boy fly away from the stadium.

The next fight was something new.

Ender never wanted to fight.

Usually, he avoided fighting at all, but something in his blood boiled.

Maybe it was because people made fun of him for being small, or maybe it was the same feeling he had in the land of the dead.

"Next fight, Small Black Stick vs. Howser."

Ender turned to the helmet boy.


The helmet boy nodded quickly and the match began.

"Are you sure you want to fight me, child? I am a holy knight?" asked Howser nicely but Ender heard the mocking tone as well as the world, child.

The one who was a child was the holy knight as his age couldn't be compared to Ender.

"I give you one chance to attack me. Use your best move. I will take it doing nothing."

The Sins just facepalmed.

"Ender's only true weapon is his mouth. He mastered his provocation perfectly," muttered King.

Howser shrugged.

"Sure kid, but I don't want to hurt you so I will make it a bit weaker.


A small typhoon came out of Howser's hand and was aimed at Ender's head.

It was rather small, but enough to kick a child out of the ring.

The Enderchild as he was not an Enderman anymore just stood still and everyone saw how the attack passed through Ender's head. The Sins looked at Ender curiously as they never saw this ability before.

"It is rare to see Ender use this ability," commented Meliodas.

"What do you mean captain? He could easily reflect the attack, but it looked like it passed right through him as if he was never there," commented Ban.

Meliodas nodded.

"The attack never hit because there was nothing to hit. I have seen Enderchild use this ability before when I was with him.

He explained that he can move parts of his body to another dimension making the attack pass right through him as he was never there.

He used it only when his other ability was not working and to make it like that something bad has to happen.

Once I was curious and asked him during his sleep where he got the idea from and he muttered something about Naruto, Obito, and Sharingan.

No idea what those things mean.

It is something he won't use casually, so why use it now?

Maybe he wanted to show off?"

The reason why Ender never used this technique was that at the moment Ender took deep breaths in and out.

'Note to myself. Don't recreate Sharingan abilities from the Naruto universe.

They drain too much energy.'

The others were curious about another thing.

How Ender could lose his protection as nobody knew about the commandment Ender possessed.

Seeing that looking cool was of no use, Enderchild just provoked Howser more.

"What was that? I did not even feel a thing. Now, come at me like a man, or are you a woman in a disguise?"

The provocation worked and a massive typhoon came at Ender.

"Too easy, Reflect X2."

The typhoon came back at Howser and blasted him out of the ring.

"The winner is small..."

"Call me Enderman," Ender said in his best manly voice but failed to the high-pitched voice.

"The winner is Enderchild."


As King could not use his weapon, he lost to the drunken old man.

The next fight was between Meliodas and Ban.

At first, Meliodas was winning, but Ban's ability robbed Meliodas of his strength.

As Ban hit Meliodas with all his power, Ender smiled as he saw the black mark appearing on Meliodas' head.

A sign that he was a demon.

Still, it was rather weak.

The next second Ban was out of the ring.

The other Sins felt something so they turned to Ender who was smiling.

"Ender, do you know what that black mark was?" asked Diana.

Ender shrugged.

"It was too fast for me to see, sorry."

Meliodas came back and the next fight made them forget about the strange occurrence.

"Captain, you should watch out when you show your demon power. Some people can see and feel the energy.

Others feel the bad vibe from it."

Meliodas glances at Ender.

"Don't worry, Enderchild. Nothing bad will happen."

Ender nodded.

The next fight should have been between Diana and Howser, but as Ender defeated the holy knight, he took his place.

Diana has a smile on her face and giggled as she glanced at Ender who frowned.

This was a match Ender couldn't win.

One downside of his commandment was that if people knew about it, then Ender was basically useless.

And provoking wouldn't work either.

"Please, Enderman. Go out the ring, and I will fulfill you one wish," Diana said with a smile.

Ender grumbled something but was pleased to hear her call him Enderman so he stepped out.

"Hold on to that wish. I will need it later," said Ender before stepping out of the ring.

Winner Diana.

Meliodas had a heartwarming reunion with an old man who was from Danafor.

"Ender, you are a demon so you would have lived a long time right?" asked Elizabeth.

Ender turned to her.

"What do you want to know?" asked Ender but without the child's voice.

"I heard from father it was the kingdom I was born in. Do you know what happened to it?"

Everyone looked at Ender, waiting for him to answer.

Ender sighed.

"A tragedy, that is what happened. I was there when the chaos happened."

"What possesses you to kill Liz?" shouted the voice of the Danafor knight and made the Sins look to the fight.

Nobody from the crowd but Ender understood who Liz was.

Elizabeth asked Diana to give her to Ender.

As Elizabeth was on Ender's shouted she whispers into his ear.

"Who is Liz?"

Ender froze.

"She...she was Meliodas' lover.

She died in Danafor during a demon attack. Only a few moments before you were born," explained Ender, not realizing that a small tear dropped onto the ground.

Sorry for the wait. I just didn't have the time to publish it.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Broxhitman1998creators' thoughts
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