
The whereabouts of ye Wushuang!

In the vast void, a huge bird the size of a small mountain flapped its wings and flew straight toward Tianhuang province, which was five thousand miles away.

Ye chen stood on the bird's back and looked around at the mountains and precipitous ridges that passed by him. He could not help but urge,"How much longer before we arrive?"

The reason why he was in such a hurry to head to Tianhuang province was because he had found out from Wei Yundi's soul search that ye Wushuang had appeared in Tianhuang province and was suspected to have been taken in by the county Lord.

When the other eight counties, including the sky demon County, received the news, they sent experts to the Tianhuang County to force the Lord of Tianhuang to hand over the person.

Hearing his words, the bird's speed came to a halt. It seemed to be revering as it said,"Master, we'll be there in two hours at most!"

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